How Do You Feel About Meeting Those Who Have Gone Before?


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We just had a rousing conversation in chat about meeting your "loved ones" when you die?

Do you look forward to a glorious reunion? I have to admit that whenever we have had a lesson on this in Relief Society, I have always been less than enthusiastic about meeting my family (those i knew in this life that have passed) when I die.

What about you? Looking forward to glorious reunions? What do you expect? Especially when there are unresolved issues, such as abuse?

I had a bit of an aha moment today and would love to hear your perspective.

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We just had a rousing conversation in chat about meeting your "loved ones" when you die?

Do you look forward to a glorious reunion? I have to admit that whenever we have had a lesson on this in Relief Society, I have always been less than enthusiastic about meeting my family (those i knew in this life that have passed) when I die.

What about you? Looking forward to glorious reunions? What do you expect? Especially when there are unresolved issues, such as abuse?

I had a bit of an aha moment today and would love to hear your perspective.

Not just loves ones, but those annual ones that bring such surprises that is overwhelming at times.

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Not just loves ones, but those annual ones that bring such surprises that is overwhelming at times.

I'm not sure anyone here can sympathize with you there!

I've never had the pleasure of meeting someone from the other side.

I'd like to meet my great grandfather.

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Animals? No likely....anyone noticed when viewing such kingdoms did not see any animals.

How about John the Revelator?

D&C 77:2-3

2 Q. What are we to understand by the four beasts, spoken of in the same verse? [Revelation 4:6]

A. They are figurative expressions, used by the Revelator, John, in describing heaven, the paradise of God, the happiness of man, and of beasts, and of creeping things, and of the fowls of the air; that which is spiritual being in the likeness of that which is temporal; and that which is temporal in the likeness of that which is spiritual; the spirit of man in the likeness of his person, as also the spirit of the beast, and every other creature which God has created.

3 Q. Are the four beasts limited to individual beasts, or do they represent classes or orders?

A. They are limited to four individual beasts, which were shown to John, to represent the glory of the classes of beings in their destined border or sphere of creation, in the enjoyment of their eternal felicity.

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We just had a rousing conversation in chat about meeting your "loved ones" when you die?

Do you look forward to a glorious reunion? I have to admit that whenever we have had a lesson on this in Relief Society, I have always been less than enthusiastic about meeting my family (those i knew in this life that have passed) when I die.

What about you? Looking forward to glorious reunions? What do you expect? Especially when there are unresolved issues, such as abuse?

I had a bit of an aha moment today and would love to hear your perspective.

Hi, Luscious Chaos~

I understand your reservations about meeting family members in the hereafter. It would be especially difficult when there are unresolved issues, such as abuse.

As I was reading this thread last night, (I contemplate death, as I have diabetes and know that will definitely be part of the illness) I got a real sense that when we die, it will be "safe." It was really comforting to feel that.

From this, I don't believe we will have to, without our consent, face those that were so unkind to us in this life. I think it will be a glorious experience when we "pass." At least this was the sense I received when I read your post. That it will be a wonderful experience.

I hope you feel comforted about it too! Have you considered praying about it? I hope you don't face this with a sense of dread in your heart. I felt so good about it last night~


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I think one thing to remember is, regarding meeting relatives who have abused you or whom you have other unresolved issues with- if you meet them in the celestial kingdom... If they are there, they've completely repented and been made clean. If YOU are there, it means you have already completely forgiven them. If you are both in the celestial kingdom, there shouldnt -be- any issues unresolved.

(My two cents anyway)

Edited by WilliamT
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okay what about those people in your family that did not treat you well in this life?

How will you greet them?

hmmm, that's a hard one.

There is a person in my life who has hurt me deeply. Soo deep~ A lot of times, I say to myself that I never want to have anything to do with him again.

God is fair in the end, I believe. I don't believe any of us will have to be "connected" or "tied to," or forced to see anyone who has caused us terrible pain in this life, especially in cases of abuse. I believe Heavenly Father absolutely upholds our freedom to choose, especially in the next life~I think if both parties want a reunion, then yes, of course we will see those whom we want to see, and who want to see us. Otherwise, I feel our wishes will be respected to not see someone we don't want to~Regardless of what kingdom we are in.

If I "saw" that person I first mentioned who hurt me so deeply, I would want honesty, on both sides, to be there. I would also want the Saviour, or an angelic mediator to be there, and the hurtful scenes to be played out as a witness as to what caused me such pain.

I believe that we will be given a far greater understanding of what happened here on earth. The other person's heart, intent, and reason for abusing as he/she did. We will understand what caused them to do as they did, and perhaps through that understanding, we may be able to forgive more easily.

I also think we will come to a far greater understanding of our own actions, and their consequences towards others, and the witness of our sorrows in life, by the Saviour, who understands perfectly what we've experienced. He suffered it, too, for each of us individually. He knows what we felt and experienced.

I get a real sense that He wants our pain to stop, that He would do nothing in the hereafter to increase that pain, and that He would respect our desires for not being "around" those who so grievously caused it to us here.

Does this help to answer your question?

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hmmm, that's a hard one.

