Steps toward sanctity, I'm new


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I always wonder what exactly to type in a introduction on a web forum, so if my thoughts seem random you'll know why. :D I'm a convert to the church of nearly four years. My main reason for joining this forum is to aid in overcoming an addiction. I grew up in an environment where chastity was mentioned next to never. It was never taught to me, and while I mention this I only do so to illustrate that many of the tools and teachings found in the church were new to me. As you have probably guessed, my addiction is to pornography, and I feel ashamed even mentioning it. My desires are righteous, but as a wiser person than I once said, "Good intentions paved the road to Hell." I want to be more than a man in desire only, to truly be a man of Christ with all the blessings commensurate with diligent, faithful living. Why I cannot carry through with these thoughts, I do not know, but I'll readily make use of good help, as the Lord gives. These snares must be overcome, and they will be... somehow. I realized today, that my mindset has always been that "I can overcome this, my will alone is strong enough." This is not in harmony with divine law; my pride must be removed and only One can grant this unto me. Anyway, that's probably a long enough intro. post. lol Take care all.

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Welcome to the site. As RainofGold are not alone in this. Many have come to this site with the same addiction and have great support. I hope you find it here as well.

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I always wonder what exactly to type in a introduction on a web forum, so if my thoughts seem random you'll know why. :D I'm a convert to the church of nearly four years. My main reason for joining this forum is to aid in overcoming an addiction. I grew up in an environment where chastity was mentioned next to never. It was never taught to me, and while I mention this I only do so to illustrate that many of the tools and teachings found in the church were new to me. As you have probably guessed, my addiction is to pornography, and I feel ashamed even mentioning it. My desires are righteous, but as a wiser person than I once said, "Good intentions paved the road to Hell." I want to be more than a man in desire only, to truly be a man of Christ with all the blessings commensurate with diligent, faithful living. Why I cannot carry through with these thoughts, I do not know, but I'll readily make use of good help, as the Lord gives. These snares must be overcome, and they will be... somehow. I realized today, that my mindset has always been that "I can overcome this, my will alone is strong enough." This is not in harmony with divine law; my pride must be removed and only One can grant this unto me. Anyway, that's probably a long enough intro. post. lol Take care all.

What a wonderful desire....welcome to the forum and hopefully we can all worked to together to seek the same.

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I always wonder what exactly to type in a introduction on a web forum, so if my thoughts seem random you'll know why. :D I'm a convert to the church of nearly four years. My main reason for joining this forum is to aid in overcoming an addiction. I grew up in an environment where chastity was mentioned next to never. It was never taught to me, and while I mention this I only do so to illustrate that many of the tools and teachings found in the church were new to me. As you have probably guessed, my addiction is to pornography, and I feel ashamed even mentioning it. My desires are righteous, but as a wiser person than I once said, "Good intentions paved the road to Hell." I want to be more than a man in desire only, to truly be a man of Christ with all the blessings commensurate with diligent, faithful living. Why I cannot carry through with these thoughts, I do not know, but I'll readily make use of good help, as the Lord gives. These snares must be overcome, and they will be... somehow. I realized today, that my mindset has always been that "I can overcome this, my will alone is strong enough." This is not in harmony with divine law; my pride must be removed and only One can grant this unto me. Anyway, that's probably a long enough intro. post. lol Take care all.

Welcome to the forums.

We're all fallen mortals here. All in need of a Savior! We only differ in what ails us!!

I have also struggled with masturbation and pornography, for over 20 years. The only thing that has gradually brought me sanity and healing has been my Lord, Jesus Christ. We must enter into that covenant relationship with Him, so he can heal us.

There are TONS of resources online. One 12 step program that I have been involved in for several years now is:

Heart t' Heart :: Index

There need not be any shame in struggling with pornography or any other addiction. We are here to encounter and overcome these things. The only shame would be if you never found your Savior and began to receive His healing.

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