Is it tacky to bring your own snacks to the movie theater?


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Guest SisterofJared

I went to the movies with a friend last week. Asked the guy behind the counter how much it cost for water, soda, candy, etc and was amazed at the price. So then I asked him if they carried concealed weapons permits, which he looked puzzled and said "No" and I said, "I would feel much better if you were holding a gun on me while committing that kind of robbery." He laughed his head off and told me he won't pay the prices himself!

Usually if I'm being good... which I wasn't last week..... I bring in my own snacks because I should never eat the kind of crap they have at the theatre. I bring in babu carrots and slices of peppers and stuff like that. Don't eat candy and chips and all that stuff.... and don't drink soda. I often buy water, but sometimes bring a mug and ask them for ice and use the drinking fountain for the water. I don't feel bad about buying what is reasonable for me to eat.... when I eat the wrong foods, I feel it in hours, and a night of movie theatre food can put me in the hospital. So I refuse to feel guilty!!

Movies used to make good money without scalping their patrons. It's this idea that they need 14 different movies going on at the same time that has made it harder for them to make profit. Small theatres with only a couple of screens do much better. And can charge reasonable prices.

Maybe if we just quit going, the prices would drop. But poor actors and actresses wouldn't be able to charges millions for a role, either. Seems reasonable to me.

Sister of Jared

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I like to take my morality with a side order of sense. Posting signs to tell be not to disallow myself from being a part of the snackbar's extortion, does not smack of stealing or offending those who would extort me. It merely means I choose to not follow those signs and make my daughter go without snacks because I could not well afford exorbitant prices.

The posting of signs does not really make for moral guidelines. Stealing would happen if one snuck into a movie without paying.

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In my view labeling this practice as tacky is a misnomor. It is really about not wanting to pay the Theaters prices for the treats usually associated with attending movies. So as an alternative, to paying their price, some folks make a choice to circumvent this by sneaking in their own stuff. The proof of what I am saying is that the outside food and drinks are hidden from sight as they enter the Theater which indicates to me that they know its not the right thing to do, but they do it so as not to get caught.

What is the difference between the practice of sneaking in your own food and/or drink in a movie than going into a restuarant and taking in your own soft drink, soup, and salad, and ordering just the main course at a reduced price?


Going into Walmart and asking them to change your oil and filter. You buy the filter from them and ask them to pour your own oil in that you brought from home.

I agree that the price of a movie is really getting expensive, but I also believe that there are other venues in which to enjoy a movie at a much lower price. For example, rent a movie from McDonalds for a buck and one still has money left over for a treat and still behave as Christ would expect. Especially considering our children mimic our example.

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Going to the movies is getting very expensive, $10.50 to $11.00 for each ticket. On top of that, the popcorn, candy, nachos, hot dogs and sodas, X 4.

When we go to the movies with my husband he doesn't like me bringing outside food. He says it looks tacky and he rather spent $30 to $40 on snacks than going through the embarrassment of people seeing him with outside food.

Is not like I'm bringing burritos or hamburgers with french fries, I just bring candy bars, soda or water, and sometimes chips. Is this a guy thing because they feel they can't provide for their families?

When I told him that I always do it with the kids when we go alone he said that I shouldn't because we "have the money" to buy them like everybody else.

What do you guys think, is he right on this?

As long as there is no sign posted that prohibits you in doing so. :D

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Going into Walmart and asking them to change your oil and filter. You buy the filter from them and ask them to pour your own oil in that you brought from home.

That's not tacky, that's just plain dumb. Why anyone would buy an oil filter from walmart is beyond me. You're better off sticking a rag in a soup can and wrapping it around the tube. If you're going to go there, you should bring both your own oil and filter.

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This thread has been an eye opener for me. I, for one, have been one of many that have snuck, yes snuck, in outside food to places I know do not allow this practice.

When Hordak quoted the 13th Article of Faith it really got me thinking. Are we being honest in bringing in food when we KNOW that a particular establishment does not allow it?

Is the price of concession food really justication to be dishonest?

Lilered made a good comment in that, if we are having to sneak it in, obviously we know we are doing something wrong. That was another huge eye opener to me. That tells me something right there. Knowing the difference between right and wrong.

I can't judge those that do it because I've been HUGELY guilty myself. But after reading some of these comments, I am going to change my thought process and my habits.

It's funny, even when I was sneaking in food, the whole time I was thinking; I would hate to get caught. That would be so embarrassing." Obviously I wasn't even worried that what I might be doing is wrong . I was more worried about being caught doing something wrong.

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Actually I can honestly say I follow the rules of the road. My teenagers make fun of me all the time about how I follow the speed limits. Funny because one of them got a ticket just last night for speeding.

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lets take this down another we apply these same morals when we are driving??? obey all signs....traffic laws...etc...turn signals when turning or changing lanes???

Yes I do. Got one ticket (first one ever) and I was so embarrassed and ashamed - I'll never do it again.

Pale, you were a Bishop/Branch Pres were you not? How can you honestly state here that it is A-Okay to disobey the 13th Article of Faith??? Is this what you stressed to your Ward/Branch??

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lets take this down another we apply these same morals when we are driving??? obey all signs....traffic laws...etc...turn signals when turning or changing lanes???

In counciling one of my sons before he left for his mission, I asked a question to see where's his level of honor when I gave an example of when he approached a four-way stop light during midnight when there was no one else around and there was a malfunction of the light, what would he do? Postive for him, he answered it correctly. Then I began to grill him on others issue relating to this line of honor your priesthood and so forth. ^_^

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Yes I do. Got one ticket (first one ever) and I was so embarrassed and ashamed - I'll never do it again.

Pale, you were a Bishop/Branch Pres were you not? How can you honestly state here that it is A-Okay to disobey the 13th Article of Faith??? Is this what you stressed to your Ward/Branch??

hey Iggy if you want to make this personal we are the one that called me self righteous on another thread......
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In counciling one of my sons before he left for his mission, I asked a question to see where's his level of honor when I gave an example of when he approached a four-way stop light during midnight when there was no one else around and there was a malfunction of the light, what would he do? Postive for him, he answered it correctly. Then I began to grill him on others issue relating to this line of honor your priesthood and so forth. ^_^

I am guilty of speeding....I have gotten my tickets on the last one was 2 yrs ago...before that 3 yrs ago....and before that 20yrs ago

I do stop all stop signs and will not roll thru....I even use my turn signal when changing lanes...

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So it is okay to disobey the law of the land, just because others make rolling stops.

You fear the arm of man more than the arm of God? Is this true Pale?

I have been blasted by a few forums when here in Soutern Cali, it is known fact, majority of road violations will occur by three well known manufacture brands - TOYOTA, HONDA, and FORD. When others try to correct me, I just tell them, when you drive to work and drive home, when seeing a road violation, look at the brand, gender, and type of vehicle they are driving. It is always occur in greater numbers with these three brand of vehicles. :lol:

There was a morning that these three brands were violating the road rules, I watch a FORD SUV rolled through a light, followed by a Honda. Execessive speed limit driving on a back road. A Toyota tried to pass me on the right shoulder and drove off in excessive speed. A Ford mini-van was driving in my lane until the person realized the mistake when they saw my headlamps and truck. :lol: Ford F150 almost ran a three-way stop but smart enough to stop in seeing me coming. This all happened in a ten-minute drive to the Dental Office.

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