I just called the missionaries...

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I have the opposite problem: I call them so much they hang up on me! LOL. They really cool and used to talking to lots of different people. I am supposed to go to a school in Alabama. I got the number 4 the missionaries down there and called them. I talked to them for like 5min and never met either of them; never even been in Alabama! All u got 2 do is say HI, they take it from there.

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Well, I'm glad that I'm not the only one ha

Well, I was babysitting when I called... so the first time, I just finsihed dialing the number, and I had to break up a fight. LOL

The second time, I kinda was in shock because, I wa like OH MY, it actually worked, someone actually picked up. Then I hung up...

The third time, I was like, "Okay, I'm going to call, but what, what am I calling for? What am I going to ask"... Then I hung up.


Before I call, I'll make sure I have something to ask. :)


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Don't worry about having something to say. Just call and let it all flow our of your soul. I called the Church in Salt Lake to get a free copy of the Book of Mormon and I hung up on them four times before I stayed on the phone to give them my address so they could send it to me.

I called the local ward and had them give my number to their missionaries. They called, I was not sure what I was going to say - I spent around seventeen minutes on the phone letting my heart out to the missionaries. After seventeen minutes he said he had to go so we said bye. I thought he was tired of talking to me but I've learned now that missionaries have a limit on the time they talk on the phone, plus limits on how much they can drive their car around. So, if they say they have to go it's because they really have to go. But please, give them a call back! They want to talk with you!

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Pink there is no way I am gonna ever admit to just how many times I called and hung up when I called the missionaries

Here, here! Thank God I finally just emailed them using mormon.org. Once you click 'send,' there's no going back! If you lack the courage, feel free to use that method...it worked for me!

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When I first contacted the Church, I requested a book of Mormon on the website and for them to have a missionary come visit me. A missionary called me up about 2 weeks later and told me the nearest missionary was 600 miles away but he'd happily send me some materials and call me up after I got them.

I got the stuff and two days later he called me up. I told him, I was still reviewing them. Two days later I lost the sim card in my phone(I changed between two of them often). A few days later I started reading the book of Mormon and then proceeded to the Gospel Princples book he sent to me. My family watched the Restoration video many times. I knew that the Church was true and I waited two years before actually meeting up with a missionary(after moving to a new country).

I am certain to this day that Elder Enz(sp?) believes without a doubt that I blew him off and wasn't interested. But then again, maybe he doesn't.

When you get up the courage, talk to the missionaries. It's a life changing experience. I know there is a lot of fear in the unknown, but the truth is that calling the missionaries is the beginning of your trip back to your family.

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and then I hung up....

3 times.


Hahahahaha!!!!! That reminds me of the time I was trying to get the courage to call a boy I liked. I would dial six of his numbers and hang up. Then I finally dialed all 7 numbers and had the most nervous conversation of my life. I almost hung up, which I could've, because that was in the olden days *cue old lady voice* before we had *69 or caller ID and we liked it! We could prank call people all we wanted! :D

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I have the opposite problem: I call them so much they hang up on me! LOL. They really cool and used to talking to lots of different people. I am supposed to go to a school in Alabama. I got the number 4 the missionaries down there and called them. I talked to them for like 5min and never met either of them; never even been in Alabama! All u got 2 do is say HI, they take it from there.

Where in Alabama? I lived in Montgomery for almost 17 years - right in the middle of the Alabama/Auburn battles!

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Here, here! Thank God I finally just emailed them using mormon.org. Once you click 'send,' there's no going back! If you lack the courage, feel free to use that method...it worked for me!

haha I've chatted on mormon.org as well. But I thought that maybe it would be neat to actually "talk" with someone rather than type. LOL

I like the chat option on mormon.org


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I just got off the phone with "Kyle" well I think that was his name. He sounded a teeny tiny bit nervous, I was nervous too, I'm glad that I did it. I did not have a question that I wanted to ask, I just blerted out "how do I know that the Church is right for me?" then we started talking. He mostly said things that I already knew from people that I asked questions to on lds.net but it was nice to hear the answers from a voice.


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Ask if someone could come and babtize you.... :itwasntme:

You are sweet Pinky! I never hung up on the missionaries... In fact I dont knowif I ever called them...except now 30 years later every now and then arranging meals or teachings....

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Don't worry about having questions -- I didn't. I thought that if I had the missionaries come I needed to have a bunch of questions for them to answer. They always asked after the end of a lesson if I had any questions. I would tell them, not now but maybe after thinking about what you've said, I will. They told me to write down the questions and we would go over them when they came back. Now this is the strange part of my experience -- after they would leave and I would ponder what they said, I would come up with many questions. After reading the scriptures that they assigned and prayed, I would go to bed. The next morning I would get up and the questions seemed answered. I can't really explain how. When the missionaries would come back the next time, they asked, did I have any questions. I told them I did, but I got my answers. They asked how I knew that my questions were answered -- because I no longer have questions. It was a strange experience, but very spiritual.

Meet with the missionaries -- whether you decide to be baptized now or not it will be a wonderful experience. God Bless!

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