There is a person in my life who has hurt me deeply. Soo deep~ A lot of times, I say to myself that I never want to have anything to do with him again.

God is fair in the end, I believe. I don't believe any of us will have to be "connected" or "tied to," or forced to see anyone who has caused us terrible pain in this life, especially in cases of abuse. I believe Heavenly Father absolutely upholds our freedom to choose, especially in the next life~I think if both parties want a reunion, then yes, of course we will see those whom we want to see, and who want to see us. Otherwise, I feel our wishes will be respected to not see someone we don't want to~Regardless of what kingdom we are in.

If I "saw" that person I first mentioned who hurt me so deeply, I would want honesty, on both sides, to be there. I would also want the Saviour, or an angelic mediator to be there, and the hurtful scenes to be played out as a witness as to what caused me such pain.

I believe that we will be given a far greater understanding of what happened here on earth. The other person's heart, intent, and reason for abusing as he/she did. We will understand what caused them to do as they did, and perhaps through that understanding, we may be able to forgive more easily.

I also think we will come to a far greater understanding of our own actions, and their consequences towards others, and the witness of our sorrows in life, by the Saviour, who understands perfectly what we've experienced. He suffered it, too, for each of us individually. He knows what we felt and experienced.

I get a real sense that He wants our pain to stop, that He would do nothing in the hereafter to increase that pain, and that He would respect our desires for not being "around" those who so grievously caused it to us here.

Does this help to answer your question?

I dunno. I don't think I harbour any ill feelings towards family members, so I might not be qualified to talk about this sort of thing specifically.

Don't you think your time in this life would be better figuring out a way to forgive that person so you -don't- make them relive those moments they messed up in your life like that? Frankly, I would be worried that by me insisting on that happening to them, it might just happen to me as well.

Honestly, I'd be looking for reasons to let that anger go before you reach that point.

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Thanks for your response, FunkyTown.

Honestly, too, I deal with being molested as a child. The memories, though scant, are horrific. Even before I remembered this, everything in my life pointed towards that abuse, even though I didn't know it at the time.....It has effected every aspect of my life. I walked like a duck, quacked like a duck, had the feathers of a duck (sexually abused person) and didn't know I was a duck. The person who did this to me was obviously abusive to many people in other ways (physically and verbally), but those involved had no idea he would do something like this.

Just recently I found another person who was molested by him. Her anger about it is intense, and normal....It also confirmed my own memories of the molestation.

Yeah, at some point, I want to know fully what happened. A great deal to understand why I am the way I am now. I am not directly angry at the person who did this. I wouldn't want the scenes played out as a form of punishment so much as an honest portrayal as to what happened and how it effected me. Especially in the secretive world of molestation. The truth does deserve to be "shouted out from the rooftops" when the abuser is by far so secretive about it and deceitful, as mine was.

I myself am grateful for the process of repentance, and becoming aware of how my actions effect others. I don't want to hurt other people, and certainly want to become aware of it if I do, so that I can rectify it and stop it.

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Animals? No likely....anyone noticed when viewing such kingdoms did not see any animals.

We will absolutely see our animals again. Even if I didn't have the scriptures I have been promised just that in a Priesthood blessing. So many special 4 legged spirits that I miss so much.

It is so exciting to know that we will be able to see these people again. My Grandmother has been gone since 1980 and I miss her and think about her everyday. And my baby brother who I never saw alive went home in 1960.

And then of course I want to ask Benjamin franklin what he was thinking when he came up with Day Light savings ... what a mess!

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Guest missingsomething

You know, I haven't lost anyone that I haven't been able to "get over their loss"... I pine for no one... but I would sure like to meet up with say.. JFK and ask who really did ... or meet Health Ledger and Accidently fall into his arms hehehe. IM JUST kidding ya'll...

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Guest missingsomething

Good one missing. You would like to fall into the arms of a very good lucking drug addict. Oh wait, I forgot no more infirmities. Okay works for me. I wonder if he is the 9 out of 10 that accepted his temple work

Ok ok.. sooo be that way! I honestly believed that he did not OD on illegal drugs... and I have had 1 friend commit suicide... so I guess I choose to think he was just depressed. Depressed and dark... lol

ANYWAYS - it was just a joke :D and ... I still think he's cute.

And .. seriously, is it 9 outta 10?

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Good one missing. You would like to fall into the arms of a very good lucking drug addict. Oh wait, I forgot no more infirmities. Okay works for me. I wonder if he is the 9 out of 10 that accepted his temple work

He wasn't an addict. He was having trouble sleeping and had been on those sleeping pills for only a few weeks. And it wasn't even those that killed him - It was a bad reaction of over-the-counter flu medication with -prescription drugs-.

Since that's the story given by the police, his family and everyone who investigated it, it's probably best to just give him the benefit of the doubt. I know I'd want it if I were in his situation.

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I'm looking forward to being with beloved family again. We will have a greater understanding of this life. Hopefully we've been able to forgive anyone who has hurt us before we get to that point. Its so much harder to do things without a body.

I know that without the physical infirmaties of this life, the next will be joyful and englightening.


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