What are you thankful for?


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With Thanksgiving coming up in less than a week (in the US) I thought it appropriate to start a thread where we can list what we are thankful for.

Okay...rules....this is NOT a thread to discuss politics, homosexuality, Prop 8 or any of the other emotionally charged threads we have going on.

What are you thankful for?

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My adopted mom and dad (angels). Their goodness and how they made me beleive that life could be good and so could people. My 15 brothers and sisters from 3 families. They have given me such a wide view of life and experiences. My husband. He hangs in there with me always and he has had a job our whole marriage. My great grandma and grandma and grandpa. These 3 gave their whole lives to physically save 8 of us. The gospel. I never would have been able to work toward forgiving those I have without the help of Heavenly Father and the sacrifice of the savior. Mercy. The reason that I get up everyday and keep trying, because mercy gives me hope. My children. They have blessed my life with a kind of love I had never thought to experience in this life. (unconditional) Animals. I always had animals that loved me even when noone else did. Stubborness. My blessing and my curse. It helped me to keep surviving even when noone said I could. Good people. Those that just do what is good because it is who they are. Freedom. I sleep at night and enjoy my world because of those that protect me and my country. Life for me is really good. I feel like a glutten at times because my life is so good and I have so many joyous moments in it. Great thread thanks.

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I will be putting together a Thanksgiving letter to family and friends this weekend and some of the things that I will make mention of as far as being thankful are: family, friends, life, health, employment, and my membership in the Lord's true Church - the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am thankful for all things and all blessings, great and small.

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Guest SisterofJared

I am profoundly thankful for a solid marriage... after 36 years I am thoroughly convinced that nothing I can do would ever cause my husband to turn from me. It is a good feeling!

I am amazed and grateful to have the gospel in my life. With all the souls that have ever lived, most of them without the benefit of the gospel, it is sweet and wonderful to me that I should live in a time and place and in a family where the gospel is a part of my life. Sweet to know of the saving ordinances of the Priesthood, and be able to partake of them.

I find great joy in the blessing of being a mother; my 8 children are my greatest endeavor and greatest accomplish, they are a source and continual joy and fellowship; my grandchildren are a delight.

Living in America where there is still more freedom that most of the world is a priviledge which I am grateful for; I strive to protect the rights that God gave us here in America.

Throughout my life I have read stories or seen pictures of poverty and starvation throughout the world. I don't know what I could have done to be so blessed, but I must acknowledge the blessings of every day needs met: food to eat, shelter from the elements, warmth from clothing and heaters, coolness during the heat, all things that I need have been provided for me by a gracious and loving God... and it is especially humble to know that he is gracious and loving to all, which makes it even more amazing that I have been given those things I need even when some other people do not have what they need. I realize that we each have our different struggles, I am deeply grateful that just having food to eat is not one of my struggles. God gives all that is needed.

I am grateful for the Book of Mormon. Since I have a testimony of it, you would think I would be 100% faithful in reading. I am not. Silly me! For when I read the BoM, the spirit totally lifts me and gives me strength to do better.

I am grateful for prayer. I know that my prayers and heard and answered by a loving father who is pleased to bless me! I find the comfort, help, and knowledge I need through prayers, and He never fails me!

Much to be grateful for, indeed. Tomorrow we are having an early thanksgiving with friends we haven't seen in about 15 years. It will be great! Thanks for the chance to think about this now, because we always do tell the things we are grateful for, and now I've got it thought out already! LOL.


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I guess I should respond to my own thread. Where do I start without sounding too cliche.

I'm thankful for the Gospel.

I'm thankful for my immediate family and my extended family. My kids as frustrating as teenagers can be at times are my buds and my friends. I think at this point in their lives I can now truly be a friend. For that I am grateful that they like to include me in many of their activities.

I'm thankful to have a job that I really enjoy. May not pay the best but I truly enjoy it and have made many friends as the result of that job.

I'm truly thankful for my parents. For bringing me up with Gospel principles that have guided my life. As I have choices I probably have not lived all of them as well as I should have but they did teach me.

This year I really reflect on my father. He is in later stages of Alzheimers. I am thankful for the father I once had and the father I now have. It seems as if two different people. The father I knew was strong and strong in the gospel. The father I have now...is friendly and just wants someone to talk to. I'm thankful in many ways that his condition has given me the opportunity to learn patience.

I'm thankful for the blessings I receive each and every day. Many I'm sure I'm probably not even aware of.

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I am thankful to be in the midst of a large, loving, supportive family.

I am thankful that I was in a position to care for my mother in her last years, as she suffered through Parkinson's Disease.

I am thankful that I can be here, now, for my father as he is entering the last stage of his life. What a blessing it has been for me, to be of service to them.

I am so very thankful to those same parents for raising me in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. No greater gift could they have given me.

I am thankful for the good health I enjoy.

