Am i sinning?


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Now were talkin. So you are trying to determine if the vasectomy was successful? And you and your wife are no longer together.

Are you getting this test out of curosity, or are you planning to have intercourse with a woman still able to produce offspring?

If you are planning on having a relationship. I would share this delema with her, she may be able to help out... But this of course would be a greater sin than solo procurement of the sample out of wedlock.

If you are not planning on having intercourse till after marriage, then there is no hurry to have the test done. If the procedure didn't take they will have to re-do it anyway.

Im expected to produce 2 clear samples as part of the process. Its not curiosity, its required as a condition of the procedure.

The samples must be done on particular dates.

I have no intention to be with any woman for quite some time. I am an excommunicated member and it's going to be at least 2 years before i will get all my blessings back.

My only goals right now are:

1. Get Rebaptized.

2. Get all my Priesthood & Temple blessings back.

3. Go to the Temple.

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When I got neutered, they only asked for one sample, and after both conditions:

* 2 weeks after surgery,

* after a dozen 'pipe cleanings'

So it sounds like these requirements might be springing from their set up, not as any sort of real condition where if you don't hit the exact dates or give two samples, it would impact the success of the surgery. From what I understand, the samples are merely to verify the procedure worked. It's not like if you don't give them samples, they strap you down and forcibly reverse the procedure.

Anyway, your goals are noble. I see why this issue is causing you a bit of worry. Consider - your Heavenly Father knows what's going on too. If you can find an answer that you see yourself explaining to Him, as you stand before Him as a righteous man - that answer is probably the one you should go with.


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Still out there trying to save the heathen Mormons, huh? We know what sin is and how to overcome it. Don't preach, we don't do it in our own sacrament meetings . . . we save up for conference (well, I get the CDs too, so I hear conference talks every day). You want to help . . . bring your intellect to the party not the self-righteousness.

Repent, huh? Hmmm . . .

"Still out there trying to save the heathen Mormons"

I do not save anyone. Jesus saves. You believe in Jesus so you should be saved. I am just affirming my position that we all sin. The title of this post is "am I sinning?" The simple answer is yes.

"We know what sin is and how to overcome it."

You can't overcome it fully. You will always sin.

"You want to help . . . bring your intellect to the party not the self-righteousness."

I am not self-righteous. I am wretched. It is you that claims a higher standard.

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"Still out there trying to save the heathen Mormons"

I do not save anyone. Jesus saves. You believe in Jesus so you should be saved. I am just affirming my position that we all sin. The title of this post is "am I sinning?" The simple answer is yes.

"We know what sin is and how to overcome it."

You can't overcome it fully. You will always sin.

"You want to help . . . bring your intellect to the party not the self-righteousness."

I am not self-righteous. I am wretched. It is you that claims a higher standard.


Please read the post first before giving a blanket statement. Yes we all sin, and yes we all need to come to Christ to be forgiven and saved, however that is not what the OP was asking about. He is asking whether doing a certain thing would be sinning considering that it is requested by a doctor.

Coming in and throwing out an uneducated answer (as you did not take the time to read the original post) was a very ill conceived way of hijacking the thread. Please take time to respect people by reading what they have to say before throwing out a comment that really has nothing to do with what they are asking about. By respecting them they will come to also respect you.

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When I got neutered, they only asked for one sample, and after both conditions:

* 2 weeks after surgery,

* after a dozen 'pipe cleanings'

So it sounds like these requirements might be springing from their set up, not as any sort of real condition where if you don't hit the exact dates or give two samples, it would impact the success of the surgery. From what I understand, the samples are merely to verify the procedure worked. It's not like if you don't give them samples, they strap you down and forcibly reverse the procedure.

Anyway, your goals are noble. I see why this issue is causing you a bit of worry. Consider - your Heavenly Father knows what's going on too. If you can find an answer that you see yourself explaining to Him, as you stand before Him as a righteous man - that answer is probably the one you should go with.


He said he's in the UK, So procedures may vary over here compared to the U.S. Like not paying lol.

Lost one, I wouldnt be worried about the 'sinning' part. Just get it done. My DH has to produce a sample soon and I'd go as far as to say he's looking forward to the process!! well, not really but u no what i mean.

If you feel you are in danger of a relapse then seek out extra support.

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OK, OK I finaly read the original post. The word is masturbation and it is OK to say it and to do it. Masturbation is a normal sexual function of both women and men. So you must think lustful thoughts. That is a sin. As a normal man we can not help ourselves. So go ahead and give your sample. Repent to God for your lust and be done with it.

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Ok, Im going to be very careful about the way a phrase this, as I dont want this to move to the Adult section if i can help it.

Ive been asked by my Doctor to give a sample of bodily fluid, which means i will have to perform a sinful act. The question is. As my Doctor has asked me to do this, am i sinning?

Im also a pornography addict, so will have to do this sinful act without this particular aid. My pornography addiction and this act ive been asked to do, have in the past gone hand in hand, which is another reason im finding this quite hard to do.

Thank you for your time and for any help you can give.

I know that most will say that its a question between myself and my Heavenly Father, But with my past I feel particularly vulnerable to this sin. Its like a Doctor asking an alcoholic to drink a beer so he can do some test.

I hope that makes sense.

The last place I'd ask for advice on what to do with my genitals would be a message board full of Mormons.

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