Seeing spirits

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"don't think waking up at a particular time without an alarm clock is a "spiritual" gift.... I do that too. It's because your body gets "programmed" when to wake up when you waken at the same time every morning."'

two points quickly. one that wasnt really the point i was trying to make. sorry i didnt do a better job of it. :D

two i dont wake up the same time. i meant when i have to wake up at a particular time i do. no matter when.

now that might not be much of a gift but its one i like.

the point was more that we all have gifts of one nature or another. simple ones like mine or more dramatic ones like seeing dead people. god says he gave us gifts. many are listed in the d&c.

our spirits are capable of some pretty incredible things and they are sometimes very beautiful.

my doubts usually come when money is involved. if a person has a gift it seems like it would not be given for profit. it also seems that there would be a purpose to the gift. to help in some way. other wise what is the point?

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I have heard this at Church Testimony meeting a new member got up and said that she was in contact with the Bishop's dead grandparents(she was a spiritual medium) before she joined and they where "waiting for him behind the veil " the Bishop went all pale white:):)I tried not to burst out laughing because i was sitting next too the Bishops grandparents who where not impressed it has too be the most strangest thing I have came across at Church

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I have heard this at Church Testimony meeting a new member got up and said that she was in contact with the Bishop's dead grandparents(she was a spiritual medium) before she joined and they where "waiting for him behind the veil " the Bishop went all pale white:):)I tried not to burst out laughing because i was sitting next too the Bishops grandparents who where not impressed it has too be the most strangest thing I have came across at Church

both sets?


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What do church members and GA's in general think about the Spiritualist church and its use of Mediums in it's services?

The spiritualism movement came into it's own about 1840. It came from the "burned out district" of upstate New York --- note this --- the exact same time and place that the restoration of the Gospel came forth. I DO NOT think it a coincidence, not at all.

My view is that the events that combined to make it 'popular' were true and essentially uplifting. But then as it became a fad, the con artists came in with their seances and tapping and table levitation, etc. It went sour very swiftly, so that at the turn of the 20th century (you know, 100 years ago or so) the Brethren of the Church had to tell the Church that it was not good and we were not to participate.

Wiki has an interesting article on spiritualism.


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Thank you to those who answered my question about the church and Spiritualism..

My late grandfather was a Spiritualist, he claimed to have a red indian spirit guide. My lat grandmother (his wife) once tried out a little table knocking with her sister, while my grandfather was at work..apparently the table did levitate and 'danced' around the room with her sister and pinned her to the wall.

I always took my grandmother to be a very honest, religious woman, I wouldn't expect her to tell, did this really happen, and if so, it does seem a little evil of the spirit conjoured up, to pin her sister to the wall.

Following the incident my grandmother went to her Roman Catholic church and confessed to the priest, who kicked her out of the premises!! She still remained a staunch Roman Catholic however.

I've been to a few Spiritualist services and they are very respectful of God, they have an interesting website too, which outlines their objectives:


The main objective of the SNU is to promote the advancement of a knowledge of the religion and religious philosophy of Spiritualism as based on the Seven Principles, as follows:-

1. The Fatherhood of God.

2. The Brotherhood of Man.

3. The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels.

4. The continuous existence of the human soul.

5. Personal responsibility.

6. Compensation & retribution hereafter for all the good & evil deeds

done on earth.

7. Eternal progress open to every human soul.

Home Page of the Spiritualists' National Union website.

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Thank you to those who answered my question about the church and Spiritualism..

My late grandfather was a Spiritualist, he claimed to have a red indian spirit guide. My lat grandmother (his wife) once tried out a little table knocking with her sister, while my grandfather was at work..apparently the table did levitate and 'danced' around the room with her sister and pinned her to the wall.

I always took my grandmother to be a very honest, religious woman, I wouldn't expect her to tell, did this really happen, and if so, it does seem a little evil of the spirit conjoured up, to pin her sister to the wall.

Following the incident my grandmother went to her Roman Catholic church and confessed to the priest, who kicked her out of the premises!! She still remained a staunch Roman Catholic however.

