Convert a famous person???


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Wingers and Ben..I did not find your comments about me humorous in the least. I think we need to get back to the seriousness of this thread as ceeboo requested numerous posts ago. I'm just really offended...really offended.

hahahahahahahahahahahaa Sorry. I couldn't hold it in.

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Definately Barack Obama; He could really use the {true} gospel in his families life and he is the sort of person whom would be an excellant member and help build the church with his obvious stature in the world; I beleives its very obvious that he has been missled by religon as has Bush and all the other presidents.:)

Obama's religion is politics as evidenced by the race hustling Preacher he hung around with for twenty years. Bush was misled by religion? How so, because he is a true believer? I don't know about other recent Presidents, but he is certainly a devout man and I think Jimmy Carter is a true believer as well.

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I would like to convert the Clintons - both Bill and Hillary.

I'd like to see their hearts convicted of their sins - Bill for his adultery and Hillary for acting like a real man.

Let's see... who else? I second the nomination for Dr. Laura Schlessinger.

BILL COSBY!!! Now there's a name that I would like to see on the ward list!

And I'd also go for Chef Gordon Ramsey. Maybe the Gospel can help to clean up his mouth and the Relief Society can learn some different desserts other than Green Jello with Shredded Carrots.

Could you imagine what he'd say to that recipe??? LOL

Why is it a sin for Hillary to act "like a real man"?

And if the only dessert your Relief Society makes is green Jell-o with carrots, you need to get of Utah!

Your Mom goes to Elder's Quorum? I didn't know they had sanctioned that yet.

I was wondering the same thing.........

PC, I thought Ben said it was a male "Hottie list."

Hence the addition of Ty Pennington:

Let's get Ty Pennington in there to help spur some local ward/stake community service projects too!


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That's an old wives' tale. In the last 20 years I don't think I've seen green jell-o at church more than twice.

I ate lemon Jell-o (a mix of gelatin and pudding) with cheddar cheese in it once. BLECK!

Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Polpot.......pre-murderous dictator years.

Mussolini is feeling a little left out.

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I much prefer raspberry jello over green. Last time I had green jello was with cottage cheese and crushed pineapple and was made by my mom about 30 years ago. She made this long before we were LDS. She was from Oklahoma.

Mom used to keep a can of bacon drippings on the back of the stove for gravy and frying up eggs.

Sorry for the hijacking. Back to what famous person you would like to convert.

Ben Raines

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I grew up in California and there was ALWAYS multiple varieties of Jell-O at the ward Chistmas parties. Green with marshmellows, green with shredded cellery, orange with shredded carrots, orange with shredded carrots, mayonaise, and diced olives (BLECH!!!), red with crushed pineapple, and the red, green, and white layered kind (I never did ask what they used to make the white layer. I was probably better off not knowing)

And I have no answer to the actual topic. :lol:

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Celery and olives? Wow.

The white layer was probably just Cool Whip.

I actually saw a really cool Jell-o dish once, for a Young Women activity. It was a thin layer of purple on the bottom, then yellow, then orange, then green, then red, then blue, and a layer of white Cool Whip on top. It was pretty neat.

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I grew up in California and there was ALWAYS multiple varieties of Jell-O at the ward Chistmas parties. Green with marshmellows, green with shredded cellery, orange with shredded carrots, orange with shredded carrots, mayonaise, and diced olives (BLECH!!!), red with crushed pineapple, and the red, green, and white layered kind (I never did ask what they used to make the white layer. I was probably better off not knowing)

And I have no answer to the actual topic. :lol:

So, what your saying is, it's a California Mormon thing. Got it.

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If you could have 1 famous person convert to the church, who would it be and why?


Get him a decent hair-cut and shave the beard.

Get him out of that robe and those sandals.

Then he could get into BYU.

Keep him from hanging around with whores and other sinners.

Get him a three-piece suit and a white shirt and a conservative tie.

Then he could speak at conference.

And you've got to keep him from turning water into wine at weddings and giving it away or the Booze Board here in Utah is going to keep throwing him in jail. The last Mormons who could respectably be in jail were the polygamists at the end of the 19th century. (From whom I'm descended.)

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Uh, we LDS believe that Jesus is already converted to the LDS Church, as he is the head of it. Nice cheap shot, though.

Wait... Wait... We believe that Jesus -converted- to the LDS church? :o

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say "No - We believe we hail back to the original church".

And Curmudgeon was making a joke. That's it. No need to get defensive - He was saying something that's funny. It was funny because it was skewed.

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