Is it tacky to bring your own snacks to the movie theater?


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Going to the movies is getting very expensive, $10.50 to $11.00 for each ticket. On top of that, the popcorn, candy, nachos, hot dogs and sodas, X 4.

When we go to the movies with my husband he doesn't like me bringing outside food. He says it looks tacky and he rather spent $30 to $40 on snacks than going through the embarrassment of people seeing him with outside food.

Is not like I'm bringing burritos or hamburgers with french fries, I just bring candy bars, soda or water, and sometimes chips. Is this a guy thing because they feel they can't provide for their families?

When I told him that I always do it with the kids when we go alone he said that I shouldn't because we "have the money" to buy them like everybody else.

What do you guys think, is he right on this?

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I agree with him... but for a different reason than you are suggesting.

Unless the theatre EXPRESSLY says otherwise, there is no outside food or drink allowed.

Remember that a movie theatre is a BUSINESS and that business has the right to forbid outside food because it infringes on their profitability. It's kind of like McDonalds not allowing Carls Jr. food in its doors. (Believe me, they DON'T allow it - for business and liability reasons.)

A business that is PRIVATELY owned and has the right to set its own rules. We, as paying patrons of the theatre, have the right to eat the food that is for sale, or go without.

While this isn't a LAW, it is the spirit of the establishment that I choose to follow. Otherwise, bringing your own food is indirectly STEALING from the business enterprise. As a capitalist myself, I can't abide by that kind of behavior.

If you don't like it, find a theatre that allows it, or just wait for the movie to come out on DVD.

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My husband gave my son $20 to buy some snacks last night at the movies.

He came back with only $2.50 change.

He bought some skittles...$3.50

some m&m's ............$4.50

Med Popcorn ...........$5.50



And that's after I told my husband that I had a bag of peanut m&m's, chocolate kisses, and water bottles in my purse:cool:

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Signs are usually posted all over outside the theater that outside food is not allowed.

If I had a problem with the price of the concessions at the theater I would wait and watch the movie on DVD at home later.

I only go to the movie when it is a big action movie I want to see on the big screen. About twice a year.

Ben Raines

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He bought some skittles...$3.50

some m&m's ............$4.50

Med Popcorn ...........$5.50



Kind reminds me of the commercials where they are naming the prices: Except in this case:

Time spent together at the movie: Too expensive. :lol:

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Otherwise, bringing your own food is indirectly STEALING from the business enterprise.

Not necessarily. It might be indirectly stealing, if the two options are bring your own or buy from the theater. It most certainly is NOT stealing if the two options are buying from the theater or not having snacks.

I find myself mainly in the latter set of options. I'm quite price conscious, and absolutely refuse to buy for $7.50 what I can get for $2 somewhere else.


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