Mormons are different people.


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I'm not an active member of the church....yet. Anyhow, I learned that Latter-day Saints are different people and by that I mean, I have a lot of non LDS friends. I'm not trying to generalize here but most Latter-day Saints from the south, are HAPPY people. Watching Latter-day Saints is like watching a Brady Bunch episode-they're always HAPPY.

I'm simply surprise by it. Of course, not all Latter-day Saints behave this way but the ones who would be describe as very religious are...most of the time.

I just thougth I'd share that since I have other Christian friends and they seem pretty unhappy and unsatisfied with their lives.

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That's interesting that you say that for a couple of different reasons. I consider myself a happy person. My life isn't in the best situation right now, but it's as good as it can be considering the circumstances. I also consider myself a religious person.

The other reason is that my husband has been struggling with the church for a long time now and for a long time he's been an unhappy person. He's only recently begun really sharing what's been bothering him, so I'm only starting to get the tip of the iceberg. But when I read your post I knew I had to reply because I've been wanting to post something about this, I just didn't know what.

Anyway, thank you for sharing. I'm not sure what it means or how it's going to help, but for some reason it makes me feel better.

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I'm not an active member of the church....yet. Anyhow, I learned that Latter-day Saints are different people and by that I mean, I have a lot of non LDS friends. I'm not trying to generalize here but most Latter-day Saints from the south, are HAPPY people. Watching Latter-day Saints is like watching a Brady Bunch episode-they're always HAPPY.

I'm simply surprise by it. Of course, not all Latter-day Saints behave this way but the ones who would be describe as very religious are...most of the time.

I just thougth I'd share that since I have other Christian friends and they seem pretty unhappy and unsatisfied with their lives.

Paxil is pretty amazing stuff ;)

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Hard to say really, but independent research shows Utah is the most depressed state in the country. People have controversially tried to show that there is a correlation between depression and the Mormon faith. Technically at this stage, the reason behind Utah’s mass depression is unknown.

Some experts say that there is a cultural factor involved, in particular among Mormon women who have to put on a mask of perfection to look like a good mother and wife. They can’t show their tears, depression or agony. Perfectionism leads people to depression because its a standard that just can't be reached.

I remember certainly as a missionary and at other times as a mormon that I tried to look perfect for others even when I was troubled. I remember coming back home and taking a role as Ward Exec Sec and finally realising that all those families who I thought were perfect, were actually struggling and miserable, as I sat in on Bishopric and PEC discussions.

I would suggest that those families that seem happy, are probably like me and you. Just human, with their own battles, but at least putting on a happy front. After all, they're commanded to be happy, are they not?

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Hard to say really, but independent research shows Utah is the most depressed state in the country. People have controversially tried to show that there is a correlation between depression and the Mormon faith. Technically at this stage, the reason behind Utah’s mass depression is unknown.

Some experts say that there is a cultural factor involved, in particular among Mormon women who have to put on a mask of perfection to look like a good mother and wife. They can’t show their tears, depression or agony. Perfectionism leads people to depression because its a standard that just can't be reached.

I remember certainly as a missionary and at other times as a mormon that I tried to look perfect for others even when I was troubled. I remember coming back home and taking a role as Ward Exec Sec and finally realising that all those families who I thought were perfect, were actually struggling and miserable, as I sat in on Bishopric and PEC discussions.

I would suggest that those families that seem happy, are probably like me and you. Just human, with their own battles, but at least putting on a happy front. After all, they're commanded to be happy, are they not?

Actually, I think you are referring to the level of anti-depressant drugs used in Utah, and that being quite high in raking with other states. Problem is, we don't know who is using and why.

I have posted articles here that indicate that ACTIVE Mormons have a significantly lower rate of depression than the general population.

Now why would Utah have that whole statistic about drug use though? Here are some possibilities:

1) Gotta admit, if I were totally inactive or a non-Mormon in Utah I'd probably be pretty depressed. It would like being a foreigner living in a remote village in China.

2) Mormons tend to trust authority figures. Unlike, let's say, people from states like Missouri where you question anybody in authority as a norm a Utah Mormon might trust some mental health worker who says a drug might help their kid or themself. Maybe someone from Missouri might be more likely to tell the worker where to insert the drugs. Hey, my dad is from Missouri and everyone I have met from there have this positive trait.

3) Yes, there is a culture in the LDS community that says you have to combine some "Desperate Housewife" image with living the Gospel. Maybe trying to live in two worlds doesn't help in regards to mental health.

4) Well, let's see, we have had lots of people on these boards who are unhappy with some quirk their husband might have (thinking he is some son of Satan or needs professional help) that many women in the US (or the world) would not see anything wrong in being married to a man with this sort of thing going on. The psychological pioneer Alfred Adler had lots to say in regards to depression being caused by one's personal perspective on events in life and the goals they set (too high of an expectation leads to depression as do too low of expectations).

So maybe there are so many variables that we cannot say that LDS people are (statistically speaking) more prone to depression due to anything related to the Gospel. I think a person who is truly in touch with who they are in the eternal perspective will be more likely to be happy and able to cope with what the world throws at them. Just my opinion of course.

