Finding of Easter Eggs???


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I went on Easter egg hunts every year growing up, and have even done some as an adult, in our family we just made a tradition of holding our hunts a day early so that we don't take away from the sacredness of the Sabbath, luckily for us the Easter Bunny was willing to come out to visit us one day early. He always pounded his foot against the side of the house to tell us that we could come out of our rooms to look for eggs and candy. Then he ran for his life because my dad was out to catch him. Makes me wonder now why he was willing to come early with my dad after him all the time. Ah well good times.

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i'm assuming the question is due to easter always being on a sunday, thus the potential keeping the sabath day holy conflict. i think that's up to each family to decide. all ward activities i've been to that involved easter egg hunts or activities were done on the saturday before. but if the individual families wanted to have an activity (or attend one somewhere) i've never heard it frowned upon or heard counsel against it. but i've not heard all the counsel out there so i could be wrong. lol

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Yep, they can also trick or treat and sit on Santa's lap (Almost typed Satan there, that I'm fairly sure is not okay to do... or even possible).

As far as the Sabbath keeping aspect, you can always do it the day before if it bothers you, but I personally don't see anything wrong with it, as with a lot of things dealing with various activities keeping the Sabbath its a knee-mail question.

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There was a local restaurant in my area that promoted a large Easter Egg hunt on Saturday and many showed up. There were not enough eggs hidden for the hunt so many kids ended up with nothing after the hunt.

It was bummer for the kids. Thankfully my kids didn't go.

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Guest HEthePrimate

It's fun. Just make sure you don't hide the eggs too well! One year I did that, and my family didn't find some till weeks later (I forgot about them, too)--not a pretty sight... well, smell. :P

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