Question for guys: did you wear an engagement ring?


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Something that popped into my head while reading the "not changing maiden name" thread: did any guys here wear an engagement ring?

My DH did, at my request, although he didn't bat an eyelash when I suggested it to him. He saw nothing odd about it, since he was just as much "off the market" as I was. We were living in Utah at the time, so he got a lot of "I didn't know you'd gotten married!" comments, and a few wierd looks when he explained why he was wearing the ring while not married, but he was happy to keep doing it. I love the fact that we've been wearing our rings since just a few days after we got engaged (we bought them at the same time). We didn't do a ring exchange during our Sealing, so our e-rings just magically became our wedding bands after the ceremony. Saved a lot of money. :lol:

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Iam not a guy lol we actually had no intention of either of us wearing one but my Mum insisted I wear something so I moved my diamond ring to my wedding finger and my hubby moved his CTR ring over. No way was I wearing one if he didn't


I wore my CTR ring on my ring finger during my engagement, not because my wife asked me to but to get used to wearing a ring on that finger again. When we got married I switched the ring back to the other hand and now I wear both.
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I never wore an engagement ring before my marraige, never wore a ring at all until I was married. one thing I have noticed since we are talking about rings, is the growing number of people who do not wear any ring after marriage, husband or wife, just seems a bit different to me

guess I am an old fogey thinking those things should be done

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I never wore an engagement ring before my marraige, never wore a ring at all until I was married. one thing I have noticed since we are talking about rings, is the growing number of people who do not wear any ring after marriage, husband or wife, just seems a bit different to me

guess I am an old fogey thinking those things should be done

I wear my ring on and off because of swelling also right now we need new rings because of his job my husband is beyond being made round again and mine plain doesn't fit lol We planned on replacing them for our wedding anniversary this year but i was pregnant again lol


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I never wore an engagement ring, didn't see the point in buying one. Due to my job, it is dangerous for me to wear a ring at work, so I started out wearing my wedding ring only at night or on weekends. After a while I would forget to wear it very much, and at the moment I don't even know where it is. It's lost. But it doesn't diminish my commitment to my wife or my marriage. Speaking as a man, a ring is a round thing to put on your finger and play with when you're bored at church. It means something much different to my wife. As long as she's happy with the one she has, it's all good.

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Guest SisterofJared

I've never heard of a man wearing an engagement ring, but I like the idea!

Our daughter flushed my rings down the toilet when she was 4 years old. I went years without a ring... and my husband finally lost his. He was working as a machinist, and it was dangerous to wear. So we had no rings for the longest time.

For our 25th anniversary, our kids bought up a set of gold CTR rings, very nice ones. We wear them on our left hand, and they ar now our wedding rings. Much more fun than a plain gold band!

If I were just getting married, I would buy my fiancee an engagement ring! Cool idea!


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Jenamarie, I am not a guy, but...I have never even HEARD of an engagement ring for a man. So, obviously I have never known a man who wore one...:eek: Is that a regional custom/tradition? :confused:

Nope, not a regional custom/tradition as far as I'm aware. :lol: I'd just thought it was always kind of unfair that the woman had to make it obvious that she was "taken" while the guy didn't. Before I'd even met my DH I'd decided that I would ask my future husband to wear an engagement ring just like I did. And it wasn't anything fancy. His ring is a plain titanium band that cost $98 (got it on clearance, it was originally $200. He picked it out, just like I picked out mine - which was another thing I'd long decided I would ask my future husband to let me do. I'm picky about the jewelry I wear. :lol: )

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Guest SisterofJared

LOL... too funny, Jenamarie!

I was once engaged to a guy... whom thankfully I didn't marry.... who took me ring shopping, and then ignored everything I liked and bought the cheapest, gaudiest ugliest ring in the store. What woman wants to wear an ugly piece of jewelry for years?

The man I did marry took me shopping, and I could pick anything in the store. The ring I ended up picking cost about 1/3 of the price of the ring the first guy had bought! It just reflected my taste much more. I wish my daughter hadn't flushed it down the toilet! LOL. I still miss that ring!


