Embryo Donation...


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...however there is a lot there that is hard fast rules. rules that do not need to be made public but do need to be followed. i find it ironc how much some ppl like to downplay the importance of advice from the lord's divinly appointed leaders.

Okay, guess I just think that the handbook is a general guideline. Sometimes it can be used to contradict prophets (if interpreted wrong which many people do) and so I would not advise using it instead of prayerful investigation of an issue as well as weighing the costs and benefits. ALso, if it were all that important then one could say that it's unfair for us to have something that needs to be followed and not make it available to the general LDS public.

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Okay, guess I just think that the handbook is a general guideline. Sometimes it can be used to contradict prophets (if interpreted wrong which many people do) and so I would not advise using it instead of prayerful investigation of an issue as well as weighing the costs and benefits. ALso, if it were all that important then one could say that it's unfair for us to have something that needs to be followed and not make it available to the general LDS public.

If I were in this position myself, I would counsel, pray, and fast with my husband. Then together, we would go see the Bishop, who is entitled to receive revelation for those under his stewardship. I wouldn't ask him to consult the Church Handbook of Instructions. I would ask him to consult the Lord and see if He had any counsel for us that we did not receive directly.

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Guest SisterofJared

Interesting thing about the Handbook.

It isn't instruction for the members. It's instruction for the bishop, what he should tell the members IF they come for guidance.

It's not like a rule book.... we get those in a temple recommend interview.

And while a bishop can be a great blessing, nothing replaces good old personal revelation. Remember what the Lord told the Brother of Jared.... it's obvious that it's important for us to do our own praying, get our own answers. After praying, and making a decision, if you don't feel the confirmation of the Holy Ghost, then perhaps that would be a time to talk to the Bishop. But if we pray and recieve an answer and feel the Holy Ghost confirm it to us, we need to act on that.

By the way, momof5, I used to teach seminary.... one of my former students is a dear young woman who has been trying to conceive for a few years now. I would be happy to ask her if she is interested.

Having children is the sweetest and most rewarding part of earth life. I hate for anyone to miss it. I think donating these embryo's, or -re-embryos is a wonderful way to give joy to many people.

Sister of Jared

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You all write a lot in just a few days! I thank you all for our input. It does help to get other opinions. So my husband and I went to see our Bishop today because this was something weighing on our minds. He read us out of the handbook that is strictly for stake pres, bishops and gen. authorities. There is nothing about IVF other than saying that using antoher man's sperm is not approved and is disiplinary if you go through with it. We used our own eggs and sperm so that doesn't apply to us. Then he went on and read about sperm donation (not allowed), Surrogacy (not allowed) and abortion (not allowed) after he read about that to us he counciled us on what he thought we should do. He did say that we need to look at donation as a form of surrogacy and NOT adoption. He does have a medical background by the way and said that since a woman naturally gets rid of fertilized eggs on it's own (which is why they implant more than one embryo at a time) that destroying them would be the same as it happening naturally. He also said that no one knows when the spirit enters the body. Then he also said that as far as donation to medical research would be the same as donation of your organs after you die. He said it was a personal decision. My concern with the whole destroying the embryos would be abortion and he assured that it was not. With all of this in mind we have decided to wait and keep them frozen until we are POSITIVE that we don't want any more children. The retrieval process was HORRIBLE! Thanks so much for your comments. They have helped a lot.

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I am gonna go out on a limb here and say that from what I have heard it isn't a sin per se, but it is discouraged. For myself I can imagine why. If my wife could conceive but I couldn't I would be extremely jealous knowing that her DNA was being passed on but mine wasn't. I think maybe that is why the church has taken this stance.

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Surrogacy (not allowed)

I'm not questioning your information at all.

I am just wondering why a surrogate cannot be used if the parents' egg and sperm are used, as in a case where the mother cannot carry a child to full term.

and abortion (not allowed)

Just a clarification: The Church does make exceptions for rape, incest, or the health of the mother.


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Life begins when the egg is fertilized.

Abortion is murder. I'm pretty sure it is a sin to kill.

God has a plan for everyone period.

Are you saying ALL abortion is murder? No matter the circumstances? You wouldn't respond on another thread on the subject...so why bring it up here again?

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