Pornography & Sexual Addiction Conference


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Letting everyone know!

Please let all your Bishops, Stake Presidents, Seventies, family, friends et. know. I am so excited. InnerGold is going to be presenting about pornography and sexual addiction, in June, so still a little ways out but we want to get the ball rolling.

It is not to sell their services, No! It is to help give ecclesiastical leaders instruction on how to handle someone addicted Pornography and Sex. Most leaders, counselors don't handle treatment of addiction the correct way. A lot of the time they tell you to just STOP, if an addict could they would. Nonetheless, the person walks out feeling good because they have just confessed. However, deep down the addicts brain is going into survival mode and essentially causing it to panic. The addicts brain has been trained to use pornography/sex to cope with Boredom, Loneliness, Anger, Stress and being Tired. The brain (specifically the limbic system, survival portion of the brain) starts saying no, no you can't do that, how will I help you to relax?

We hope to give ecclesiastical leaders the training they need to start really helping people overcome this addiction.

This is a huge battle and it is getting greater and greater so InnerGold is going to be very aggressive about education.


This training will be for all denominations so if you know someone, please let them know.


The location, time will be announced later.

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This sounds wonderful. Just wondering about the content of your you address how ecclesiastical leaders can deal better with wives and other family members? Or perhaps at least address the need set of people who are married to and perhaps being manipulated by an addict?

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We are in the process of putting all of this together for this specific workshop but I know that this program will help all involved with pornography or sexual addiction, whether they are the addict or family. The more a person understands the brain and addiction, the better they can help and be helped. Please watch this presentation on addiction. "Pornography the Perfect Poison" this will help give you a better idea about InnerGold. Also look through our FAQ's, this will help answer some of your questions, hopefully. If not, you can ask your specific questions about their program on their forum.

I have to run really quick but I will be back to answer any more of your questions.

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This sounds wonderful. Just wondering about the content of your you address how ecclesiastical leaders can deal better with wives and other family members? Or perhaps at least address the need set of people who are married to and perhaps being manipulated by an addict?

Are you back? Glad to see you! :)

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do you address how ecclesiastical leaders can deal better with wives and other family members? Or perhaps at least address the need set of people who are married to and perhaps being manipulated by an addict?

I asked this question to the founder of InnerGold and this was his response:

Absolutely. I have some good experience as I have done so many women's groups. I know what they are saying what issues come up for them and so forth. I will definitely be addressing this. We can do a question and answer session at the end of the presentation. Even if I have to stay after for 3 hours, I will answer their questions.

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Fiannan & Michael: Sorry it has taken awhile to get this to you but here you go:

The InnerGold System

The InnerGold system is specifically designed to educate and explain why pornography/sexual addiction issues have become the contemporary mental health issue of our time and why denial is so rampant. It provides education that in most cases proves to be an awakening to a whole new world of thinking. It introduces a language of recovery and change to those who struggle with unwanted sexual cravings and behaviors.

The system is a unique blend of many different philosophies such as addiction models, quantum physics, neuroplasticity and the human brain, clinical psychology, Jungian psychology, mindfulness/awareness training, business models and many years of hands on experience with addicts.

The system is based on the latest information as to how the brain works. It introduces one to the unconscious world of the Limbic System and its language. It provides hope through education and introduces daily tools that if followed will help in the process of re-wiring this primitive, habitual part of our brain into patterns that one can purposefully choose.

During this past decade we have learned more about the human brain and how it works than all the previous years of human history combined. We now know of two distinct parts of the human brain and how they work. These two parts are the pre-frontal cortex and the limbic system. Psychologists and scientists now agree that the limbic system or instinctive nonconscious part of the brain drives the majority of our behavior. It simply responds to the program it been given and functions at a deep unconscious level. It doesn’t judge things as right or wrong it simply acts out the program it has been given.