I've been to a few Spiritualist services and they are very respectful of God, they have an interesting website too, which outlines their objectives:


The main objective of the SNU is to promote the advancement of a knowledge of the religion and religious philosophy of Spiritualism as based on the Seven Principles, as follows:-

1. The Fatherhood of God.

2. The Brotherhood of Man.

3. The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels.

4. The continuous existence of the human soul.

5. Personal responsibility.

6. Compensation & retribution hereafter for all the good & evil deeds

done on earth.

7. Eternal progress open to every human soul.

Home Page of the Spiritualists' National Union website.

Yes, it does sound interesting. If we have the spirit with us, Joseph Smith taught that we can learn from all sources. Few are pure enough to do so in practice, though, without some negative consequences. Nevertheless, we are allowed to seek. I have found that strict adherance of temple covenants is key, for myself.

I should have stated in my previous post, it was not only the con artists and deceiving PEOPLE that corrupted the movement, but also the impure people who drew in evil or deceiving SPIRITS.


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I like this topic. Seeing how most answered here makes me comfortable. I have never been an LDS member but have had LDS friends... I always stick up for them on fundamentalist forums when they get ganged up on.... as far as I'm concerned we all beleive Jesus is Lord so there should be no conflict.

Anyways, I've seen spirits all my life. Not regularly. Maybe once or twice a year or a whole bunch of times over a week and then nothing for months or years. I also hear them in my mind.

Most evangelical Christians have said I have consorted with Satan, especially if I speak of spirits or beings that might inhabit other worlds besides earth. Or if I saw a Buffalo spirit appear in my room when I was 8 years old. I am part Native American so why should that be so bad? Buffalo visions were a gift from the Great Spirit Wakan Tanka who is the Lakota Natives realization of God. How can I be judged if God chose that vision for me as a child? God revealed himself through Jesus when I was 23. Maybe I just took a zigzag path.

I have seen and heard spirits both good and bad. I believe some are of God, some are not, and some are neutral.

I don't think it is a bad thing, especially when you know where you stand in Gods family.

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Thank you to those who answered my question about the church and Spiritualism..

My late grandfather was a Spiritualist, he claimed to have a red indian spirit guide. My lat grandmother (his wife) once tried out a little table knocking with her sister, while my grandfather was at work..apparently the table did levitate and 'danced' around the room with her sister and pinned her to the wall.

I always took my grandmother to be a very honest, religious woman, I wouldn't expect her to tell, did this really happen, and if so, it does seem a little evil of the spirit conjoured up, to pin her sister to the wall.

Following the incident my grandmother went to her Roman Catholic church and confessed to the priest, who kicked her out of the premises!! She still remained a staunch Roman Catholic however.

I've been to a few Spiritualist services and they are very respectful of God, they have an interesting website too, which outlines their objectives:


The main objective of the SNU is to promote the advancement of a knowledge of the religion and religious philosophy of Spiritualism as based on the Seven Principles, as follows:-

1. The Fatherhood of God.

2. The Brotherhood of Man.

3. The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels.

4. The continuous existence of the human soul.

5. Personal responsibility.

6. Compensation & retribution hereafter for all the good & evil deeds

done on earth.

7. Eternal progress open to every human soul.

Home Page of the Spiritualists' National Union website.

Spirits are real. Students of Church History can name a slew of accounts given by the early saints. In fact, if you look up a documentary book on the context behind D&C50, you'll get an idea (see "Revelations of the Restoration" or the autobiography of parly p pratt). Just as Joseph Smith saw God, Cain saw the devil. Opposition in all things. God has his army of the righteous, and the devil has his minions of followers, who go throughout the earth to decieve mankind (see D&C 50:2). Just as the Urim and Thummim is a righteous and holy way for God's annointed to communicate and learn, the devil can use crystals, weegee boards, or anything else as a counterfeit of good. He mimicks God in evil ways so that mankind will get a sour or bad or disbelieving taste in their mouths for the whole subject. This is true of basically every true principle.

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i have had a spirit follow me for the majority of my life. i first noticed her at around the age of 10. i have always called her sidney, although that is my name for her, not a name she has given to me. i've tried many times to talk to her, although she never responds when i do. she has spoken to me on occasion. sometimes i see her, sometimes i feel her, sometimes i hear her. she has followed me everywhere that i have moved. what do you make of this? i have felt no evil from her at any time, and there are others in my life (friends, family) who have seen her before (even without me telling them anything about her). she appears to be about 15 years old, dark complexion, long hair, and wearing a white dress. if i had to guess, i would say she is either indian (asian indian) or south american.

