Turned down first job in months because had to work sundays.


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Hi all, its been a tough couple months as everyone knows the economy has taken a turn for the worst. BC while some what resiliant was also in the midst of a building boom. Most of my work revolved around installation of data and telephone networks in new construction and existing construction. Well that dried up like turning off a fawcett.

Now I banging my head on what to do as far as work is concerned. I have been spending this time making calls to companies sending out resumes talking to people ect. Even posted my information at all network wholesale supply cork boards. So far nothing...

This recent job was to be employed as a subcontractor for a telecom subcontractor. Sounds kind of silly but I would be a subcontracor of a subcontractor of a company that won a contract from a major telcom giant here. The contract I would had to have signed was really long. In fact, I showed it to a vetran of the industry and he was really shocked what thay were asking me in the contract and to consult a attorney. So I had a call from this company today and the president said working weekends including sundays was manditory. That means I would never attend church again. I could go on with the restrictions this legal document asked of me but that will be for another time. I said that because of these restrictions that it would leave me no time to attend church. He said if I changed my mine he still consider bringing me on.

Now I basicly at ground zero. What to do. I have a linux and windows background aka, network admin from a few years ago. I have been pushing my self to streagthen my linux skills and even have been learning PHP and MYSQL. Last night I completed and debugged some rudimentry PHP code and got it to query the mysql server and finally got it to work :) Spending time leanring c ect because I have a interest in embeded codding.

Idealy would like to do remote admin work for clients so if anyone here knows of somone who needs these services including linux or windows administration or Asterisk PBX let me know. I live out here in BC canada but would not mind doing some work in Washington state :)

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Hey congratulations on turning down what sounded like a deal from the Dark Side! You don't mention family. I've been in your shoes, without work for a year until I recently landed a 3-month contract. We have four sons at home and my wife hasn't worked outside the home since our first was born 15 years ago.

The contract I have is good pay, but it'll end March 15, and then I'm back to unemployment and drumming up some personal clients. Turning down a job is not easy to do. So keep honing those skills -- volunteer to use them in some capacity so you can get it on your resume. Network a lot, let everyone you know that you are looking for work, check Craigslist in BC. Be open to different opportunities outside your main strengths.


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You are to be commended. The Lord has issued many promises to those who keep the Sabbath day holy, yet too many people have little to no faith that the Lord will actually deliver on those promises. The opportunity to make more money often overshadows the greater blessings that come from obedience.

I have turned down several good paying jobs because I would be required to work all or most Sundays. I've taken lesser-paying jobs because it's what the Lord wants me to do, and I've been blessed for it.

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I can relate what you are going thru. I lost my job back in 1996...thanks to a treaty our wonderful President at that time signed and said....it was good for America......my job was so good we gave it to Switzerland.....I was out of a job with 4 young kids at home and a stay at home wife.

I went and asked for a Blessing, need all the help I can get. My wife got a job right away and still works that job this very day. She has done very very well. I had alot of offers during that time. I turned them down because I would have to work on a Sunday. I did find a job and have done great since then. One thing I did learn during that time was....sometimes you have to take a job you don't really like in order to get the job you really want. Good luck to you and may the Lord Bless you in your search.

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volunteer to use them in some capacity so you can get it on your resume.

I completely agree with this. It's not easy to get a job when you are out of work and it's gets more difficult the longer you are out of work. It sounds like you have some degree of skills with system administration, I would strongly suggest you find someone who will take you on a voluntary basis in that capicity, if they won't employ you. Firstly, voluntary work can lead on to employment by that company. Secondly, you can use it to learn new skills. Third, it looks really good on a CV (resume as you call it).

Now I don't live in Canada, so don't know what the situation is there, but if it's anything like the UK, the canadian equivilant of primary schools are usually desperate for IT support but cannot afford it anywhere near as much as they'd like. Usually a teacher gets landed with the job who knows a little bit about computers so can fix things like adding a printer or changing toners, but doesn't really know how a network operates or how to fix the more difficult problems. The chances are one or more of them will jump at the chance of a volunteer to help them with this job especially if it's someone who actually has a clue what they are talking about. And if they like you, they may well take you on in a paid position. I know this because I've worked in primary schools as IT support in the past. I had to be split between two basically so they could share the cost.

Good luck!

Edited by Mahone
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Thanks all, BTW How many of you work for your self as a consultant? What were some of the obstacles that you may have come up against? I am thinking of leaning this direction and compete against those who I applied for ;)

I may just make some personal business cards and start doing visits getting a rough poll from clients if there IT services are being met to get a idea on the industry.

