Woohoo! Finally I can post this!


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Yesturday I hit 14 weeks, and am therefore out of the first trimester and can "go public"! :lol: We are expecting kiddo #3! (or kiddo #last, as I like to call him/her, as this is our last one, we're pretty sure) My due date is 03/06/09, which I just think is the coolest due date ever! :P Besides being mathematically awesome, it's also the day before my birthday!

Just wanted to share. :D

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Besides being mathematically awesome, it's also the day before my birthday! :D


My son was born a day before my birthday, so of course once he was born we no longer celebrated mine. The cool thing is that I brought him home on my birthday so I always tell him that he is my best birthday present ever.

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Congratulations Jenamarie!!

My daughter was born in March; when she was about 2 and visiting the pediatrician he came in while she was looking at a book and he said: "Did I ever tell you that the most intelligent people are born in March?" It's a good month to be born! :)


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Thank you every one! I am really so so excited! It's been hard holding it in! :lol:

Congrats!! why go public after 14 weeks? did you have some problems? Make sure you don't have to SHARE your birthday with the wee one as they will grow up and won't wanna share! :) Ask my Sister, She was born the day before my Mom's birthday! :)

I waited because most miscarriages occur during the first trimester (which ends at 14 weeks gestation) and I didn't want to have to go through "un-telling" people if that ended up happening to me. I did have some complications early on that certainly *looked* like I was heading for a m/c but thankfully the baby is fine and dandy and growing away. :)

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congratulations jenamarie! How exciting for your little family! I think three is a good number of kids to have...although I certainly could have had 2 or 3 more, my husband said no more! lol! I'm glad you made it out of the first trimester successfully! good luck with the other two and the ever impossible "9th" month which is really more like an eon, right?! :)

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