Are you a racist!!


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What is racism? Are you a racist if you dislike a certain group of people because of the color of there skin? Because of there culture? Can you dislike certain races and not be racist? What if you don't want your son or daughter to date or marry outside of your that racism? What if a sterotype is mostly true and you judge a race because the majority of that race seems to be that that racism? Can you be a minority race and be considered a racist? Is racism dead in America? Does Obama transcend race? Is the term racist or racism overused? Used primarily as a political wedge to divide? Are you a racist by any definition? Be honest...:) Edited by bytor2112
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Well, I don't choose to dissect my behavior with labels like that. I try to be loving and accepting of people different than myself. Sometimes I stumble because I don't like some thing or some tradition. But, I do try to get to know people beyond the surface and challenge my preconceived notions.

I have never met a hard core racist. I have seen some subtle racism in attitudes thru-out my life. But, generally, I think the US is progressing and transcending race. And I think people who throw the race card into the political arena do so for many self interested reasons. It is a powerful button to push. But I think as a nation we are getting wearied by such tactics.

Anyone who has a absolute bias against any race or group should perhaps do a little soul searching and apply to truth for good council. But, generally, I believe the US is getting better and living in a sphere where racist attitudes are the exception rather than the rule.

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What is racism?

Making judgements (usually negative) about people based solely on race.

Are you a racist if you dislike a certain group of people because of the color of there skin?


Because of there culture?

Not necessarily. I dislike certain cultures (for example, cultures that condone stoning people in this day and age), but I still don't judge a person entirely on what culture they belong to.

Can you dislike certain races and not be racist?

If you are disliking some races based solely on their race, yes you are racist... I don't know of anyone who dislikes all races, but I think that if that were the case they would simply be grumpy rather than racist.

What if you don't want your son or daughter to date or marry outside of your that racism?


What if a sterotype is mostly true and you judge a race because the majority of that race seems to be that that racism?

If you are automatically applying that stereotype based only on the color of their skin, then yes it is racism.

Can you be a minority race and be considered a racist?


Is racism dead in America?

It has certainly diminished quite a bit, but I wouldn't say that it is dead.

Does Obama transcend race?

What does that even mean?

Is the term racist or racism overused?

In my opinion, absolutely.

Used primarily as a political wedge to divide?

I don't think it is intentionally used that way.

Are you a racist by any definition? Be honest...:)

Quite honestly, no.

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Guest Godless

Is is racist to think that people who don't know the difference between "there" and "their" and "they're" are, well, pretty uneducated?

I would say yes, but I'm afraid I sometimes screw those up by accident.

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DS....I agree with most of your post. I am not certain that wanting your son or daughter to date and marry within one's own race is racist, and I am not sure that believing stereotypes makes one a racist.....if that is the only experience they have ever had with that racial group...ignorant perhaps. The Obama question......because he is bi-racial. Black father and white mother and also not from slave ancestory. Am I a, prejudiced sometimes against the unknown as most are, but not racist.
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Interesting. I have never considered myself racist. I grew up in San Diego. I had black, vietnemese, and hispanic friends. But I am more of an individualist. I judge people individually. If I meet someone that falls into the negative stereotypical attributes of a particular race I probably won't be friends with them because I don't like those attributes. Does that make me racist? I don't think so because I am judging you on your own character even though it conforms to a stereotype.

I dated a girl from India. But I am hesitant to date outside my race anymore. Not because I am racist, but simply as far as physical beauty goes I tend to be attracted to white people. Does that make me racist? I don't think so because that is just how I am programmed. I am not doing it out of disgust for any other race.

I believe that a large part of why racism isn't dead yet in this country is because it is an advantage to some races to keep it alive. If racism were truely dead we would have no need for the NAACP or Affirmitive Action and that would mean alot of people would lose their jobs.

Now Elphaba before you jump in and say that I wasn't around when blacks were mistreated, I agree and I think that was an appalling time in history. No one should have ever been treated that way. But if we keep going back to that we can never move forward.

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DS....I agree with most of your post. I am not certain that wanting your son or daughter to date and marry within one's own race is racist, and I am not sure that believing stereotypes makes one a racist.....if that is the only experience they have ever had with that racial group...ignorant perhaps. The Obama question......because he is bi-racial. Black father and white mother and also not from slave ancestory. Am I a, prejudiced sometimes against the unknown as most are, but not racist.

