Does God want members of His Church to prosper financially?


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Hi sgr....

Faith on earth provides and since there is not enough faith there is a lack. We are commanded to Replenish the earth . - not to amass wealth for oneself.

Because faith is lacking, the resources are finite and not only are the resources finite they also deplete through droughts, flood and other disasters such as uncrontallable fire storms etc. - when wickedness abounds. And at this time we are living in a time of increasing wickedness -And as Jesus said there will be poor amongst us always.

Why shouldn't we use the powers of heaven to self?

Because they are not for self. This is misusing the powers of heaven. They are to be for the service of others. And others who will note our need shall use their powers of heaven to meet our need. In this way we serve each other. Have you not heard that prophets do not eat from the table of the prophet?

After the temptations were overcome,,,,,Jesus did not turn rocks into bread for Himself made bread appear even though He could.

Faith is a principle of law. And it does not a respecter of persons. How we use faith determines whether it is righteous or unrighteous.

By faith men can accumulate great wealth....all billionaires had to have used faith to gain their wealth. Donal trump revealed how he amassed his fortune....and he had named all the ingredients that was required to do it. But has he happiness and joy and trust? What is it now...third or fourth wife?

Truly it is easier for a camel to enter by the eye of the needle into heaven than a rich man to enter.


A man who is prosperous is a man who always has all for his present needs.

Also I do not condemn everyone who amasses wealth. Everyone is different and It would not be impossible for God to command certain people to amass wealth so that it could ALL BE consecrated to helping the poor.

Amassing weath is not part of the solution but being part of the problems that afflict those who "have not". Jesus in his ministry would not touch money...

For example it is said that over 200 billions dollars are spread out amongst the Walton who own Wall mart. Whether this is true or not....Imagine how much can be accomplished with that...we could litterally wipe many of the diseases that are afflicting the third world.

The Eight Wonder of the World.

When we have money - Interest even Compound interest is paid. Compounded Interest was called the Eight Wonder of the world by famous men....and so it is. It is the devil's tool to enslave people to an earthly system that can both reward and punish the individuals.

I personally have gotten rid of all my assets that commanded interest rates.

PEace be unto you


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Today, most of the saints live outside of the US, most in object poverty and most of them are not illiterate. The Gospel is being proclaimed far and wide and the knowledge of the salvation of Christ and the power of the Priesthood of God is what has changed the lives of millions. Prosperity? They will die without reaching that point of earthly station, but they have received the bounty of eternal life.

That is a pretty good point. I think when people think Mormon(especially Americans) the first thing that comes to mind Utah. But your right. The average Latter day saint isn't some BYU educated lawyer with the nice house and boat. I imagine It's a family of 4 living in a one room hut who save all year long to cram on a bus so they can attend the temple.

If faith was rewarded with money prosperity(which would negate the whole idea behind faith) these members would be striking oil and gold every time they went to dig a hole to burry there waste.

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For example it is said that over 200 billions dollars are spread out amongst the Walton who own Wall mart. Whether this is true or not....Imagine how much can be accomplished with that...we could litterally wipe many of the diseases that are afflicting the third world.

Walmart spent about $18 billion with Chinese producers this year. While that is only about four tenths of one percent of the Chinese GDP, it is a fantastic contribution to the ability of Chinese people to work and lift themselves out of poverty. Suppose Walmart is able to accomplish such importation for two decades but without any increase. They would still spend $360 billion with China over that span. What would be better: a single injection of wealth wherein the Waltons dispense $200 billion, or a lifetime of mutually beneficial business for millions of people totalling many more billions?

We could also be asking ourselves why the Church doesn't simply "wipe many of the diseases that are afflicting the third world". The realities are that many billions, no matter how they are utilized, won't solve the trouble. The biggest issue is politics. Much of the governments of the third world (and in some cases our own) prevent such help from coming to people. In many cases, the prevention is unintentional, but nevertheless real.

That aside, the big issue here is sustainability. What we need is to produce more and trade more. This can NOT be accomplished without capitalization. Capitalization can NOT be accomplished without savings.

If it is good to simply get rid of our savings, to not have any investments, to not capitalize, then who will do it? Who will produce food? Clothing? Shelter? Transportation? Energy? Communications?

