Born for greatness


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I know That I was born for greatness, but getting to that point seems to be challenging.

I see all theses people living extraordinary lives and know that somehow I need to be bigger then I am.

So do I move Forward, Fire ready aim?

Or do I Ready aim fire?

Both will give me different results...

I am stuck in a place i don't like... Get a regular job, and follow the same routine? Wake up eat work, come home, eat, sleep, and then get up again. With that mode of life a least I can feel some what secure...

Or do I Just go and do the wild and crazy thing of making it on my own?

Wake up ?????????? Go to sleep.

Well I guess I just have to make a choice.

Get ready world cause here I come!

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Man, you make it sound like the movie "Ground Hog Day."

I don't think it is nearly so bad. Eventually you forget all the times you brushed your teeth and then you're able to just move along taking time to do the things that are worth doing.

think of it like the biathalon: ski ski ski blam ski ski ski blam blam ski ski ski . . .

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Why do I feel like reading that "Oh the places you'll go" by Dr. Suess book?

Being born for greatness doesn't mean we are exempt from falling flat on our faces! The falling and the failing and all the bumps in the road are part of becoming great. Sometimes there is purpose and wisdom....and even greatness to be found in the mundane. Go tackle the world! But don't forget to grasp all the gold the journey is there to give you.

May your sneakers never leak.:D

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I don't want to sound New Agey .... But , be careful of the words you choose because they do make a difference. If you speak thoughts of self defeat eg." I have not reached greatness." Or, "my life is so hum drum" ect. ect. That's what you will reap. I agree with Dr. T I don't think you really understand how great you really are!!!:)

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I know That I was born for greatness, but getting to that point seems to be challenging.

I see all theses people living extraordinary lives and know that somehow I need to be bigger then I am.

So do I move Forward, Fire ready aim?

Or do I Ready aim fire?

Both will give me different results...

I am stuck in a place i don't like... Get a regular job, and follow the same routine? Wake up eat work, come home, eat, sleep, and then get up again. With that mode of life a least I can feel some what secure...

Or do I Just go and do the wild and crazy thing of making it on my own?

Wake up ?????????? Go to sleep.

Well I guess I just have to make a choice.

Get ready world cause here I come!

Let me quote a wonderful and thoughtful friend and brother here; "I AM A NOBODY!" Elder Boyd K. Packer.

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My coworker gave me the best advice I'd ever head:

Write down your goal/s, and the time frame in which you want to achieve it/them.

Then plan backwards to see what you have to do to achieve it.

If you just sit around and wait for extraordinariness to come, it never will; you have to make it for yourself.

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Qtpie, what qualifies as an extraordinary life to you? What kind of life would you like to have?

As someone coming out of nine months of unemployment next week, I will say that sometimes security is a far greater blessing than you could ever anticipate before you lose it. It's very difficult to be extraordinary when you know that soon you won't be able to buy food to eat.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A lot of "great" people come from a life of poverty, insecurity, uncertainty and lots of failure. In fact that alone is often what makes them great, the fact that they overcame the odds. For me hard times are an oportunity to prove who I really am. Can I walk the walk or do I just talk the talk.

Security is a sham.

Personally I will never live up to the standards I have set for myself and that can be good and bad.

Here are some quotes to live by.

The people who rise to the occasion tend to be the ones

who were rising to many lesser occasions for a long time prior. - Seth DuCharme

The man who knows only honor

Knows not the odds;

The man who knows only the odds

Knows not honor.

Phil Messina, 1 November 2004

“Look at a man in the midst of doubt and danger, and you will learn in his hour of adversity what he really is.” Lucretius (99-55 B.C.).

This world offers only two vantage points from which to live your life: the arena or the stands. Life is relatively safe in the stands. Not so in the arena. You can see more in the stands, but experience more in the arena. And there is one thing that can be found in the arena that can never be found in the stands: A life worth living.

-Phil Messina

If you expect perfection you will become your own worst enemy. Perfection doesn’t win fights – perseverance does.

-Phil Messina

Destiny is not a matter of chance; it's a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved. -(Author unknown)

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered with failure, than to live in that gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.

-Theodore Roosevelt

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I know That I was born for greatness, but getting to that point seems to be challenging.

I see all theses people living extraordinary lives and know that somehow I need to be bigger then I am.

So do I move Forward, Fire ready aim?

Or do I Ready aim fire?

Both will give me different results...

I am stuck in a place i don't like... Get a regular job, and follow the same routine? Wake up eat work, come home, eat, sleep, and then get up again. With that mode of life a least I can feel some what secure...

Or do I Just go and do the wild and crazy thing of making it on my own?

Wake up ?????????? Go to sleep.

Well I guess I just have to make a choice.

Get ready world cause here I come!

Over the course of many generations we have adopted values and a frame of reference which is far distant from that of the generations that made this country truly great. We have confused wealth, popularity, notoriety, celebrity and extreme narcissism (we call it now eccentricity) with greatness. Sad state of affairs.

Greatness is about the quality of our heart and our disposition to lose ourselves in the service of others. The Savior Said:

Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.

But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first. Mat 19:28-30

We should aspire to do great things in the name and in the service of our God. For our families, spouses, neighbors, for all the children of God as long as the sun shall rise and until the Savior comes to declare that the work has been done.

Perhaps your general emotional state stems from other issues and current life conditions. You should start there.

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Greatness is achieved everytime we get back up, dust ourselves off, and start again.

(I'm paraphrasing a quote I heard years ago)


Some of the greatest people in history achieved amazing things despite disability, illness and falling on their face a million times.

Consult your Heavenly Father. Make a decision. Move ahead always putting the things of God first.

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