In my opinion, stereotypes are meaningless when it comes to race. I am half Mexican, but I know maybe 10 words of Spanish, nothing of Mexican culture, hate Mexican food, and I'm horrible at home improvement projects. Would you assume I am a "stereotypical" Mexican when you see me walking down the street cleancut and dressed in Banana Republic? Would you not want your daughter to date or marry me only because of my skin color? (I'm already married by the way, to a white woman)

I think a lot more can be inferred by the way people choose to present themselves than simply by the color of their skin they were born with.

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I think a lot more can be inferred by the way people choose to present themselves than simply by the color of their skin they were born with.

I think that this is true. I know that in the past "being afraid of all black men" was part of racism. But frankly some of the rapper gangster types are rather frieghtening. I remember a gang of Samoans in my old neighborhood and they scared me to death! One night after leaving a dance (it was like midnight), they are all standing around my car. I didn't know if I was safe to keep walking a enter my vehicle or if I should go back in doors. And then when I lived in Vegas, a car full of gangish looking latin men followed me. I was scared to death!

So, I do agree it is more than just color. It is how you present yourself that sometimes sways impression. I mean if you look like you could hurt me, i probably will be intimidated! And I think in the case of gangs, that is the general idea behind the dress anyway.

And even though I feel this way about certain groups, I don't think all black men are scary and I don't think my attitudes are racist in origin. Some men aren't scary looking at all. Like Will Smith, for example. What a cutie patootie! :)

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Racism is not as obvious, and not as prevalent compared to earlier generations but does exist. The overly-pc society we live in now is quick to keep it pretty well under wraps, but it's there. Racism should not be confused with other forms of "pre-judging". It is safe to assume, that I as a white male would be in some degree of danger walking through Compton, CA. I don't say this because the population is mostly black, but moreso that I know there is a good chance I would be harrassed/beat up/mugged/killed for just being there.

We are not allowed, as a society, to call into question the reverse-racism that exists without having to defend ourselves. Typically, at least here in America, white's have typically been able to be freely labeled as racist, but those people that hate whites are "activists" or "sticking up for their own", etc...

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On the issue of interracial dating I think it depends on why you are against it that could make one a racist. I don't think that a person wanting to preserv etheir racial/ethnic/cultural identity and group is a racist for teaching their kids not to date outside their group..I also don't believe one is a racist if they want their grandkids to look like them. However, people who might be against it because they hate a particular group or think them inferior would probably be racist.

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I am prejudice like everyone else. I hate when people confuse it with racism.

To me racism is to dislike or hate an entire race of people or a person for their their race.

Prejudiced is to have preconceived notions about someone because of their group.It is usually associated with race but doesn't have to be. It is normally associated as a negative but isn't always.It can be based on age, gender,height,hair color,type of car. Just about anything.

Just like profiling. Not good,not bad it just is.

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What is racism? Are you a racist if you dislike a certain group of people because of the color of there skin? Because of there culture? Can you dislike certain races and not be racist? What if you don't want your son or daughter to date or marry outside of your that racism? What if a sterotype is mostly true and you judge a race because the majority of that race seems to be that that racism? Can you be a minority race and be considered a racist? Is racism dead in America? Does Obama transcend race? Is the term racist or racism overused? Used primarily as a political wedge to divide? Are you a racist by any definition? Be honest...:)

We need to look beyond the person's pigmentation and see them as brothers and sisters. But I am against those who are defiant against GOD or His beloved Son. :D

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In my opinion, stereotypes are meaningless when it comes to race. I am half Mexican, but I know maybe 10 words of Spanish, nothing of Mexican culture, hate Mexican food, and I'm horrible at home improvement projects. Would you assume I am a "stereotypical" Mexican when you see me walking down the street cleancut and dressed in Banana Republic? Would you not want your daughter to date or marry me only because of my skin color? (I'm already married by the way, to a white woman)

I think a lot more can be inferred by the way people choose to present themselves than simply by the color of their skin they were born with. wife is half hispanic too...and I am white. She might know ten spanish words.....but we love mexican food.:D

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Americans are very hung up on racism. By the American definition, most people around the world are racist and by that definition, I dare say that most people around the world are more racist than a KKK member in Alabama.

In Thailand, Mexico, Honduras, and the Philippines, four countries I have lived in, the media glorifies those with whiter skin over those with darker skin. There are countless ads on Tv, radio and newspapers showing people how they can get their skin whiter. In Thailand, I couldn't even go into the supermarket and buy non whitening skin lotion. I don't need my skin any whiter than it is. Vaseline? Nivea? Ponds? Yep, all whitening lotions. Those with whiter skin are given advantages over those who are not. Is it any wonder that leaders in many countries around the world are lighter skinned than those who they rule?