The anti-capitalist crowd hates Walmart. This hate is enough to show their folly. But if we truly got rid of capitalism, we would embrace world poverty, starvation, and total deprivation.


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a-train articulated with great clarity.

Most of the poverty of the earth is caused by the greed and the corruption brought about by power-hungry men. The billions earned by the oil principalities in the ME, for example, are not reinvested in their own countries. About 12-14 families in certain countries control 90% of the output GDP in those countries and receive billions in revenue. But it is not re-invested in their own countries.

The US is different. Although we do tend to diversify, there is a significant investment that goes into generating intellectual capital and to created business and services right here. Capital and wealth creation is the hallmark of the US. To this day, the US is the place where you can create a business with an idea and a credit card in about 1 hour. Other countries? From one month (if you are lucky) to one year.

Let's hope it remains so.

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There is a great discussion going on in another part of this forum that I feel really belongs here. It was originally posted here but got moved before anyone had joined the discussion. Now that there have been 21 responses to the post I think it is time it gets moved back here where more people will likely read it and share their point of view.

Right now you can follow this link to the post or you can find it by going to: LDS Mormon Forums...then to: Resources...then to: LDS Resources & Information...then to: The Science of Getting Rich GOD's Way.

I'd like to see the discussion here but at least it you can join it now that I have told you how to find it.

Thank you!

Repeat after me Reverend Billy... "Money loves me. Money loves to be in my pockets. I see a whole mountain of money coming towards me. Amen"

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The point is being missed a little here. It's not about money. It's about working with God to accomplish His will. It's about co-creating our life with God. It is about not ignoring the fact that we determine much of what happens in our lives by what we believe deep inside. Not what we want to believe, but what has been passed into our subconscious mind. We have been warned over an over that the sins of the parents have consequences that pass on through generations. Is this because God curses the sinner or because our subconscious programing determines our action and results? Things pass on until a change in thinking replaces old programing. The Gospel is about changing old programing to something that eventually leads to God-like thinking.

There is a great quote attributed to Albert Einstein:

"I want to know God's thoughts, the rest are details".

How much of our lives are determined by our thinking and how much is left to chance, fate, and luck?

Does anybody have annoying habits that carried over from a parent or grandparent? I know I have some. Why do I do those things? Because at a subconscious level they are automatic. Can they be changed? Yes, if I want them to change. Is it easy? "Kind of" and "no". It's easier to make those subconscious changes when one knows how...but there is still effort and faith involved. If you don't know how God created our conscious and subconscious mind to work it is very, very hard to make the change.

I believe God shares a portion of His creative power with us. I believe that we are practicing creation the same way we are practing being eternal parents. We get to do things on a limited basis here on earth first. This is a preparatory state we are living in.

God lives abundantly. He has no lack. He knows no want. He always has what He needs when He needs it. That is prosperity.

People throughout the world define what a lot of money and material possessions are differently, based on what their paradigms are. A person is truly rich when they can be, do, and have all the things they righteously want to be, do, and have...undertanding that God is there to help them co-create their life according to those righteous desires.

If a person has a specific righteous desire, and they get confirmation from God that it's ok with Him to have that desire, I believe we are well within our faith to ask God for His help and to expect that He will help us...even if it takes co-creating money to do it. When the Church wants to build a Temple, God provides the way (in our day and age) through tithing. Why would God provide a way for the Church to achieve its righteous goals, but abandon the individual member? He doesn't! He always provides a way (see 1 Nephi 3:7).

God has asked every father on earth to provide for his wife and children. Has every Temple recommend holding member of the Church keep this commandment perfectly? No. Does any member of the Church keep all the commandments perfectly. No. Does God say He will provide a way for us to accomplish the things He commands of us. Yes. Everything He commands? Yes. Can we do it all in this life? No. Is it because God asks too much? No. It's because we have to repent and let God change us. That takes time. That takes unlearning a lot of things that are subconsciously automatic for us. Yes, sometimes we purposely sin...but often we disobey because of what has made it into our minds as a result of parents, family members, friends, media, etc...The good news is that God is patient and shows mercy. The good news is that Jesus Christ paid the price so we can overcome ourselves and come back into His presence as well as the presence of The Father.

