help with cat


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I have a lovely cat she is about 6 called Sylvie - she is a moggie but definitely has both Siamese and Scottish Wild Cat in her. Basically looks like exactly like this but less fierce, bit smaller and has the Siamese feet everything else is identical lol

Scottish Wildcat Association, wildcat species description, behaviour and habitat factfile

Well she seems a bit depressed - there is a running problem with her and the dog in that they seem to be pooping in each others bed and Sylvie is refusing to let the dog out of the door. Before this they got on quite well they have lived together for 2 years would even share a bed sometimes and its only in the last few months. Sylvie is running out of beds as after I wash them she in uninterested (husband is less than impressed as his coat fell down one night and she slept in it, dog decided to mess it).... Sylvie is now pretty much sleeping on the dishwasher with no cushion where we feed her, and its bothering me as she seems so miserable.

Can you think of a way I can entice her back into her bed ? its an igloo shaped one I bought it when we got the dog, didn't think she would use it but she really took to sleeping in it.


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I have a lovely cat she is about 6 called Sylvie - she is a moggie but definitely has both Siamese and Scottish Wild Cat in her. Basically looks like exactly like this but less fierce, bit smaller and has the Siamese feet everything else is identical lol

Scottish Wildcat Association, wildcat species description, behaviour and habitat factfile

Well she seems a bit depressed - there is a running problem with her and the dog in that they seem to be pooping in each others bed and Sylvie is refusing to let the dog out of the door. Before this they got on quite well they have lived together for 2 years would even share a bed sometimes and its only in the last few months. Sylvie is running out of beds as after I wash them she in uninterested (husband is less than impressed as his coat fell down one night and she slept in it, dog decided to mess it).... Sylvie is now pretty much sleeping on the dishwasher with no cushion where we feed her, and its bothering me as she seems so miserable.

Can you think of a way I can entice her back into her bed ? its an igloo shaped one I bought it when we got the dog, didn't think she would use it but she really took to sleeping in it.


My solution would be "Bye dog." But I am a cat person. Lock the dog in the bathroom at night?

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Perhaps a pet fence that the cat can easy get over but the dog can't. Or, perhaps a cat carrier that you put a wood door on that is only big enough for the cat to get through, not the dog. Best of luck.

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It's called cat PMS. All cats get it, the one who lives in my house has had it for years. You could try feeding it Midol, but in my experience the best thing to do is just leave it alone until she is ready to talk about things. Be supportive and help with her dishes. Maybe a nice backrub will help calm her nerves.

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if you ask the dog whisperer he would say take the dog for a walk!

Sounds to me the dog is jealous of the cat for some reason. Dogs scent mark their area and claim as their own. THey have scent glands in both of their waste products. Cats are very clean and won't go even if their litter is getting full. If I were you I would have an area for the cat to sleep, (with me!) that the dog couldn't get to. Animals are smarter than we give them credit. I have a big dog and a little dog and the big dog feels rejected because there are things the little one can do that he can't. Just because of size.

As far as the igloo bed, she may never go back. One trick you might try is to put a heating pad on the lowest setting and put under the bed. This worked for me in the same situation. THe cat was getting older and would be comforted by the heat due to aches in her bones. If the cat is very close to you then try putting a pillow case you have slept on inside the igloo too. My cat would always sleep in areas where she could smell my scent. Animals sense of smell is so much better than ours they can smell another animals scent even after it has been washed. SO if the dog has pooped anywhere, the cat probably will stay away.

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Cats usually do not tend to suffer from depression. If afflicted with any mental problems, it is more likely feline passive-aggressive personality disorder. If you have house plants, is she chewing on your most prized specimens? This is a sure sign of FPAPD. Obviously, someone in your house has shown the cat that they think the dog is more important. Obviously, that someone is your husband, for it is your husband's coat that the cat pulled down to sleep on, knowing that the dog would seek retribution.

1. You must make her a new bed. Something that the dog cannot reach. The top shelf of your closet might do, or the cabinet over the refrigerator. Cats like high places, where they can reign superior. King of the jungle and all that. Remember not to shut the closet/cabinet door.

2. You must not pay any attention to the dog. More importantly, your husband must not pay any attention to the dog. No talking to, no petting. No feeding.

3. You may have to stop paying attention to your husband and children as well, and devote all of your time to the cat. Cats need a lot of reassurance once they have been insulted. Well, it's not so much that they need reassurance. They just need to know you are sorry.

4. If you cannot convince the cat that you are most humbly sorrowful that you allowed someone in your house to offend her, a pet psychologist may be needed.

Good luck.

Edited by Alaskagain
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take one or both of them to the vet to make sure there isnt an underlying medical problem! then get rid of the cat. =) yeah, im a dog person. <pets my service dog sophie on the head, "I would never make you live with one of those stinky things girl." dog sighs with content> just kidding! seriously take them to the vet to make sure there isn't a major problem you can't diagnose!

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You should ask Dr.T. He is an extremely humble man, and doesn't like to admit it to very many, but he is actually a internationally known pet therapist specializing in cats, especially cats with depression and encopresis. He will probably deny it, and one time he even went so far as to start a post saying that he didn't like cats just to throw everyone off, but if anyone can help you with this issue, it is him!

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You should ask Dr.T. He is an extremely humble man, and doesn't like to admit it to very many, but he is actually a internationally known pet therapist specializing in cats, especially cats with depression and encopresis. He will probably deny it, and one time he even went so far as to start a post saying that he didn't like cats just to throw everyone off, but if anyone can help you with this issue, it is him!

hee hee... I heard he even gets Christmas cards from the cats he treats :roflmbo:

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