Mormons Are CIA Agents?


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Moscow, August 21, Interfax - President of the Russian Association of Centers for Religious and Sectarian Studies Professor Alexander Dvorkin is concerned with Mormon activities in the Russian Federation.

"We have been informed that American Mormon missionaries were detained on the territory of secret military facilities more than once. They are accused of having CIA connections, and it is reasonable," he is quoted as saying by the Komsomolskaya Pravda daily on Thursday.

According to the professor, Mormons have commercial interest: "they actively buy fishing industry."

Dvorkin called this sect "a rich transnational corporation."

"They always need people for "tithe" - a tenth part of income paid as a compulsory contribution to the sect. According to the experts, today Mormon's tithe makes one third of their income," he stated.

As Dvorkin said earlier, there are over 80 big sects active in more than half Russian regions. He thinks, minor sects numbers "in thousands."

Is it only missionaries who are CIA agents? What about all American Mormon missionaries? As an American Mormon in a foreign country, who do I contact in the church to ensure that I am receiving my stipend from the CIA? How much should I be getting? When I am sending back intelligence, who do I give the intelligence to? Should I contact the Mission President? :D

Do you think Mr Dvorkin could give me the answers to those questions? He sure seems to have many other answers to ridiculous questions.

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Oh, Dvorkin doesn't know the half of it. There are also mormons behind the alien abductions and cattle mutilations. In fact, my uncle-in-law was there in the '80's when they abducted Dvorkin and implanted a chip that makes him sing "I'm a little teapot" whenever I push this button: [pushpushpushpush]!

Ahh, good times.


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Don't tell that to the elders. The fact that they wear black shoes is proof that they are still using shoe phones. See, according to recent research, black leather continues to offer the highest quality signal transmission properties of any material. The use of the black shoe phones means better range with much more clarity than even the highest tech regular phones.

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