"No God" Slogans for city buses in the UK


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ironically it was the introduction of the National Lottery that allowed this to happen along with the occasional MormonAD we now get on Freeview.

For some reason the same legilslation that banned rollover jackpots also banned advertising on TV for gambling organisations and Religious Advertsing. When it was repealed to allow the roll over jackpot religions could advertise like this.


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I love Dawky, he says enjoy life yet he wastes his time trying to disprove something he dosnt believe exists. Loser. Also he complains that religion makes people hate each other religios and non religous (talk about sterotypic-i didnt spell that right did i?) yet hes creating hate towards religious people. I think these buses are just a way of promotiong his own name.Hes a bit egotistic aint he?

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I love Dawky, he says enjoy life yet he wastes his time trying to disprove something he dosnt believe exists. Loser. Also he complains that religion makes people hate each other religios and non religous (talk about sterotypic-i didnt spell that right did i?) yet hes creating hate towards religious people. I think these buses are just a way of promotiong his own name.Hes a bit egotistic aint he?

It's the ultimate and inevitable goal of science.. to prove that God does or does not exist. He's a scientist.. so of course that's his holy grail.

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I love Dawky, he says enjoy life yet he wastes his time trying to disprove something he dosnt believe exists. Loser. Also he complains that religion makes people hate each other religios and non religous (talk about sterotypic-i didnt spell that right did i?) yet hes creating hate towards religious people. I think these buses are just a way of promotiong his own name.Hes a bit egotistic aint he?

How are the buses a way of promoting his own name? They don't have his name on them anywhere. How is it any more egotistical or hate inspiring for him to put his religious opinion on a bus than it is for a Christian to put their religious opinion on a bus?

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How are the buses a way of promoting his own name? They don't have his name on them anywhere. How is it any more egotistical or hate inspiring for him to put his religious opinion on a bus than it is for a Christian to put their religious opinion on a bus?

Because its gettin his name into the news, thats why were talkin about it now. BUT i agree Christians shouldnt have started it in the first place, but he could have easily just taken them off, all this "theres probably no god" thing is very unnecassary, and all that money for it, they should have givin it to charity.

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It's the ultimate and inevitable goal of science.. to prove that God does or does not exist. He's a scientist.. so of course that's his holy grail.

The goal of science is to better understand the world around us and use that knowledge to our advantage. I don't know of any scientists that seek to prove or disprove God (Dawkins included). Dawkins himself would probably tell you that there is no way to disprove the existence of God, but there are also millions of myths that there are no way to disprove.

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Because its gettin his name into the news, thats why were talkin about it now. BUT i agree Christians shouldnt have started it in the first place, but he could have easily just taken them off, all this "theres probably no god" thing is very unnecassary, and all that money for it, they should have givin it to charity.

I agree with Dawkins, but I don't particularly like him. To some extent I think this is a publicity stunt to sell more books, but I also think that Dawkins believes he is helping spread the truth and is attempting a public service. I think that to ridicule him for it is just as rude as ridiculing missionaries who honestly want to spread what they believe is the truth as well.

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from the article..... The complete slogan reads: "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."

my first thought when i read it..... 2 nephi 28:7 Yea, and there shall be many which shall say: aEat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die; and it shall be well with us.

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I agree with Dawkins, but I don't particularly like him. To some extent I think this is a publicity stunt to sell more books, but I also think that Dawkins believes he is helping spread the truth and is attempting a public service. I think that to ridicule him for it is just as rude as ridiculing missionaries who honestly want to spread what they believe is the truth as well.

This is why i dont go on forums much, i always word things wrong :/. I do believe the christians were way out of line and are more to blame than Dawkins is. The thing is isnt givin money to under priverledged people more important? What gets on my nerves about him is he dosent respect other religions. Just says there all ficton.

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This is why i dont go on forums much, i always word things wrong :/. I do believe the christians were way out of line and are more to blame than Dawkins is. The thing is isnt givin money to under priverledged people more important? What gets on my nerves about him is he dosent respect other religions. Just says there all ficton.

And isn't giving money to underprivileged people also more important than those LDS commercials I've seen on TV?

I'm not trying to start an argument, but it gets on my nerves when everyone gets outraged and up in arms about anyone promoting atheism, but no one cares about other religious viewpoints being promoted or advertised or actively seeking new members.

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And isn't giving money to underprivileged people also more important than those LDS commercials I've seen on TV?

I'm not trying to start an argument, but it gets on my nerves when everyone gets outraged and up in arms about anyone promoting atheism, but no one cares about other religious viewpoints being promoted or advertised or actively seeking new members.

Article of Faith: "We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may."

Agency is the most fundamental concept of our existence here. It isn't OUR place to inhibit anyone else's agency. Rather, any efforts made should be loving persuasion... (or in my case - supreme indifference)...

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Article of Faith: "We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may."

Agency is the most fundamental concept of our existence here. It isn't OUR place to inhibit anyone else's agency. Rather, any efforts made should be loving persuasion... (or in my case - supreme indifference)...

I agree completely.

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I don't think speaking out and voting according to the dictates of our concience is inhibiting anyones agency. Now if we didn't allow they them same privledge or a vote it would be different.

Quite right. The implication was made, however, that we tend to climax towards civil unrest in our vociferous cries of alarm, while expecting no such resistance against our crusades...

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And isn't giving money to underprivileged people also more important than those LDS commercials I've seen on TV?

I'm not trying to start an argument, but it gets on my nerves when everyone gets outraged and up in arms about anyone promoting atheism, but no one cares about other religious viewpoints being promoted or advertised or actively seeking new members.

Sorry, in england we dont have religious adverts, so i didnt know =P. My apoligises.

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