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I had heard of that for Wall mart. However, I was not speaking of corporate wealth but of individual wealth...which is not exactly the same thing. I personally have nothing against Wall Mart. They help keep the prices down. Let us not lose sight.... That they are also responsible in a great part for what happened and still happening to farmers in India.


The people of God in the past were forbidden to lend with interest. The Lord has not changed this law for His people.

Are we the people of the Lord or of Babylon?


Also if in every 50 years like in the OT; if we were to forgive all would RESET the Economy and Balance all the Books To Zero. A debt carried year to year keeps growing like an inverse pyramid. And it will lead sooner or later to an Economic Meltdown because it is calculated with Compound Interest which basically is interest on top of interest. The debt basically at 8% doubles every nine years. With compound interest set every month. Some countries have been in debt even before the Second world war.

Political problems..

I think you are referring mostly to Mozambique...However, not every Aftrican country is run by Robert Mugabbe. Sooner or later as it happened to him it bacame intolerable politically for him to keep the people out from helping. We can start with one country and it would be like a domino effect.

Now all problems...are really consequences of breaking Spiritual laws either as individuals or as a people. We can heal ourselves and then the world with "Unconditional Love." Few people shall believe this and so we shall presently reap in a whirlwind proportion all that we what sowed. For example the Economic problems that we are facing is due to pure unadulterated greed practiced from the top to the very people who bought homes that they could not afford.

Were are we headed? - towards the precipice.

1. Not one country has met its own food quota in the last few years.

2. Korea now has nukes.

3. Iran has nukes.

4. China is beginning to agressively assert itself.

5. Russia is still building Nuclear submarines like there is no tomorrow.

6. Water wars may break out soon. - Hot spot is California. The Usa and Mexico have been accusing each other of taking more water then specified.

Our retired premier Ralph Klein said...Whisky is for drinking and water is for fighting over. This could be a reality very soon.

As for has its faults and we are seeing some of the result of it right now.

In Zion there shall be no money. Everyone works for everyone. Unlike the failed programs of the Marxist Communists....the People have to be willing to live those laws as set by the essenes and Nazarenes which were handed down from the days of Enoch.

I think by the time Zion is established on the earth...there will be no doubts in those people mind....that we have failed with Capitalism to take care of the poor, the weak, and the elderly. We shall also realize that socialism will also fail to save everyone. And when people come into Zion...they shall be happy to give to the Lord's storehouse and share all they have and wait on the Lord to make them prosperous. Which shall happen.

Now to get back to the OP. I do not think there is any problem in being rich if that man uses his riches to help others. Now he is working for the the poor. And the Lord does not wish us to give with conditions. If we give money to a homeless man with a condition that he not use it for alcohool...we are not giving but buying obedience. A gift is without conditions.

Peace be unto you


Walmart spent about $18 billion with Chinese producers this year. While that is only about four tenths of one percent of the Chinese GDP, it is a fantastic contribution to the ability of Chinese people to work and lift themselves out of poverty. Suppose Walmart is able to accomplish such importation for two decades but without any increase. They would still spend $360 billion with China over that span. What would be better: a single injection of wealth wherein the Waltons dispense $200 billion, or a lifetime of mutually beneficial business for millions of people totalling many more billions?

We could also be asking ourselves why the Church doesn't simply "wipe many of the diseases that are afflicting the third world". The realities are that many billions, no matter how they are utilized, won't solve the trouble. The biggest issue is politics. Much of the governments of the third world (and in some cases our own) prevent such help from coming to people. In many cases, the prevention is unintentional, but nevertheless real.

That aside, the big issue here is sustainability. What we need is to produce more and trade more. This can NOT be accomplished without capitalization. Capitalization can NOT be accomplished without savings.

If it is good to simply get rid of our savings, to not have any investments, to not capitalize, then who will do it? Who will produce food? Clothing? Shelter? Transportation? Energy? Communications?

The anti-capitalist crowd hates Walmart. This hate is enough to show their folly. But if we truly got rid of capitalism, we would embrace world poverty, starvation, and total deprivation.


Edited by bert10
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The Perpetual Education fund is lent with interest. It's small but it is interest.