Because sexuality is a core instinctive drive inherent in human’s pornography becomes the perfect poison. Is there really any wonder why pornography has become a multi-billion dollar industry? It is the perfect poison for the limbic system! It may seem natural and harmless at first but as we learn more of how the limbic system works we start to see a very frightening picture. We now know that when the limbic system is given this “program” one begins to lose control of their behavior very quickly. This out of control behavior is destroying relationships and lives. Viewing pornography directly effects and disturbs the pre-frontal cortex or moral part of our brains. Those who push pornography would disagree of course but it is my belief that they have chosen not to listen to what their pre-frontal cortex or moral brain is saying to them. One can get to the point where they cannot hear it any longer if it is ignored long enough.

The Innegold system takes one through a series of exercises that helps one to create a new program that can be introduced to this unconscious part of ourselves. Engaging the pre-frontal cortex is at the foundation of changing the program that the limbic system has been getting.

Retraining this subconscious/nonconscious part of your brain is a two-step process. First, using your conscious faculties, you choose the thoughts you want to focus on (Future Picture Statement). Then, you patiently and persistently impress these thoughts on the subconscious/nonconscious part of your brain through daily practice of visualization, meditation and the daily planning sheet until these thoughts become beliefs. Behaviors can only change when the program changes and a new set of instructions is turned into a habit of thought. The Innergold System provides one with the tools necessary to accomplish this and to help one live the life that they want to create for themselves rather than living the life that has been created for them by external forces.

Edited by InnerGold
I forgot to address Michael who asked to post the InnerGold System
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Viewing pornography directly effects and disturbs the pre-frontal cortex or moral part of our brains.

Is this a physical change?

What specific part/ level of pornography would cause this effect?

I. E. Sports illustrated swimsuit edition would be considered pornographic by some extremely conservative people, but shows no more then what one sees at the beach.

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Is this a physical change?

Yes, in a recent study done by neurologists in Texas, the viewing of pornography is shrinking the pre-frontal cortex (logical thinking portion of the brain). Therefore, increase in viewing and level of what is ok increases. View my profile and you can watch the presentation we give to help people understand pornography addiction.

What specific part/ level of pornography would cause this effect?

I. E. Sports illustrated swimsuit edition would be considered pornographic by some extremely conservative people, but shows no more then what one sees at the beach.

Second part of your question:

If it arises sexual feelings, it is pornographic. Many of InnerGold clients start off with soft porn as a young child, Sports Illustrated, Maxim, Victoria Secret, Cosmopolitan, and many others. They try to justify that it is ok because they are not nude. The fact-of-the-matter is, viewing this causes our limbic system to recognize that this helps to release chemicals that will calm the body, therefore, it stores this as an item to use for relaxation. This is when viewing things gradually get more and more justified and the next thing a person knows is that they are hooked into the pornographers marketing trap!

There have been several InnerGold clients that encourage their spouse to sign up for Victoria Secret or Weightlifting magazines just so they can try to fulfill that need of looking. Most spouses don't see this as a problem because it is just a magazine of intimate apparel or it is just a magazine helping me get into shape, BE VERY CAREFUL!

I would take the same adage that is in the song for children, "If the Savior stood beside me would I do the things I do?"

Justification is a dangerous game to play.

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Yes, in a recent study done by neurologists in Texas, the viewing of pornography is shrinking the pre-frontal cortex (logical thinking portion of the brain). Therefore, increase in viewing and level of what is ok increases. View my profile and you can watch the presentation we give to help people understand pornography addiction.

Second part of your question:

If it arises sexual feelings, it is pornographic. Many of InnerGold clients start off with soft porn as a young child, Sports Illustrated, Maxim, Victoria Secret, Cosmopolitan, and many others. They try to justify that it is ok because they are not nude. The fact-of-the-matter is, viewing this causes our limbic system to recognize that this helps to release chemicals that will calm the body, therefore, it stores this as an item to use for relaxation. This is when viewing things gradually get more and more justified and the next thing a person knows is that they are hooked into the pornographers marketing trap!

There have been several InnerGold clients that encourage their spouse to sign up for Victoria Secret or Weightlifting magazines just so they can try to fulfill that need of looking. Most spouses don't see this as a problem because it is just a magazine of intimate apparel or it is just a magazine helping me get into shape, BE VERY CAREFUL!

I would take the same adage that is in the song for children, "If the Savior stood beside me would I do the things I do?"

Justification is a dangerous game to play.

