Looking for Creative LDS persons?


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The wife and I have beed married for 9 years (sealed for 8) and both students.

I once wrote a short story while in middle school and wrote a bit more in high school. And haven't touched it since. Well I finally got motivated to start working on the writting and art work again.

I've been messing with learning animation/digital art past few years and now I'm motivated to actually learn the software and to develop and re-develop my technical and creative talents. I also go back to school in a few weeks, so I'm most definately motivated "now".

I will be working torwards building my own animation studio but that will take time and more than just me, myself and I.

I am looking for Creative LDS's persons with high standards (no pun) to work with on a personal level. To help each other stay motivated, help eachother and bounce ideas.




And anyone with an imagination...


Shane C.

Edited by BenRaines
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Sure ya can Pam. Do ya like adventure stories or know children that do. What do they like or dont like, something you or they would like to see more of.

The main charactre is a Knight and a Timeload. The series will have strong LDS principals and The Atonement as the main theme.

BabyJane, what do you play and what kind of music do you like?

thanks guys,

Shane C.

Anyone eles?

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Well there is something I am not lacking for sure and it is imagination... :cool:

My class loved it when I told them to give me a thing that I can tell a story of.... I got pencils, errasers, foodboxes.....

My barrier is the written language I suppose well inenglish also spoken :D. Got 5 books written but not published any. Dont know which of the 3 languages I should use, all equally bad.

But if you need imagination.... let me know. A Knight and a Timeload (What is that? Is the Knight Timeloaded? To future or .. past?). Atonement in the picture.... I could tell you a story when I know more about what you want, but you stil might not like it.

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My son-in-law to be is a great artist. Take a look at the picture he drew of my daughter and himself as an engagement gift to her in Nov.

StrawberryFieldss Gallery » curlys engagement gift to moe » LDS Mormon Network

I am trying to direct his career but the next thing he is drawing is a fancy car... He is very talented but like most artists has a mind of his own. lol

Maybe I should change my approach.;)

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