Something from my past to deal with


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I thought I would post this on here because I need advice regarding a situation that has come up. As most of you that have read my posts on MADB know, prior to converting to Mormonism I was "behind the scenes" in some mainstream protestant ministries/denominations and went to a Bible college for 2 years that was ran by one denomination. This organization labels itself as Christian but is a very authoritarian, controlling, cult-like organization. (If people try to say LDS is a cult, they've never seen this place, I've said it before, but trust me...) Anyway, as I've said before, I went through a very dark period in my life when I was with this organization, and my life was nearly ruined. I was threatened by them physically, and legally when they threatened to turn me in for crimes I didn't commit if I didn't "keep my mouth shut" about things going on there. It was the worst 2 years of my life.

They teach a watered-down quasi-reformed protestant message with a Jehovah Witness-type authoritarian stance where the church takes over all of your life. They combine this with L. Ron Hubbard type counseling called a "restoration process" where you must meet with counselors in the church to purge yourself of your sins and be restored to fellowship. Members found to be in sin are to be shunne by all members until repentant. Members must sign a "Lisa clause" saying the church can't be sued if you commit suicide or are injured, since they were sued twice already for wrongful death when members committed suicide. This ministry also denies the atonement, saying the blood of Christ was not necessary, and that simply making Christ "Lord" of one's life is sufficient to save you, which is done by doing good works as defined by the church. (This last part about the atonement is actually witheld from literature and new converts.)

Well, it was 12 years ago this all happened, but right after it happened I wrote my story down of what happened in this ministry and sent it around to various Christian denominations. I figured if they could help one person out of this cult, or keep them from joining, that it would all be worth it. Now, one organization I sent this paper to is contacting me wanting to publish my story. They are a "free grace" organization but they think that it will help the Christian community in general to expose this organization and keep them from hurting anyone else.

They are very clever in lurring in new students to their Bible college (who ultimately get converted to the church) and new members to their church, which has about 10,000 members locally and has a worldwide following via subscription to the taped messages and publications. The graduates (that major in theology) go on to take positions in other protestant churches to gradually introduce the organizations doctrines. I noticed this actually when I went on to work as an executive in a major protestant denomination.

What happened to me there is a long story, but I would like to see some good came out of what I went through. However, I would be helping a non-LDS organization in the process. So, any advice you guys could give me I would appreciate it. Should I let them publish it? They say they will change names. I think good could come out of it and God may use it to lead people closer to the truth. I've forgiven them but I think it would be wrong for me to let them keep hurting people. Any thoughts?

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I think if we can save others from future hurts by exposing our past ones it is for the common good. Just be careful before it is published. Really do a lot of checking as to how your story will be used and to what it will be posted as. The other church may also make use of your story to their objectives. Pray and see how you feel about it. Also check with your Bishop, he may have connections for you as to how to protect yourself. Take Care.

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You need to be sure that they could not sue you for your story. If you signed papers to some degree, you need to make sure of what you signed.

BUT........ anytime you are doing good you are furthering the cause of Christ. Now, who is in charge of this bogus Christian organization? is it Christ? If not, then who? We are to be involved in going about and doing good. Would it be good to help someone from being deceived by the cunning wiles of the adversary?

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I can't say that I know what the right thing is for you in this case. I know there is value in standing for the truth wherever you may be. If you feel that telling the truth about your story will help people, then perhaps you should be honest about your experience.

I really don't know enough about the organization that your feel harmed you and the one you will be helping. I think that TomK is absolutely right. Counsel with the Lord, and follow the dictates of the Spirit.

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Christ didn't just help people that were of his own faith. Christ loves all, wants to help all. If you see somebody on a train track you aren't going to ask them what religion they are before you tell them a train is coming.

I can tell you have given this much though. This isn’t about helping another religion, its helping others realize the danger they don’t see.

If you feel everything is in proper order (and publishing this isn’t going to hurt people) then I say go for it!

We need more people to stand up for what we know is right!

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First of all, I'm so glad you found our faith, dear brother! I'm so sorry to hear of your mistreatment.

Your thoughts and intents are in the right place, and I second what tubaloth said. Sharing the truth and coupling your efforts with others who seek truth is most excellent. Just follow the Spirit and keep going onward. ^__^ My admiration, thoughts and prayers are with you.

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I'm a big fan of truth. If there is a couple of pages of truth out there, what does it matter if a non-LDS organization wishes to publish it? Of course, if you think they might take something out of context, display a lack of charity, if you think the people that wish to publish your story have some sort of agenda you disagree with, you might be well-served to have 2nd thoughts.

A good notion to live by: Eventually, everything you've ever said or written, will be made available to everyone impacted by them. This will happen before the judgement bar of God. I advocate the notion that if you wouldn't say it in front of the person you're talking about, you shouldn't be saying it at all.

Happy choosing!


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like the others i don't have an answer for you... just some thoughts to consider.

i agree with the point to protect yourself and make sure the organization you are speaking against can't sue you.

also as mentioned make sure the organization you are working with is going to use it as promised and in the entirety that you write it as, no editing. i suggest you talk to a lawyer to make sure all the legal details are covered, then if the "helping" organization misrepresents you you know you can undo the wrong. get things in writing, make it legal.

other thoughts....

check out the organization you would be working with, if they are anti you could be putting your standing in the church at risk.

can you add to your story (when you insist it be printed as you write it) to add what happened later, the finding the church and share your testimony of finding the gospel? then when they do use it you will not only be helping those that may be deceived but you will be sharing the gospel. and if the helping group is anti they will not use it as legally required cause they won't want to print positive about the church.

i strongly suggest counseling with the bishop.

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You might consider publishing your story here, on your personal page, and then granting this free-grace group permission to publish it, so long as they include the the text unchanged, and give credit ([email protected]). So often, I wish I could print stuff off the internet, and give it to inmates to study, but the site owners do not explicitly grant distribution rights (non-profit), so I can't. I'm always pleased when the copyright section says, "Permission is granted to publish or distribute, so long as full-credit is given, the content is unchanged, and there is no charge for the material."

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Thanks to everyone that has posted on here about this. After reading these posts I think I have decided to consult with my bishop and maybe if there is a lawyer in the ward I might give him a copy of the manuscript and ask him what I need to look out for.

I agree that the truth needs to be told so people can be informed and free to choose for themselves, without basing that choice on deception.

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I have not read all of the replies but my first response would be are we not all Heavenly Father's children. The christian, the muslam, the jew and even the athiest?

Just because someone is not a member of His Church does not mean He does not care about them and love them any less than He does any one else.

And who knows, maybe the ones you help get out or never get caught will take a look at your life a little deeper and find out more about Heavenly Father any ways. It could be a very good missionary opportunity at best and at least you could save some precous soul the horror it sounds like you endured.

We are given our experiences in this life to overcome them and to use that experience to help others, not just members but all of God's children.

If you need further guidance on making that decision take it to Heavenly Father and ask Him.

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