If the physical/mental arousal causes physical damage to the brain how does the brain differentiate between porn and non porn?

When one takes a physical substances the effects are the same regardless of the intent.

I.E. The oxycotin my mother in law takes for her back pain has the same addictive/liver damaging effects as the oxycotin taken by someone looking to get high. How would this be different with visual stimulation?

If my wife coming out of the shower has the same effect as a playboy magazine then wouldn't the damaging effect be the same? I can see how being addicted to your spouse would be better for society then being addicted to porn but if sexual excitement causes physical brain damage shouldn't we expect to see this damage in people who who are repeatedly excited regardless of if it is Playboy, hard core, or their spouse? Has there been any studies comparing these groups?

Maybe this is why grandparents are not logical when it comes to giving the grand kids cookies before diner. There logic center has shrunk :).

BTW any peer review studies? Nothing personal but a link to the site is like a going to Ford Motor Company: Cars, Trucks, SUVs, Hybrids, Parts - Ford to learn that driving F150s make you happy.

Edited by hordak
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FREE Symposium *(Sign-up)

Understanding, Avoiding, and Treating Pornography/Sexual Addictions

In 2007, the average age of a child first exposed to pornographic content was 11 years old. Approximately 90 percent of children ages 8 to 16 have seen pornography on the Internet.

How can I educated my children and prevent pornography/addiction in my home?

How can I help a loved one or someone who comes to me with an addiction?

How do I know if someone is addicted or if they just had a moment of weakness or curiosity?

As an ecclesiastical leader how can I help those coming to me?

These and many other pressing questions of our time will be answered at the upcoming symposium. Pornography and sexual addiction is the Mental Health issue of our time. Please join us for a Free 2 hour seminar on understanding and treating pornography/sexual addictions. Come learn from Brother Gordon Bruin, M.A., L.P.C. a known expert in the sexual addiction treatment field.

Brother Bruin has a unique blend of church experience and clinical experience. He has served in many different ecclesiastical positions as well as spending 20 years in the addictions treatment field. Brother Bruin has literarily spent thousands of hours helping those who struggle with these issues. Come learn from the insights he has gained during his years of clinical work. Come learn the signs and symptoms of a potential problem and what to do about it.

Currently Brother Bruin works for the Utah County Health Department in the Division of Substance Abuse as a Program Services Manager. Brother Bruin is also the founder of Innergold Counseling services ( which specializes in the education and treatment of pornography/sexual addiction issues.

The most common response after one of Brother Bruin's presentations is, "why hasn't anyone ever told me about this before?"

Where: Traverse Mountain Stake Center

2030 W Chapel Ridge Rd,

Lehi, UT.

Date: Saturday June 20th

10 am - 12 pm

Admission: FREE

Who is invited: Ecclesiastical Leaders and ward members (mature teenagers welcome).

Sign up for the FREE Symposium Here

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Hordak: I asked Gordon, the Psychologist for InnerGold, your questions and this is what he wrote:

" There still needs to be research done on so much of this. The hang over that is described after one views pornography is universal across the bored. Just had a client tonight who described feeling foggy, anixious, fidgity, depressed and a complete inability to focus. It is common to hear that it takes a couple of sober days to feel fairly normal again after a slip. This is how it affects the pre-frontal cortex. Could write tons more but just dont have the time. " Gordon

I know this does not completely answer your question in full so I am pressing him for more clarification but he is extremely busy with the county and his practice.

I don't know if you live in Utah, but if you do, I would encourage you to attend the Free Symposium for Pornography and Sexual Addiction. You can learn more about it on the group I have posted in the site.

Gordon will be presenting and after the presentation you can ask him more details about this, if I can't get a clear answer for you.

I can tell you this. Marriage and intimacy is healthy and our brains can decipher this between porn, if someone has not been viewing porn. I don't know all of the physical details of brain stimuli that occurs but the brain is an extremely complex organ.

Hordak, I will get you more studies regarding the brain as I find them. Do you want me to post them on this thread or send them personally to you? If there are others interested in the studies I pull, let me know. I will probably end up posting to the group: Pornography and Sexual Addiction

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