Killer bees


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Africanized bees found in Utah for the first time


SALT LAKE CITY – Africanized honey bees have been found for the first time in the Beehive State. The bees, long the subject of lore as "killer bees," were recently discovered in Utah's Washington and Kane counties, the state Department of Agriculture said Wednesday.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture confirmed that seven hives — three in the wild and four managed by private beekeepers — contained Africanized bees. The hives have since been destroyed.

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Africanized bees found in Utah for the first time


SALT LAKE CITY – Africanized honey bees have been found for the first time in the Beehive State. The bees, long the subject of lore as "killer bees," were recently discovered in Utah's Washington and Kane counties, the state Department of Agriculture said Wednesday.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture confirmed that seven hives — three in the wild and four managed by private beekeepers — contained Africanized bees. The hives have since been destroyed.

They sure are taking their time. When i was in grade school we we warned about the coming (in a few years) of the killer bees. That was in Michigan.

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I still remember watching a lame made-for-TV movie about "killer bees" :eek: I grew up in California as well, and remember being told to "be prepared" for their arrival, but wasn't really given a reason as to WHY. Obviously the movie raised a few concerns, but I don't know how valid they are. :lol:

I recall that film. I kept thinking "get in the tub, get in the tub":D

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Africanized bees found in Utah for the first time


SALT LAKE CITY – Africanized honey bees have been found for the first time in the Beehive State. The bees, long the subject of lore as "killer bees," were recently discovered in Utah's Washington and Kane counties, the state Department of Agriculture said Wednesday.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture confirmed that seven hives — three in the wild and four managed by private beekeepers — contained Africanized bees. The hives have since been destroyed.

EDIT: Apparently, he doesn't like hotlinking.

Edited by FunkyTown
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we used to pick on em when they came to rodeos...Ride in MBZ, ewar leather belts and Gucci shoes..we woiuld just chuckle and point out the boo boos they made.

I just wonder if the AKB is what is making our domestic bees disapear? any ideas on that one?

Oh! And just so Wingnut doesn't think I'm dismissing this topic(Which is important) I'm going to put in my two cents:

The last few years, a phenomena called "Colony Collapse Disorder" has occurred. No one knows why. No one knows where the bees are going or what's happening. Bees are just disappearing. If it happened to humans, it would be the Rapture. Since it isn't, we can assume honeybees are having 'something' happen to them.

What's scary is that we could be seeing the utter collapse of a vital part of the ecosystem and we have no idea why. At all. At bare minimum, pollination will have to occur with much more difficult and expensive processes, driving up the cost of food.

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Guest The_Doctor

Oh! And just so Wingnut doesn't think I'm dismissing this topic(Which is important) I'm going to put in my two cents:

The last few years, a phenomena called "Colony Collapse Disorder" has occurred. No one knows why. No one knows where the bees are going or what's happening. Bees are just disappearing. If it happened to humans, it would be the Rapture. Since it isn't, we can assume honeybees are having 'something' happen to them.

What's scary is that we could be seeing the utter collapse of a vital part of the ecosystem and we have no idea why. At all. At bare minimum, pollination will have to occur with much more difficult and expensive processes, driving up the cost of food.

Matthew 24:7

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

Matthew 24:32-33

Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:

So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.

There's more in that chapter, but I didn't think anyone wanted to read it all.

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Oh! And just so Wingnut doesn't think I'm dismissing this topic(Which is important) I'm going to put in my two cents:

The last few years, a phenomena called "Colony Collapse Disorder" has occurred. No one knows why. No one knows where the bees are going or what's happening. Bees are just disappearing. If it happened to humans, it would be the Rapture. Since it isn't, we can assume honeybees are having 'something' happen to them.

What's scary is that we could be seeing the utter collapse of a vital part of the ecosystem and we have no idea why. At all. At bare minimum, pollination will have to occur with much more difficult and expensive processes, driving up the cost of food.

A bee rapture? Thank you, now I have something to think about at work tonight!


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I just wonder if the AKB is what is making our domestic bees disappear? any ideas on that one?

One of our clients is a beekeeper - he seems to think that the rampant use of insecticides and fungicides is what is killing the local bees. He lost nearly 1/3 of his hives in the last three years. His bees disappeared too- thus he doesn't have any dead ones to test to see what killed them.

He will not take them to fields to pollinate unless they are 100% Organic fields.

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One of our clients is a beekeeper - he seems to think that the rampant use of insecticides and fungicides is what is killing the local bees. He lost nearly 1/3 of his hives in the last three years. His bees disappeared too- thus he doesn't have any dead ones to test to see what killed them.

He will not take them to fields to pollinate unless they are 100% Organic fields.

Has there been a change in insecticides/fungicides in the last few years?

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Africanized bees found in Utah for the first time


SALT LAKE CITY – Africanized honey bees have been found for the first time in the Beehive State. The bees, long the subject of lore as "killer bees," were recently discovered in Utah's Washington and Kane counties, the state Department of Agriculture said Wednesday.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture confirmed that seven hives — three in the wild and four managed by private beekeepers — contained Africanized bees. The hives have since been destroyed.

Welcome to the club....we had it for sometime but never a nuisance.

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