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I worked as a Consultant, and technician. I am pretty darn good with Linux, not as good with PHP, PERL, etc as I want to be. I'm good with Linux/windows integration, Linux on the Desktop, and the various services involved with getting that operational. My main products as a consultant were

*Linux Migration

*Training/tutoring (Windows and Linux)

*Diagnostics/Repair <-- kept me afloat

What I liked, I got to meet loads of small business people, see some really odd hardware configurations, and fix weird problems. My favourite one was one particular small Internet Hosting Company was trying to install Zend. I had a friend there, and he said rather than them fight with it, pay me to fight with it. I could taste the irony,

What I hated, chasing up non-paying clients (I left one guy with a non-functional backup solution because he refused to pay for work done prior), promoting myself, finding new clients. The last two things that I hated were more regional things, and put me out of business.

Every boy and his dog suddenly decided "Hey, I know something about computers, I'll start charging people" . These people offered an inferior service, offered none of my other benefits, and undercut me by on average 33% (they already had day jobs by and large).

The other thing is that even though we have access to most of the newest stuff out here, the attitudes towards technology are 10-15 years behind. attitudes like "Windows everything because that's all there is", stood in the way of Linux adoption.

Towards the end, we were barely scraping by, but thanks to the work done previous, I was able to get a job working IT support, bumped up to branch Systems Administrator and Database Admin. I'm working now at a plant that produces I-joists from Timber. Not the first thing I thought of, but they already have Linux servers dotted around the place, and all the IT staff love Linux. Even if we are rolling out a company-wide Exchange system at a cost of £50k

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The other thing is that even though we have access to most of the newest stuff out here, the attitudes towards technology are 10-15 years behind. attitudes like "Windows everything because that's all there is", stood in the way of Linux adoption.

Lol. I would not want to be the one to suggest any company or organisation roll out linux for the end user. While I appreciate linux and think it's a good operating system (and is particularly useful for many servers) the cost of training the staff, coping with the complaints about how the system was much better the way it was before and finding alternative software for the original and often bespoke software that only worked with windows, not to mention porting the data those programs held into the new software just far outweigh the benefits of linux.

I don't like microsofts tactics, however I think we are stuck with them being dominant for quite a while yet. It's not like we can do much about it.

Anyway, sorry for hijacking the thread :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Working on Sunday to provide for your family is not wrong. It's not breaking the Sabbath. I learned that the hard way... I kept refusing jobs. And then one day when fasting and praying I happened to come across a passage in the Bible. Luke 15-4. And I knew then that it was not a sin nor breaking the Sabbath. Breaking the sabbath is when you willfully seek employement so that you can't go to church; or when you seek activities that prevent you from attending. Or you shop for non-necessity items.

How many nurses, fireman, police offers work sundays? I never once thought they where breaking the Sabbath. It's a requirement for thier job. And 99% of jobs will let you have the hours you need off to attend church if you request it.

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Guest missingsomething

Don't think that the Lord didnt notice the sacrifice you made and the faith you showed. He can bless you much more than your mind can wrap around. It means there's something better out there!

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Hi all, its been a tough couple months as everyone knows the economy has taken a turn for the worst. BC while some what resiliant was also in the midst of a building boom. Most of my work revolved around installation of data and telephone networks in new construction and existing construction. Well that dried up like turning off a fawcett.

Now I banging my head on what to do as far as work is concerned. I have been spending this time making calls to companies sending out resumes talking to people ect. Even posted my information at all network wholesale supply cork boards. So far nothing...

This recent job was to be employed as a subcontractor for a telecom subcontractor. Sounds kind of silly but I would be a subcontracor of a subcontractor of a company that won a contract from a major telcom giant here. The contract I would had to have signed was really long. In fact, I showed it to a vetran of the industry and he was really shocked what thay were asking me in the contract and to consult a attorney. So I had a call from this company today and the president said working weekends including sundays was manditory. That means I would never attend church again. I could go on with the restrictions this legal document asked of me but that will be for another time. I said that because of these restrictions that it would leave me no time to attend church. He said if I changed my mine he still consider bringing me on.

Now I basicly at ground zero. What to do. I have a linux and windows background aka, network admin from a few years ago. I have been pushing my self to streagthen my linux skills and even have been learning PHP and MYSQL. Last night I completed and debugged some rudimentry PHP code and got it to query the mysql server and finally got it to work :) Spending time leanring c ect because I have a interest in embeded codding.

Idealy would like to do remote admin work for clients so if anyone here knows of somone who needs these services including linux or windows administration or Asterisk PBX let me know. I live out here in BC canada but would not mind doing some work in Washington state :)

Place your resume on USAJOBS - The Federal Government's Official Jobs Site

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