I think, and I am sure someone can correct me, but come January 20th, the US will be the ONLY country in the world where the leader has darker skin than most of the population. Amazing, isn't it? That certainly doesn't sound a racist nation.

On a different, but related issue, I was laughing the other day visiting a major pharmacy chain who had a job ad on their front door. They were looking for pharmacists. The Job Requirements? Single, female, 20 to 30 years old, pleasing personality, taller than 5 foot 2 they want a model or do they want a healthcare worker?

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Share on other sites wife is half hispanic too...and I am white. She might know ten spanish words.....but we love mexican food.:D

I like Taco Bell, does that count as Mexican food? :)

Just to be clear, I wasn't saying that I think you are racist, I was trying to point out that there is a big difference between making assumptions based on overall appearance and making assumptions based only on race. If I see a group of gangster looking young men walking towards me, I will go around them. It doesn't make a difference if they're black, white, brown or purple, they made their intent clear with their clothes and the way they walk and it is not racism to avoid them. On the other hand, if I saw a black man respectably dressed and minding his own business and I cowered away from him as if he were going to murder me, that would be racism in my opinion.

Edited by DigitalShadow
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I like Taco Bell, does that count as Mexican food? :)

I'm pretty sure it doesn't.

Let me put this out there, If you are walking down the street alone and a rather large black man, wearing a Raiders hoody that's 3 times too big for him, with the hood up, tattered jean, expensive basketball shoes, and his hands in his pockets. How many here would feel a little worried? I'll admit that I would. Does that make me a racist? If a large black man, wearing a business suit walks down the same street at he same time, how many would feel safer than the other scenario? I know I would. Does that make me a racist?

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I'm pretty sure it doesn't.

Let me put this out there, If you are walking down the street alone and a rather large black man, wearing a Raiders hoody that's 3 times too big for him, with the hood up, tattered jean, expensive basketball shoes, and his hands in his pockets. How many here would feel a little worried? I'll admit that I would. Does that make me a racist? If a large black man, wearing a business suit walks down the same street at he same time, how many would feel safer than the other scenario? I know I would. Does that make me a racist?

That's exactly what I was trying to get at :)

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I also don't believe one is a racist if they want their grandkids to look like them

Really Fiannan? What about that is okay? What if the grandkids are uglier or prettier than the grandparents? What if they get their son-in-law's cleft chin, and not their own smooth one? What if the kids get freckles, when nobody in their own family does? Or what if the kids don't get freckles, when the grandparents look fabulous in theirs?

Please draw a line for me....I'm having trouble coloring this picture.

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Really Fiannan? What about that is okay? What if the grandkids are uglier or prettier than the grandparents? What if they get their son-in-law's cleft chin, and not their own smooth one? What if the kids get freckles, when nobody in their own family does? Or what if the kids don't get freckles, when the grandparents look fabulous in theirs?

Please draw a line for me....I'm having trouble coloring this picture.

What's okay is that people have a right to believe how they want and unless you want to say that anyone who has a preference for certain hair color, skin pigment, size, facial structure, etc. is flirting with racism then you should recognize that. I think you know the context of the post I made but then again if you want to get all offended then be my guest even though that was not my intention.

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I'm pretty sure it doesn't.

Let me put this out there, If you are walking down the street alone and a rather large black man, wearing a Raiders hoody that's 3 times too big for him, with the hood up, tattered jean, expensive basketball shoes, and his hands in his pockets. How many here would feel a little worried? I'll admit that I would. Does that make me a racist? If a large black man, wearing a business suit walks down the same street at he same time, how many would feel safer than the other scenario? I know I would. Does that make me a racist?

some white kids dressed up in black hooded cloaks and plain white masks hide in the shadows during halloween while my kids are walking the streets trick or treating... did i think they were up to no good... you bet...... make me a racist? if they had been black would that have changed the situation? was i being prejudice against age?

i think ppl that don't take all the circumstances of a situation into account and just look at skin to decide your motive and if you are a a racist

saw a movie clip where these two black guys are standing on a street corner dressed and looking like they were up to no good, a well dressed white couple (looked like they had money) walk down the street and the woman clings tighter to the man's arm as they pass the two black guys.... one of the black guys gets upset at how she shuddered and declares her racist ... then they followed them down the block and mugged them....

humm maybe she shuddered cause she could feel their spirits not cause she cared about the skin. (the scene could easily have been done with many different races on either side of the story)

if you behave like a stereotype then don't get upset when you are treated like one.

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