Getting back on the wagon


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Ok. So discouragement got the better of me and I stopped dieting and working out. But now I am back on track with regards to my health restoring plan.

I saw my Dr. a week ago because of all my various issues..... one being that I just got bronchitis again (like the eighth time in the past 12 months) and he made me promise I would visit with my trainer and get back on track.

So, I am one successful week in on my diet and exercise. I still have yet to show my face at the gym. I am doing the treadmill and free weights at home. Perhaps this week I will transition over.

I am not going to hire the trainer this time. Too expensive considering I have Christmas to think about. But I know the workout and I know what I have to do. It is just a matter of doing it and keeping my brain in a productive headspace.

So...... here I go again. Back on the wagon.

Edited by Misshalfway
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I've exercised regularly (walking, biking, aerobics) for 30 years. Still gained weight, though probably not as much as I would have. Then I found Weight Watchers. 3-1/2 months later, the extra 20 lbs is gone! Still exercising, except I've added running.

(I LOVE the exercise by proxy idea. Too bad I can't eat by proxy. I'll eat--you can have the calories!)

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Ok. So discouragement got the better of me and I stopped dieting and working out. But now I am back on track with regards to my health restoring plan.

I saw my Dr. a week ago because of all my various issues..... one being that I just got bronchitis again (like the eighth time in the past 12 months) and he made me promise I would visit with my trainer and get back on track.

So, I am one successful week in on my diet and exercise. I still have yet to show my face at the gym. I am doing the treadmill and free weights at home. Perhaps this week I will transition over.

I am not going to hire the trainer this time. Too expensive considering I have Christmas to think about. But I know the workout and I know what I have to do. It is just a matter of doing it and keeping my brain in a productive headspace.

So...... here I go again. Back on the wagon.

Does it really matter? :D

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Plain and simple...LAZINESS is the cause of my lack of exercising!

But, like you, I am back on the wagon. But climbing back on that wagon sure is stomach muscles are screaming at me!!!:D

Mine isn't laziness. It is a bunch of other factors.

But I hate the sore muscles thing too. Don't you hate it when you do like a million squats and then it hurts to sit down to tinkle?

But hey! It is all worth it right? Healthy body = healthy mind and spirit!

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Does it really matter? :D

Well, it really matters to me. I have chronic pain and a connective tissue disorder that makes it very difficult to do what I want to do. I can't play sports really anymore. But, If I exercise properly, then I manage better. I am a better mom and I have more energy. And because my health has been so bad this past year, my Dr. feels it may be something that could make a big difference. And so I do it. It is very painful and I often find myself in bed after a hard work out. But before I fell off the wagon, I was really making some progress and I desperately want to get back to feeling good and not having to pay so much for extending myself.

And you know, maybe it doesn't matter to anyone else, but I want to look better too. I have always been thin and able to lose weight easily. But after baby four, things didn't work as....hmmm... efficiently as before. :) I am not that over weight. I just don't like that I can't wear the clothes I used to and I know I would feel better and be more confident if I did.

Perhaps you are trying to teach me to love myself or accept myself. And I suppose I am learning those lessons too. Perhaps in this way my extra weight gain has been a gift. :)

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I could so do with motivating myself more. I want to lose about 28lbs. I've started going swimming and trying to walk the dog more. The trouble is that when I make the decision to be good with eating I start to want everything I shouldn't have! Anyone got any ideas on how to overcome that?

Keep posting how you are doing. You might keep me going.

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