Is it tacky to bring your own snacks to the movie theater?


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We had to take out a bank loan last year when we took the grandkids, their dad, and their uncle to a movie. They all loaded up at the snack bar! But the bank failed, so we don't think we have to finish paying it back. So far we just covered about $5.00 and the rest has been interest.

Generally, we only go to the movies once every 8 or 10 months. We get a soda and popcorn, but that's all. However, on any given day, I have a candy bar, peppermints, and butterscotch candies in my purse. And if my blood sugar just happens to drop during the movie, well, that's not my fault.

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We had to take out a bank loan last year when we took the grandkids, their dad, and their uncle to a movie. They all loaded up at the snack bar! But the bank failed, so we don't think we have to finish paying it back. So far we just covered about $5.00 and the rest has been interest.

Generally, we only go to the movies once every 8 or 10 months. We get a soda and popcorn, but that's all. However, on any given day, I have a candy bar, peppermints, and butterscotch candies in my purse. And if my blood sugar just happens to drop during the movie, well, that's not my fault.

do you have a request in for some bailout money????
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I'm not against bringing your own food to the movies. But at the same time, I'm not going to complain if I get kicked out for doing so if there are signs all over saying they are not allowed.

I break my kids' school weapons ban every time I walk in as well. I have carried a knife in my pocket since I was 12 and I'm not about to empty my pockets just to talk to a teacher. If they think a knife in my pocket is dangerous, wait until they see what I can do with an eraser.

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i always carry a purse in, and so does my grandma, which is who i normally go with to the movies unless i go by myself.

for example, one evening i went to see the twilight movie, and about two hours before i placed my order for a steak burritoooo :D from chipotle with some chips and chili-corn salsa, then picked it up before i went to the movies. sat in the car, cleared some stuff outta my purse, threw the burritto and chips in my purse, walked in, and had a grand time watching a certain sparkly vamipire! LOL

i plan on doing it again :D

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When I go with my family, we usually compromise by buying a popcorn, sharing a drink, and bringing our own candy. I firmly believe that if they sold their food for even close to a decent price, they would make more profit. Last time I brought a pocket full of satsuma oranges. :lol: They don't sell those there. Once when I was pregnant, I brought a Ben & Jerry's with me. I would actually rather pay more for the movie than get gouged with the food prices if that's their reasoning.

Once when I stayed in a hotel, I replaced the Snickers in the little snackbar with a grocery store Snickers (about 35 cents at the time) just so I could laugh about eating their $2 candybar or whatever it was.

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When we went to the movies as kids I would smuggle in all sorts of stuff. My personal best was 3x footlong Subway subs in a Drover coat.

I don't know if someone else has posted this or not,as it seems more than one person has done this.. One of our friends (about 16 years old) sliced a watermelon in half, put plastic wrap over it, and went into the theatre, pretending to be pregnant. We brought plastic spoons and enjoyed watermelon in the theatre. She just wore it back out again.

The theatre in question kicks out, and bans anyone they catch with food not purchased in their snack shops.

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There is nothing wrong with breaking the rules if it is for your own financial gain.


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I sneak in chocolates all the time when I go to the theatre. For what they charge for ONE small candy bar, I can get THREE at the grocery store. I usually buy a small soda or a bottle of water when I go. I smuggle my candy in using my purse, but it isn't big enough to hide a drink bottle or can! :lol:

When they start charging reasonable prices for their concessions, they I'll stop smuggling in my treats. Money's tight and I'm not going to blow it paying $5 for something I can get for 50 cents at a gas station....

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When we went to the movies as kids I would smuggle in all sorts of stuff. My personal best was 3x footlong Subway subs in a Drover coat.

I don't know if someone else has posted this or not,as it seems more than one person has done this.. One of our friends (about 16 years old) sliced a watermelon in half, put plastic wrap over it, and went into the theatre, pretending to be pregnant. We brought plastic spoons and enjoyed watermelon in the theatre. She just wore it back out again.

The theatre in question kicks out, and bans anyone they catch with food not purchased in their snack shops.

I would take snacks in myself....but watermelon and sandwhich from sub way........LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I sneak in chocolates all the time when I go to the theatre. For what they charge for ONE small candy bar, I can get THREE at the grocery store. I usually buy a small soda or a bottle of water when I go. I smuggle my candy in using my purse, but it isn't big enough to hide a drink bottle or can! :lol:

When they start charging reasonable prices for their concessions, they I'll stop smuggling in my treats. Money's tight and I'm not going to blow it paying $5 for something I can get for 50 cents at a gas station....

Don't you think "smuggling" sounds like we're smuggling drugs?:eek:

it's just candy^_^

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I used to be very concious of following their rules of "no outside food or drink allowed" I even threw away a 20 ounce unopened diet Pepsi when they wouldn't let me take it in. That was when we had two locally owned theaters. I understood that for them to stay in business they needed the bigger profits from concessions. They were helpful though. . .they would give you ice and tap water for the cost of the cup.

Now, the big Megaplex giant has put those two small theaters out of business. Megaplex charges pop prices for a cup of tap water without ice. I don't have one even small hang up about tak ing my Mary Poppins Bag into a movie. I can carry a whole grocery store in there. LOL

Friday, we went to the Megaplex. . . spur of the moment. Hubby decided he was hungry and didn't want to stop elsewhere to eat. So we ordered food from the Megaplex food court . . . two pizza hut pizzas, one deli sandwich cut in half, four drinks (in refillable plastic mugs) two popcorn (son didn't want to see the same movie we were seeing). . . GRRRRRRRRR . . . plus the cost of tickets. I'm embarassed to say how much it cost. Needless to say, Hubby decided that we're NOT doing that again.

He's all for using my Mary Poppins bag now.


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This is the way I look at it...

I'm not going to pay for outrageously priced food items and my own snacks don't cost them money. So I am not stealing from them because the aren't getting my money either way.

So I take it you have no issues with piracy either? It's basically the same justification. I'm not going to pay $20 for this over priced DVD anyway and they don't lose anything if I download it.

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The one thing I do like about the Megaplex theaters is you can invest in one of their mugs and then each refill is 75 cents if I remember correctly. Plus if you buy a large popcorn you can get them refilled as often as you want. That does save some money.

Honestly I'm not really a huge candy person at the movie. Give me my water or soda with popcorn and I'm happy. At the Megaplex they sell Dasani water in bottles. So who's to say if I brought mine or bought theirs. But I'd rather pay the 75 cents for the refill. Much easier.

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I've never been to a theater that doesn't say that.

Do they exist?

Not that I know of. Which is fine, hubby LOVES movie theater popcorn. He used to work at our local theater. He broke it down that ticket sales pay for the movie, electricity and other utilities. Concession stand sales are what pay employees and then any profit. Seems like more local theaters go out of business than into, so layer the butter in my pop corn:)

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