Members prospering financially is about having the resources necessary to accompish righteous desires. Some (but not all) of these take money to accomplish. That's the main point, but some people refuse to believe that financial abundance can be a major blessing in helping God accomplish His will for us and others too. How many people give up on developing their talents because of lack of money. Example, having a piano if your are inclined towards becoming a piano player...or being able to take piano lessons. I am sure that someone is going to think "Well my aunt has a piano, I'll just send my child there to practice and play, and I bet I can talk her into teaching my child too", but that won't happen for everyone that wants to become a piano player. So what happens? Often the righteous desires we have gut buried or we let them die or we just say "I guess I am just not meant to play the piano." How much pain has a child or parent suffered because of having to poor water on a righteous burning desire? If this person knew how to create the money for a piano and piano lessons, and they could do it righteously, I think they would do it. A piano is a luxury to most people, but to some it is a necessary tool to developing a talent. So is it right or wrong to want the money for a piano and lessons?

Once again, how many righteous dreams and desires "die on the vine" because of lack of financial properity?

A lot of people are more concerned about the rich being banned from Heaven than they are about the good that financial abundance can bring and the talents that can be magnified and multiplied.

When I served a mission I had two mission presidents. They both had financial abundance. It allowed them to leave their work and serve the Lord more easily. Today President Andersen is now Elder Andersen who is one of the Presidents of the Seventy. It seems that money didn't destroy these two men. It wasn't requirement for them to be rich to be mission presidents or a member of the Seventy, but it has helped them serve more effectively.

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It may be as you say.....In the church of God the people are not perfect. Remember there is a scourge and a judgment pronounced on this church. The people have not yet received the blessing yet Hitherto Unknown [benson 1980's] Because the Elders are walking in darkness under a noon day sun. The One mighty and Strong shall come and straigthened out the church at God's own time.

If we as LDS do not do all we can to renounce Babylon how can we heed the call to come out of her being tied down to her by pensions and Savings and Interest rates?

as for the problems listed below...Do you imagine that God does not know what He is doing? Do you imagine that one person dies one second sooner than decreed by God?

Did any mission leader with all their wealth bring more people to God than Peter who had no money?

It all comes down to what is right and what is wrong.

It depends what the voice of God is saying within us.

Peace be unto you


The Perpetual Education fund is lent with interest. It's small but it is interest.

Members prospering financially is about having the resources necessary to accompish righteous desires. Some (but not all) of these take money to accomplish. That's the main point, but some people refuse to believe that financial abundance can be a major blessing in helping God accomplish His will for us and others too. How many people give up on developing their talents because of lack of money. Example, having a piano if your are inclined towards becoming a piano player...or being able to take piano lessons. I am sure that someone is going to think "Well my aunt has a piano, I'll just send my child there to practice and play, and I bet I can talk her into teaching my child too", but that won't happen for everyone that wants to become a piano player. So what happens? Often the righteous desires we have gut buried or we let them die or we just say "I guess I am just not meant to play the piano." How much pain has a child or parent suffered because of having to poor water on a righteous burning desire? If this person knew how to create the money for a piano and piano lessons, and they could do it righteously, I think they would do it. A piano is a luxury to most people, but to some it is a necessary tool to developing a talent. So is it right or wrong to want the money for a piano and lessons?

Once again, how many righteous dreams and desires "die on the vine" because of lack of financial properity?

A lot of people are more concerned about the rich being banned from Heaven than they are about the good that financial abundance can bring and the talents that can be magnified and multiplied.

When I served a mission I had two mission presidents. They both had financial abundance. It allowed them to leave their work and serve the Lord more easily. Today President Andersen is now Elder Andersen who is one of the Presidents of the Seventy. It seems that money didn't destroy these two men. It wasn't requirement for them to be rich to be mission presidents or a member of the Seventy, but it has helped them serve more effectively.

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I'd like to direct a question to all those who are against the idea of improving one's lot financially

It is this:

If this is so wrong why does the church counsel our young people to get the bet education they can in order to get the best jobs they can?

I saw a young family being evicted from their home because they had fallen behind 3 months on the mortgage payments. This had occurred because the father had been in a serious accident and been unable to work for months, plus the medical bills. Some would say he should have had enough savings to fall back on in emergencies but how do you have enough savings for such things if you are being counselled that the aquisition of riches is going to keep you out of Heaven?