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Hard to say really, but independent research shows Utah is the most depressed state in the country. People have controversially tried to show that there is a correlation between depression and the Mormon faith. Technically at this stage, the reason behind Utah’s mass depression is unknown.

Some experts say that there is a cultural factor involved, in particular among Mormon women who have to put on a mask of perfection to look like a good mother and wife. They can’t show their tears, depression or agony. Perfectionism leads people to depression because its a standard that just can't be reached.

I remember certainly as a missionary and at other times as a mormon that I tried to look perfect for others even when I was troubled. I remember coming back home and taking a role as Ward Exec Sec and finally realising that all those families who I thought were perfect, were actually struggling and miserable, as I sat in on Bishopric and PEC discussions.

I would suggest that those families that seem happy, are probably like me and you. Just human, with their own battles, but at least putting on a happy front. After all, they're commanded to be happy, are they not?

I am trying to remember the last time I was commanded to be happy and who it was that commanded me...I will get back to this later....still thinking
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There was also a recent study that showed that people with children are more depressed that people without children. The idea was that kids = stress, and stress = depression, ergo kids = depression.

I'm not sure how much stock I'd put into subjective studies.

Who did that study, some lonely crazy cat ladies? Stress is often blamed for depression but it is not in reality associated with depression. The way we employ coping mechanisms is. Strange, many older people find great happiness in their children and grandchildren so again, I would not put any stock into a study that says this. However, there may indeed be a few women in modern society that (as I made reference to in regards to "Desperate Housewives") feel left out in value if they are not rich career women.

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Hard to say really, but independent research shows Utah is the most depressed state in the country. People have controversially tried to show that there is a correlation between depression and the Mormon faith. Technically at this stage, the reason behind Utah’s mass depression is unknown.

Some experts say that there is a cultural factor involved, in particular among Mormon women who have to put on a mask of perfection to look like a good mother and wife. They can’t show their tears, depression or agony. Perfectionism leads people to depression because its a standard that just can't be reached.

I remember certainly as a missionary and at other times as a mormon that I tried to look perfect for others even when I was troubled. I remember coming back home and taking a role as Ward Exec Sec and finally realising that all those families who I thought were perfect, were actually struggling and miserable, as I sat in on Bishopric and PEC discussions.

I would suggest that those families that seem happy, are probably like me and you. Just human, with their own battles, but at least putting on a happy front. After all, they're commanded to be happy, are they not?

Before i became inactive, I strive towards perfection-that's one of the main reasons I stopped going to church.

I think often we, well at least i misinterpreted somes teachings. Now, whenever i need an answer I search directly towards the scriptures, church articles, and talks and never put a lot of attention to what other members say, not to be rude or anything but their explanations may be distorted.

To be honest, i don't even know if god exists, but I want to believe that he does. I'm very impressed with anything related to the Mormom church.(the teachings)

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Hard to say really, but independent research shows Utah is the most depressed state in the country. People have controversially tried to show that there is a correlation between depression and the Mormon faith. Technically at this stage, the reason behind Utah’s mass depression is unknown.

Some experts say that there is a cultural factor involved, in particular among Mormon women who have to put on a mask of perfection to look like a good mother and wife. They can’t show their tears, depression or agony. Perfectionism leads people to depression because its a standard that just can't be reached.

I remember certainly as a missionary and at other times as a mormon that I tried to look perfect for others even when I was troubled. I remember coming back home and taking a role as Ward Exec Sec and finally realising that all those families who I thought were perfect, were actually struggling and miserable, as I sat in on Bishopric and PEC discussions.

I would suggest that those families that seem happy, are probably like me and you. Just human, with their own battles, but at least putting on a happy front. After all, they're commanded to be happy, are they not?

Okay what happened to the real Japacific and what did you do with him? :eek: I've just never seen you write more than a few words at one time. This totally threw me off.

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just also wanted to point out there is a large number of women in the church with Fibromyalgia especially in Utah (only going by online support groups), it may or may not be genetic (there certainly seems to be a genetic disposition towards it) this would also explain the number of anti depressants prescribed in Utah as routinely Prozac and Amytriptiline are prescribed as a package along with other antidepressants for my illness.

I think a huge part of the happiness is because as a people generally our trials are seen as positive things not negative


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Maybe more people per capita in Utah can afford the drugs. Maybe it is the effects of multiple childbirths close to each other.

I for one don't care. It is a personal issue. We have four children, wife has never worked outside the home, can sew better than most, cooks amazing meals and enjoys her place in her family just as I do. Personally, and this is only an opinion, I think the need for drugs is overrated.

Ben Raines

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I remember one time my Dad commanded me to be the early 70's my Mom and I and my sister always rode the bus from Illinois to Mississippi to visit my Grandmother. We always had to stay most of the summer....I hated going because she just had an outdoor bathroom and no running water ...if you wanted water you went to the well. After throwing a fit my Dad told me I was going and I was going to like it......not sure if that counts as being commanded to be happy ...he was not active in church....:)
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