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Wow. I have absolutely zero experience in this department (that I'm aware of). It seems to me, though, that anyone who is generating a profit from such an alleged "gift" is probably not even remotely inspired - at least not from the right source.

I agree. One cannot serve God and Mammon. Though at times I want to try... :(


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i have had a spirit follow me for the majority of my life. i first noticed her at around the age of 10. i have always called her sidney, although that is my name for her, not a name she has given to me. i've tried many times to talk to her, although she never responds when i do. she has spoken to me on occasion. sometimes i see her, sometimes i feel her, sometimes i hear her. she has followed me everywhere that i have moved. what do you make of this? i have felt no evil from her at any time, and there are others in my life (friends, family) who have seen her before (even without me telling them anything about her). she appears to be about 15 years old, dark complexion, long hair, and wearing a white dress. if i had to guess, i would say she is either indian (asian indian) or south american.

Sounds like what a New Ager would call a 'spirit guide'. We (in the LDS Church) don't like to talk much about spirit guides, though many have been guided indeed by people on the other side of the veil. Instead, we sometimes speak of 'guardian angels', though this is not scriptural and therefore not doctrinal in the Church. But it is WAY more accepted than 'spirit guides'.

That doesn't mean they don't exist, though, not at all. We just don't talk about them, considering their ministrations too sacred to discuss, generally speaking.


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We should not seek spirits. When one seeks them it is easy to be deceived.

Satan and all of his minions know you. They remember you in the preexistence. They know our strengths and our weaknesses. They are around us. So they can deceive mediums and those seeking mediums. They can pretend they are a loved one or a spirit guide who can bestow knowledge upon us. Even if you do not believe in the preexistence those evil spirits are all around us and witness the events that happen in our lives and they can relay that information to each other to better tempt us, to lead us away from the best channels of spiritual communication which is through prayer and the Holy Ghost.

Of course that relaying also occurs in good spirits. Yes, our families on the other side can walk with us here and be a help to us. I have had personal experience with such things, and so have other people I know. However, I did not seek specific help from spirits. Such help was directed to me by our Heavenly Father as it was the best way to help me with my struggles at the time.

i have had a spirit follow me for the majority of my life. i first noticed her at around the age of 10. i have always called her sidney, although that is my name for her, not a name she has given to me. i've tried many times to talk to her, although she never responds when i do. she has spoken to me on occasion. sometimes i see her, sometimes i feel her, sometimes i hear her. she has followed me everywhere that i have moved. what do you make of this? i have felt no evil from her at any time, and there are others in my life (friends, family) who have seen her before (even without me telling them anything about her). she appears to be about 15 years old, dark complexion, long hair, and wearing a white dress. if i had to guess, i would say she is either indian (asian indian) or south american.

She could be a deceased relative who knew and loved you before coming to Earth. She could be a future daughter of yours.

Have you asked our Father in Heaven about her?

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I can't help but chalk those experiences up.. to nothing. They're real enough to the people they happen to.. but the 'someone is watching me in the dark' experience is all it is imo.

I'm not saying that the experiences aren't 'real'.. i'm just saying they aren't physical.

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Guest queriesqueries

i have had a spirit follow me for the majority of my life. i first noticed her at around the age of 10. i have always called her sidney, although that is my name for her, not a name she has given to me. i've tried many times to talk to her, although she never responds when i do. she has spoken to me on occasion. sometimes i see her, sometimes i feel her, sometimes i hear her. she has followed me everywhere that i have moved. what do you make of this? i have felt no evil from her at any time, and there are others in my life (friends, family) who have seen her before (even without me telling them anything about her). she appears to be about 15 years old, dark complexion, long hair, and wearing a white dress. if i had to guess, i would say she is either indian (asian indian) or south american.