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Hi WillowtheWhisp.

Improving our lot financially is not the same as amassing wealth and becoming Rich. There is a difference in having enough money as to fill our present needs and to not be in dept.

As for Education...Our first priority is to find God and learn to live by his counsels. Worldly learning is all very good when a person has found God. It is well to note...worldly learning does not heal our diseases and cannot make food last as is by Magic - see Elijah. It cannot make rain come, nor heal anyone nor command death to turn back. If a man has Christ what else does He need?

For whomsoever has Christ...has the Spirit of wisdom, knowledge and understanding in all things and workmanships as well.

Exodus 31:3 - And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship,

I am not against earning money because we still live in Babylon at this time. However, being rich brings a whole new set of problems that makes it as hard to enter into heaven as it is for a camel to enter in by the small gate called Eye of a Needle.

Which rich person lives as a regular person? Do they not buy luxuries to pamper themselves or their egos?....while the homeless and poor starve and die around them?

Peace be unto you


I'd like to direct a question to all those who are against the idea of improving one's lot financially

It is this:

If this is so wrong why does the church counsel our young people to get the bet education they can in order to get the best jobs they can?

I saw a young family being evicted from their home because they had fallen behind 3 months on the mortgage payments. This had occurred because the father had been in a serious accident and been unable to work for months, plus the medical bills. Some would say he should have had enough savings to fall back on in emergencies but how do you have enough savings for such things if you are being counselled that the aquisition of riches is going to keep you out of Heaven?

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Hi WillowtheWhisp.

Improving our lot financially is not the same as amassing wealth and becoming Rich. There is a difference in having enough money as to fill our present needs and to not be in dept.

As for Education...Our first priority is to find God and learn to live by his counsels. Worldly learning is all very good when a person has found God. It is well to note...worldly learning does not heal our diseases and cannot make food last as is by Magic - see Elijah. It cannot make rain come, nor heal anyone nor command death to turn back. If a man has Christ what else does He need?

For whomsoever has Christ...has the Spirit of wisdom, knowledge and understanding in all things and workmanships as well.

Exodus 31:3 - And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship,

I am not against earning money because we still live in Babylon at this time. However, being rich brings a whole new set of problems that makes it as hard to enter into heaven as it is for a camel to enter in by the small gate called Eye of a Needle.

Which rich person lives as a regular person? Do they not buy luxuries to pamper themselves or their egos?....while the homeless and poor starve and die around them?

And even if they live as a regular person what Good has their wealth done for the people while it was in the banks and investments agencies.

What shall they answer God concerning their stewardship? that they gave little to the poor and kept most of it for themselves?

Do not the poor cry out to the Lord for justice?

Before becoming Rich - a man ought to address all these things above. Or else his wealth shall be a condemnation unto him.

Peace be unto you


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I'd like to direct a question to all those who are against the idea of improving one's lot financially

It is this:

If this is so wrong why does the church counsel our young people to get the bet education they can in order to get the best jobs they can?

I saw a young family being evicted from their home because they had fallen behind 3 months on the mortgage payments. This had occurred because the father had been in a serious accident and been unable to work for months, plus the medical bills. Some would say he should have had enough savings to fall back on in emergencies but how do you have enough savings for such things if you are being counselled that the aquisition of riches is going to keep you out of Heaven?

1. I bet you can't find one person who is "against the idea of improving one's lot financially" as you say.

2. I bet you can't find any Church counsel that young people should get the bet education they can in order to get the best jobs they can?

3. It's not the idea that people should be educated and become financially secure that is offensive. The offensive idea is the absurd notion that there is a science to get rich God's way.

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The way I've understood it...young people have been told to get an education so they can better support their families with the necessities of life. Men to support their families, and women to gain skills should they also need to. I've never heard we need an education so we can get rich.

I for one, would be happy just knowing I didn't have to live payday to payday.

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The US is different. Although we do tend to diversify, there is a significant investment that goes into generating intellectual capital and to created business and services right here. Capital and wealth creation is the hallmark of the US. To this day, the US is the place where you can create a business with an idea and a credit card in about 1 hour. Other countries? From one month (if you are lucky) to one year.