I am thankful, especially in these trying times, that I listened to the counsel of our Prophets, to get our "house" in order.

I am thankful for my children and grandchildren, and the pleasure they bring to my life.

My heart is full of gratitude for the many blessings I enjoy, every day of my life.

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I am thankful for two small things today specifically:

I'm thankful there are honest people in the world -- most especially in the deli where I had lunch today and left my wallet.

I'm thankful that my 15-year-old, very cute, very beloved, and very nasty (to everyone but me and my husband) little cat is -- according to bloodwork we got results of today -- completely, disgustingly healthy.

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Have you ever tried praying for two minutes and telling Heavenly Father all that your thankful for.......? Makes you think.. I am thankful for all that has been mentioned thus far.....I am especially thankful for Jesus Christ and the sacrifice he made, for the atonement. He has performed a miracle in my life.....Bytor was not always the perfect person that frequents the forums :lol: I am also thankful for the members of this forum....I have learned so much from everyone......even those I have disagreements with........:)
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Guest DeborahC

I'm thankful for:

My wonderful sons

My awesome daughters in law

My sweet Grandchildren

My mother and grandmother

All of my other extended family


My health

This tiny condo I used to hate but now I love

Being able to see, hear, smell, touch, and taste

The Church

Having storage set aside for the hard times

Living in America - even with its problems

Clean water from my faucet

Food on the table

Primitive survival skills

No debt

Money set aside

yard sales

hot water

nighttime radio


Hot tollhouse cookies and ice cold milk!:P

This forum!

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I'm thankful for:

-A loving Heavenly Father who knows me and my needs.

-An Elder brother, My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and the Atonement.

-The Gift of the Holy Ghost.

-Family: My parents for their mighty sacrifices, my siblings and their families, my husband and my children.

-The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.



-Kind neighbors and friends.

-The cointinued ability to get out of bed and be productive.

-A kind and caring physician who listens without preconception.


-The knowledge I received as I typed this list that I have work to do.

Thank you Pam. I appreciate you starting this thread.


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Crumbs these days I seem to be thankful and greatful for so many blessings, and I am learning to be greatful to my Heavenly Father for my trials that are really my greatest blessings. More than anything I am thankful for being Me and the life that I lead, I am thankful Heavenly Father guides me wisely and has blessed me with amazing husband and beautiful children.


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I'm thankful for everything in my life, the list could go on and on, so I'll just list a few things:

My friends and family, who have helped me through the hard times, I'm also very thankful for my online bff for all the help he has given me when I'm down or just need someone to talk to, Ty!

The Church

My health, even if it isn't the best, it has still made me the person who I am today.

Finding this forum!! Finding this couldn’t have come at a better time! It has helped me out allot, thank you!

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Guest Godless

I am thankful for a wonderful family that loves me regardless of my religious persuasion.

I am thankful for the amazing friends that I have all over the country.

I am thankful that I live in the US. I've been to far less prosperous countries than ours, and it's really opened my eyes to how much we as Americans take for granted. I am thankful that I have been given that perspective.

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Guest GhostRider

things i am thankfull for

For a loving Heavenly Father

For My Savior and his sufering that I may contimue to live even after death

For my Heavenly Fathe to continue to give me just a little more time with my earthly father to keep learning from him

For a great family

For the men and wemen that are serving this great country so i may worship how i please

For the great people that he has brought into my life recently

For all my friends that have helped me through some trying times

For my friends...both RL and OL

For the wonderful site that is LDS.net and for all the people that make this such a great site that people can come and find answers to questions about the church

these are just a few of the many things that i am thankful for. So many ppl here have greatly touched my life that I could probably fill alot of pages with the why I am thankful for them. So I wont leave any one out, Thanks everyone for making me laugh, cry, chuckle and just plain feel good...thank you.

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I am thankful that the plane(s) got us here (Maryland) safely and that our luggage arrived with us!

I am thankful that the step son and his wife like me :P, AND that I like them!:)

I am also thankful that Husband brought along his lap-top - even though at first I was not happy he did- cause now I can check the forum. Can't check my personal emails. Didn't bring my passwords to access it on-line.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving every one!

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I am thankful for alot of things.....this past week my wife and I celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary. We stayed in Nauvoo for a few days. Being close to Nauvoo we go there often.

I am thankful for my sweet wife and she should get a very nice reward for putting up with me..:D:D. I am thankful for our 4 kids and my 2 son in laws and our 2 "Perfect" grandaughters.

I am very thankful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and for my church leaders who love and care about me. I am thankful for the Saints who lived in Nauvoo and those who were driven from their homes and for all they sacrificed and their examples.

I am thankful to be alive and in good health and pray for our leaders of our country and the leaders around the world.

I am thankful to be a member here at this web site and for all the friendships I have made while here (you to pammie). I thank all of you for putting up with me....you guys are awesome...:D

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