Halloween Candy!


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To answer my own questions. :lol:

What did you LOVE to get in your Trick or Treat bag as a kid?

Mounds, Hershey bars, and 3 Musketeers

What did you HATE to get in your T'o'T bag as a kid?

Those "Mary Jane" candies that came in the orange wax paper wrappers. Yuck.

What are you planning to give out to T'o'T'ers this Halloween?

Hopefully a mix of chocolate (KitKats, Hershey bars, Snickers, etc.), Twizzlers, and either mini cans of play-dough or Teddy Grahms crackers for the toddlers and teens. :D

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I loved bit o' honey and hershey's miniatures....

here's one of my favorite memories of Halloween.... my oldest brother is 10 years older than me, so by the time I was 5 or 6 he was too old to go trick or treating. When I would get home, we would dump my pillowcase full of candy on the floor and go through it piece by piece playing "yay or nay". If I said yay he could have it, nay it was mine!! haha!

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What did I love? Anything chocolate (the good stuff, not the generic kind).

I actually don't have kids come to my house for Halloween--ok, let me clarify--I get about 5 kids (literally, I counted one year).

So instead I dress up for work and get the good stuff to pass out (we trick or treat at work). I'm struggling to think of a costume this year. Last year, I went as a nudist on strike.

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What did I love? Anything chocolate (the good stuff, not the generic kind).

I actually don't have kids come to my house for Halloween--ok, let me clarify--I get about 5 kids (literally, I counted one year).

So instead I dress up for work and get the good stuff to pass out (we trick or treat at work). I'm struggling to think of a costume this year. Last year, I went as a nudist on strike.


Last year I bought a blue dress from a thrift store, and some devil horns and red fish net stockings from Hot Topic and was a Devil in a Blue Dress.

That's so cool you get to trick or treat at work!

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What did I love? Anything chocolate (the good stuff, not the generic kind).

I actually don't have kids come to my house for Halloween--ok, let me clarify--I get about 5 kids (literally, I counted one year).

So instead I dress up for work and get the good stuff to pass out (we trick or treat at work). I'm struggling to think of a costume this year. Last year, I went as a nudist on strike.

Nudist on strike. That's awesome. That's what I'll say I am when I go to my friend's annual Halloween party and I don't dress up. Thanks for the idea.

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What did you LOVE to get in your Trick or Treat bag as a kid?

Genuine Candy Bars (which cost a whole nickel back then).

What did you HATE to get in your T'o'T bag as a kid?

Apples, since most of them were wormy and came off of the trees in the orchard.

What are you planning to give out to T'o'T'ers this Halloween?

Toothbrushes and a lecture on dental hygiene. Actually, no kids come to my door on Halloween. Too scary.

Speaking of costumes, the only H'ween parties I've been to lately are Utah Naturist parties. You can do a lot more when you're a nudist. One year I wore a little apron made up of bubble wrap and went as "A Nudist on Television."

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What did you LOVE to get in your Trick or Treat bag as a kid?

Back in the late 50's and most of the 60's it was pretty safe to go trick & treating. I lived in Ballard in Seattle. We were allowed to go two blocks away in all directions. I loved the popcorn balls, candied and/or caramel apples, brownies, home made fudge. Also loved the bubble gum. There wasn't much store bought candy back then. Commercialism hadn't really embraced Halloween. In the late 60's when I was a teen, and the two youngest sibs were wanting to be out trick&treating, the neighborhood moms got together and decided they would hold a neighborhood Halloween party.

The kids hit the homes on the blocks where all the parents had agreed to have a neighborhood party. They took their loot home, and then went to the house that was hosting the party.

There we had games to play, apples to dunk for, made popcorn balls, taffy, candied/caramel apples. We had sandwiches and apple juice too. We went home at 10PM. I only participated for two years before I graduated High School and moved away.

But I sure missed it. I preferred the Halloween party to trudging all over the neighborhood.

What did you HATE to get in your T'o'T bag as a kid?

I hate those corn candies. Brach's Candied Corn - or anything similar. YUCK- might as well eat super sugared wax.

What are you planning to give out to T'o'T'ers this Halloween?

We don't get any kids out where we live. Which suits me just fine.

When those pass along cards first came out, I gave them out along with the candy. That was just the one year I lived in town. Since then my homes have been out in the boonies.

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