Let's hope it remains so.

Unfortunately, the "business with an idea and a credit card in about 1 hour" is simply speculation. Not only that, but it is the worst kind: speculation with someone else's money. The vast majority of those endeavors simply result in quick failure. America used to be a country that saved and put those savings to capitalization. We were the biggest lender and producer in the world. That was way way back in 1980. Today, we are the world's largest consumer and debtor.

Also unfortunate is that we have long forgotten about "a significant investment that goes into generating intellectual capital and to created business and services right here". We have to get back to savings and production. The national savings rate went negative in 2007 (Americans were spending more than they were saving and even if everything was liquidated the proceeds would not cover the debt outstanding). We are now up over a 4% savings rate, but we need to be in the teens to really get anywhere and we have a long way to go to bring debt balances safely under asset values.

Families in the far east have been saving over 20% for a generation, the result is that they have become the biggest producers and lenders. The effects of this imbalance cannot be avoided. The far east will ultimately have an enhanced purchasing power while the west will have a diminished purchasing power. Although many are claiming "decoupling" is a myth and the world is "too innerconnected", they are simply and sadly wrong.

Put in lay terms? Chinese stuff won't seem cheap anymore. Toshiba and Sony products will seem outrageously expensive. Oil will cost more than ever. Far Easterners will suddenly be able to afford more than ever. To them, prices will seem low. This is not all bad, local products will be more competitive again and domestic production will benefit. The trouble is that it will take a long time (decades perhaps) to build American manufacturing up to where it needs to be.

Americans will either willfully start living within their means, or they will be compelled to. We each can individually make the decision, but the time to decide is getting short. It won't matter what our credit score is or how much we can borrow when the payments are simply out of our league. It is now more important than ever that we save.

Americans need to rediscover capitalism. Silly stock speculation won't do. Ridiculous housing speculation won't do. We need to put our savings into real capitalization. We need to be investing in activities that produce real earnings, that actually produce. Whether the business is local or not doesn't matter. Whether it employs our friends or not doesn't matter. What matters is productivity. That is all that has ever mattered.

We need to capitalize with our own savings. "Leverage" is just a term that sounds cooler than "debt", but it nonetheless describes the same thing. Real, sustainable prosperity will come from hard work, savings, and real capital improvements with those savings.


Edited by a-train
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1. I bet you can't find one person who is "against the idea of improving one's lot financially" as you say.

2. I bet you can't find any Church counsel that young people should get the bet education they can in order to get the best jobs they can?

3. It's not the idea that people should be educated and become financially secure that is offensive. The offensive idea is the absurd notion that there is a science to get rich God's way.

:(:(:( ehem....that was blunt. But I would have to agree.

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I finished your book recently and wanted to say thank you. I can agree with much of what you said in your book. I find much is consistent with the celestial laws of Zion we as LDS are supposed to be striving for.

I would personally like to see more scholarship involved. I would like to see this taken from a pure LDS standpoint and really gone over. Pull in scripture and/or words of modern prophets to support your ideas. Take these ideas from the book you state them as being from (The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles) and show, using scripture and other gospel sources, that they are consistent with the gospel. I know that would go a long way in convincing me as I am really uncertain whether this is 100% consistent with the gospel. I see many things that I believe are inconsistent with what scriptures teach, and I think many of your points are contradictory.

I hope you will take this “constructive criticism” in the spirit of love in which I tried to convey it. I still have many questions regarding these things. Again, thank you for your book. I see much in it that IS consistent with the gospel as I understand it.



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I will do that in the future. This book was written for any Christian...however as you said, you can see the LDS perspective in the book. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have, quoting the book, and I'll be happy to answer them.

BTW...if you follow what I have outlined in the book you will see that IT WORKS...try it!

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Offensive notion or not, it's true! God works by Law. There are Laws that govern financial abundance. Obey the Laws and get the results. It IS that simple...but you must obey the Laws.

Bull. What are we? Idiots?

Explain the law that made Saddam Hussein and Bernie Madoff filthy rich and made Joseph Smith and my grandparents dirt poor.

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Share on other sites a CEO for a company that gets bailout money and give yourself a million dollar bonus out of that money. That's following law and making yourself rich. Obviously I need to do something different in my life.

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