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It's difficult to knock on Bill Gates' door and actually speak to him. He has people to shoo you away.

I can tell you that Thurl Bailey, former Utah Jazz star, joined the church, and as far as I know he is still strong in it. He was at one time in the Elder's Quorum Presidency of my employer's ward. I believe he was introduced to the church by his wife.

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Yeah it's not impossible or unallowed or anything I don't think. My husband taught MC Hammer and all kinds of rappers and what not in California. But I think it is difficult given their amounts of privacy and settings...can't really just walk up to their doors on most of them!

However, I think I heard that famous LDS members are not encouraged to go on missions??? I don't know if that's right!! But like David Archuleta should he choose to go I think I heard that it would be best for him not to. Something? Help on that one.

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However, I think I heard that famous LDS members are not encouraged to go on missions??? I don't know if that's right!! But like David Archuleta should he choose to go I think I heard that it would be best for him not to. Something? Help on that one.

The reason behind this is because we don't want people joining the Church just because David Archuleta is Mormon. We want them to join because they know it's true. It can also be hard for people to look past the fame and just hear the message. He could probably go on a mission to Africa. :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, like they told Donny Osmond not to go on a mission because the work he was doing was good enough. I believe it was Spencer W. Kimball who told him to just keep doing what he was doing.

To answer the topic of the post, of course missionaries can teach celebrities, but as mentioned it isn't always easy to get in touch with them.

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Do Missionaries get to go teach to the famous people? like Bill Gates or something?

or...superstars, sport stars?

if they don't.....then why don't they?

Why do you ask?

Who do you have in mind? :D

Are they wondering why they never knocked on their door?

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  • 1 month later...

Do Missionaries get to go teach to the famous people? like Bill Gates or something?

or...superstars, sport stars?

if they don't.....then why don't they?

Haha, you make it sound like it is as simple as the Prophet saying, "Hey, you know what would gain us some members? If we baptized Orlando Bloom. Give him a call and have the missionaries set up an appointment with him for tomorrow evening."

Missionaries can virtually teach whoever they bump into and whoever is willing. Consider where many of these famous people live.

For instance, you named Bill Gates... this is one busy man! How often do you think he is even at his home? Do you think he has only one home to begin with?

Also, many of these people, when they ARE home, live out in very nice neighborhoods where I doubt missionaries go. Additionally, you cannot just prance up to their front door and knock it, they often have fences, gates, and security systems surrounding their house (and maybe even scary watch-dogs, yikes!)

So to answer your question... yes they can.

Why don't they? It's not that easy.

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Don't go too far. In certain exclusive neighborhoods missionaries seldom go because all they do is ring intercoms and a maid would answer and she will not open the door for them. That can go on for miles and days. So, they rather trek over the mountains and into the Southern California desert where, although 120 degrees hot for 4 months out of the year, there are humble and willing people to listen and accept the Gospel.

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However, I think I heard that famous LDS members are not encouraged to go on missions???

I lived in Korea when Shawn Bradley was on his mission in Australia. I could tell he was having problems with the Asian press and poparazzi. He was constantly on Korean TV and in the sports papers. I could tell from his answers (and his comp's) that he was more than a little annoyed.

I think there is a distraction when a famous kid goes on a mission. But what do you do if he or she really wants to serve? Would a service mission work?

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Do Missionaries get to go teach to the famous people? like Bill Gates or something?

or...superstars, sport stars?

if they don't.....then why don't they?

Well, I will tell you what. Most live in giant complex mansion places with loads of security. Not to mention the fact that getting past all their "people" might be difficult. And who knows. When you are a billionaire and beautiful and you don't need anything, maybe its just harder to be humble. I know my beauty is a HUGE stumbling block for me. :D (just kidding. hee hee hee)

I think member missionary work might be more effective in cases like this, or maybe other forms of missionary media work. I mean, if a person wants the truth and is ready for the truth, Father will find them somehow, someway, thru someone. We shouldn't treat them differently because they have status and really nice cars.

And some do join the church. Gladys Knight joined because her kids were members and they invited her to learn more.

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Do Missionaries get to go teach to the famous people? like Bill Gates or something?

or...superstars, sport stars?

if they don't.....then why don't they?

How would anyone define the term famous? By the world standards or by what GOD define as those who can make a eternal difference? Ever noticed any famous people listed in the Book of Mormon besides those who were noted or sited in government/king positions? No one else is listed. Missionaries who had completed a full-time mission is eternally famous.

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