Two of my sisters believe that they have a spirit guide like this. One of them also thinks she has had at least one past life and other interactions from beyond the physical world as we know it. Who am I to argue? I can't explain her dreams, feelings, and impressions. I do believe that our understanding of "reality" is amazingly limited. Keep in mind that science as we know it is relatively new, and we measure things today that our ancestors couldn't have imagined
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i really would have no idea where to begin doing that. i sincerely appreciate your advice, but as a buddhist (all my life), that is very unfamiliar to me. :confused:

Do you do meditation? Prayer is very much like meditation. The main difference is that it is directed toward a higher being who you believe can hear you and help you. You can speak the words out loud or in your head- just like you're speaking with a friend in the room with you.

This is a pattern that we mostly use to pray-

1. Dear Heavenly Father,

2. I'm grateful for...

3. I ask thee for..

4. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

To be real precise, we say thee and thou instead of you in talking to Father in Heaven, but you don't have to worry about doing that if you don't want to.

Give it a try if you'd like- can't hurt, can it? :)

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I have had a couple experiences that stand out to me as far as being confronted or taught by angels. I truly believe that one day after a good month of studying and fasting that I was taught by the three nephites. I wont give any particulars on the lessons but heres how it went, I was in the chapel late one night for a meeting with the Bishop, my daughter (2yr old) went around the corner of the wall, the whole chapel besides the part where we were was dark, (and locked) I turned the corner and saw my daughter standing next to someone that was kneeling next to her, there was another standing at the far end of the capel in the back and the other was around a corner that I could not see, as soon as I turned the corner he ran before I could see who his face, (my daughter cried for him to come back) the other two ran as well, they ran faster than I could have imagined and moved all at once as if on command but there were no words uttered, they ran out the back door, one came back and stopped and stared at me, I felt scared at first as we locked eyes then comforted as I felt we were communicaing without words, I then went into the Bishops office where my wife and the second counselor waited in the hallway, they said they heard running on the roof then saw the three I spoke of jump off and continue running without missing a step, I did some research on them and found a few passages that helped me learn more about what thier purpose is and where and who they show themselves to as well as how they communicate (by the spirit, so there doesnt always have to be words)

There are many other situations that happen in our daily life that we know could have only happened with the help of Christ or Heavenly Father.

I do meditation and prayer, meditation is used for specific thoughts like foressening situations in combat or on patrol and different ways to react so that when it happens you react better because you have already been there, prayer is always to Heavenly Father obviously.

Mediums are real, but the spirits that seek them not them seeking the spirts are unclean spirits, this is taught in Mormon Doctrine by Bruce R Mckonkey (probably mispelled)

For the spirits that follow people around, I have heard of Priesthood holders having spirits come to them and asking for help and the Elder giving them a blessing to depart in peace to the spirit world

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There are many ministering spirits that come and go to this earth than the three Nephites....sometimes we can easily be mistaken unless they had identify themselves to you.

Any righteous spirit, angel, or member of the Godhead will identify themselves to you if they are there to instruct or simply give a message. If not, then we have to the right to challenge that medium.:)

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Rabbit trail incoming...

Hemi, have you figured out which of the 12 were the 3 Nephites?

3 Nephi 19:

4 And it came to pass that on the morrow, when the multitude was gathered together, behold, Nephi and his brother whom he had raised from the dead, whose name was Timothy, and also his son, whose name was Jonas, and also Mathoni, and Mathonihah, his brother, and Kumen, and Kumenonhi, and Jeremiah, and Shemnon, and Jonas, and Zedekiah, and Isaiah—now these were the names of the disciples whom Jesus had chosen—and it came to pass that they went forth and stood in the midst of the multitude.

It's there if you have ears to hear and eyes to see.


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  • 6 years later...

LDS Teachings about Ghosts

Most people who want to know whether Mormons believe in ghosts, however, are asking a more specific question. In popular culture, the word "ghost" conjures up concepts of ectoplasm, haunting, or spirits of the dead who can't "cross over" to the afterlife. Mormonism does not believe in this type of ghost.

LDS theology says that all spirits, once separated from their bodies at death, automatically go to a place called the spirit world. At the second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth, all the spirits in the spirit world will be resurrected (rejoined with their bodies) and go to a kingdom of heaven. LDS theology gives no reason to suspect that the spirit of any deceased person would remain earthbound or have trouble "crossing over."

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