So stupid and sad...


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Today here in Norway was a young man at 17 taken by police. He had joked to someone on the internett that he will kill a lot of people in this school 150 miles south from us. The school had been evacuated right away. The boy had come himself to the police and explained it was a joke. Now he may get 3-6 years for that joke! What a STUPID thing to do. The police said they wont leave it to that.

They were to write and study about school massacres. And the boy sent an e-mail to a magazine about neighnbourschool. He did nto think it would go so far... but the e-mail was really bad so I dont wonder that they did.

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I know he shouldn't have done it, and he was old enough to know better, but 6 years seems excessive for something that was just plain stupid rather than evil. When I was at school we had a spate of "bomb scares" instigated by students. (The authorities never found out who was doing it, but most of us kids had our suspicions.) Still, I suppose this will discourage other people from doing anything similar.

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Now he may get 3-6 years for that joke! What a STUPID thing to do. The police said they wont leave it to that.

He should know better than to shout fire while standing on a soapbox in the park.

May be sad for this fellow to have to be an example, but I suppose, it has to begin with someone, right?

Ginger, what would you like to see happen in this example?

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Wow, kids/teens can be soo thoughtless..I've been there myself, made crass statements without thinking them thru, nothing on this scale, but still, kids do it..

This reminds me of an episode of Airline where a woman passenger who was not getting her own way at one of the check in sites suddenly said she had a bomb in her luggage and was refused flight that day..obviously a very, very stupid thing for her to have said..she wasn't imprisoned for it tho..

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But at the same time these threats need to be taken so seriously and I think there needs to be huge repercussions because of it.

How many signs were there on other incidents such as this that went undetected or even unmentioned that could have prevented numerous deaths. I applaud the authorities for taking action. Whether this was a joke or need to learn it's not funny and will be dealt with harshly.

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Maybe it's just me...

I grew up an Army Brat, which means that way back then, in the 1970's as a young person and into my teens that if I got into any big trouble, especially at school, my dad got in trouble. Getting dad in trouble with a CO is not a good thing, I don't think, of course, I was a good egg and well protected from doing anything wrong outside the house. Because I never got to do anything unless escorted by a family member, so there wasn't so much to get into for me...

until after I graduated and left home...

Being a good egg, I honestly didn't have so much of a mean bad bone to contend with when it came to making decisions, well the one's that I could make for myself. I remember going outside and having to stand in the rain and snow in Germany since someone had called in a bomb threat. It actually didn't make much sense to me either.

Kinda like this:

Ummm, hey ya'll there's a bomb in the school somewhere, lets take all the kids outside, you know just outside the school and then make em' stand around the building just in case it does blow up.

What maybe 20/30 or even 40 feet away...

Hello! Standing around a building that may blow up might not be the best place for the kids!

So, we'd all stand outside freezing or getting ill from standing in the cold rain.

Heck, if I'd have been lucky enough to have to stand outside on the other side of the building, I may have considered crossing the straus tracks and heading about, oh, I dunno, maybe 500/600 feet away from the school building... but of course, I never was, so I don't know for sure that I'd have done so...

Anyway, even though back in the 70's there were knotheads about back then too.

Most of us cared about one another, believe it or not. Or at least I think we did.

Maybe it was because we were all Brats, I dunno.

I don't remember kids fighting as much back then, today it seems like what kids do most is get up in each others face or do a lot of back biting and gossiping as well as boasting about how they are gonna kick someone's backside.

Seems like all they talk about is fighting and wanting to fight or encouraging others to fight with someone else.

Ginger, what would you like to see happen in this example?

Well, I'm basically a forgive and forget kinda gal...

Maybe they should take his PC away from him and ban him from the internet.

Maybe they should get him thinking about ways he might help some of those he jokes that should be gone, maybe by him finding a way to do something for them, he might understand the shoes that others walk in.

So, Moksha, "what would you like to see happen in this example?" :D

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Maybe they should take his PC away from him and ban him from the internet.

Maybe they should get him thinking about ways he might help some of those he jokes that should be gone, maybe by him finding a way to do something for them, he might understand the shoes that others walk in.

So, Moksha, "what would you like to see happen in this example?" :D

Ginger, you more or less covered it. However, I would read him the Riot Act and but let him keep his computer if he seemed to understand the gravity of the situation and expressed remorse together with a promise not to do that again. Good thing we are not Norwegian police....


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