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Guest SisterofJared

LOL... too funny, Jenamarie!

I was once engaged to a guy... whom thankfully I didn't marry.... who took me ring shopping, and then ignored everything I liked and bought the cheapest, gaudiest ugliest ring in the store. What woman wants to wear an ugly piece of jewelry for years?

The man I did marry took me shopping, and I could pick anything in the store. The ring I ended up picking cost about 1/3 of the price of the ring the first guy had bought! It just reflected my taste much more. I wish my daughter hadn't flushed it down the toilet! LOL. I still miss that ring!


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My husband did, he actually asked for one. :lol: He liked the idea that I was visibly off the market so he wanted to show the same thing. I happily obliged, but his wedding ring has replaced it and now I wear his old engagement ring around my neck. It's just a silver band with "Allie, Chellie and Eli" engraved on the inside but he got more excited over his than I did.

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While we're talking about rings, here's another for the guys: how offended would you be if your fiancee didn't wear an engagement ring?

I only recently started wearing (simple, very simple) necklaces to polish up my workplace look, but I wear no jewelry otherwise. I don't like jewelry. I do not want to wear a ring, especially one topped off or encrusted with shiny diamonds. I just hate being showy.

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While we're talking about rings, here's another for the guys: how offended would you be if your fiancee didn't wear an engagement ring?

I only recently started wearing (simple, very simple) necklaces to polish up my workplace look, but I wear no jewelry otherwise. I don't like jewelry. I do not want to wear a ring, especially one topped off or encrusted with shiny diamonds. I just hate being showy.

find a fella that loves that about you and he will cope lol my husband didn't mind lack of engagement ring at all I explained to him that personally I didn't want a reminder constantly of a time when we had to be apart waiting to be married.


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While we're talking about rings, here's another for the guys: how offended would you be if your fiancee didn't wear an engagement ring?

I only recently started wearing (simple, very simple) necklaces to polish up my workplace look, but I wear no jewelry otherwise. I don't like jewelry. I do not want to wear a ring, especially one topped off or encrusted with shiny diamonds. I just hate being showy.

I wouldn't have cared one way or the other. I knew we were engaged, and I trusted her enough that she wouldn't have broken that promise. If I thought that she would be so flighty that she would forget that we were engaged just because some guy flirted with her, then she obviously would not have been mature enough to be married. Rings are worldly things. My marriage is eternal.

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Neither of us wore engagement rings. I'm all for them, but he proposed with this ring that was huge and the shape of a storm troopers helmet. I love it, but it was too big to wear practically.

Even though I'm not one to run around showing people my ring and talking about diamonds, I do enjoy my wedding ring and the symbol it is. My husbands ring to him, is more just a ring, he likes to play with it and flip it in the air.

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I never wore an engagement ring. For that matter, I never wore a wedding ring. When we got engaged I told my wife that I don't like wearing jewelry (I don't even wear a watch--which, tangentially, has become a problem when I'm out camping), and I wasn't at all excited about wearing a ring the rest of my life. However, I did say if it was important to her, I would do it. She decided it wasn't that big of a deal and we never even bought a ring for me.

Within three months of our wedding, I was at a tutor training seminar (I was finish college at the time), and one of the other tutors took a twist tie from her bagged lunch, made a ring out of it, and slipped it on my finger. Apparently, I hadn't made it clear that I was married. I didn't tell her though, because I didn't want to embarrass her.

Later that year, I was teaching a lab section, and one of the girls started dotting her i's and j's with hearts and leaving me drawings on her homework and such. I didn't want to say something to her and find out that she was like that with everyone, or something. And then on the last day of class, she passed in her lab sheet with a big long note about how she liked my shirt (I wore Hawaiian shirts to teach in because I knew I'd never get to do it again). I guess at the end of class one of the other students finally informed her that I was married. She was a little incredulous, came up and asked me, and then said, "oh, well I guess that answers my last question" and she left class.

so the moral of the story is this: if you aren't going to wear a wedding ring, make sure you talk about your wife enough so that people know you're married.

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