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I found this site, and hoping to make some new friends. Hoping to strenghten my faith agian as I feel like I'm losing my faith. Hopeing to find faith in myself again also. I was born and rased in ther church and have a long histroy of pioneers that came across the plains and settled in Utah. My marrage, my life and my family, I have just lost all hope in everything. Hopeing to change that. I also have a speacal needs daughter and she has been a big challenge. I started lossing my faith when our stake change ward boundies and we got put into a new ward. This ward along with the Bishop and young womens presidency didn't want to deal with my daughter. They really did some damage to her, and the way the Bishop handled this was I felt was very wrong. All the Bishops I've had to deal with always went out of thier way to make it easyer on us or to help my daughter in some way. This Bishop just seem to want to wash his hands clean with us and not deal with my daughter. Long story short, we ended up moving back into our old ward boundeies, but the damage had aready done, to our familey and especilly with me. Things seem to have been getting worse as time went on, so that is why I'm here.:(

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Dude, I know about wards not approving of my daughter. I still approve of her though (she's 19, so she's not that interested in my approval, but I still think she is way cool). I guess that's what is important.

Welcome to LDS.net. Post often and make friends.

Aaron the Ogre

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I found this site, and hoping to make some new friends. Hoping to strenghten my faith agian as I feel like I'm losing my faith. Hopeing to find faith in myself again also. I was born and rased in ther church and have a long histroy of pioneers that came across the plains and settled in Utah. My marrage, my life and my family, I have just lost all hope in everything. Hopeing to change that. I also have a speacal needs daughter and she has been a big challenge. I started lossing my faith when our stake change ward boundies and we got put into a new ward. This ward along with the Bishop and young womens presidency didn't want to deal with my daughter. They really did some damage to her, and the way the Bishop handled this was I felt was very wrong. All the Bishops I've had to deal with always went out of thier way to make it easyer on us or to help my daughter in some way. This Bishop just seem to want to wash his hands clean with us and not deal with my daughter. Long story short, we ended up moving back into our old ward boundeies, but the damage had aready done, to our familey and especilly with me. Things seem to have been getting worse as time went on, so that is why I'm here.:(

We have our moments with a few leaders making a mistakes, but it is not there church. Our testimony should be on GOD, the Savior, the Gospel, and Joseph Smith.

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Welcome BB... You want to talk about teaching abilities of members of the ward just PM me :P.. Unfortunately not everyone is such a fantastic pedagog as our bishop is. I seen a lot. I just leave it there. See you around good BB. I hope it all will be ok.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm new here too..well, we all experienced different challenges and frustrations in life..but we should not give up on what we have started - our faith..i too have been a victim of injustices in our ward but that didn't stop me to move forward..such things made me stronger and the more i involved myself in church activities..afterall, we go to church because we love God and not because of someone else..so hang-in there BB..you will be fine..

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I found this site, and hoping to make some new friends. Hoping to strenghten my faith agian as I feel like I'm losing my faith. Hopeing to find faith in myself again also. I was born and rased in ther church and have a long histroy of pioneers that came across the plains and settled in Utah. My marrage, my life and my family, I have just lost all hope in everything. Hopeing to change that. I also have a speacal needs daughter and she has been a big challenge. I started lossing my faith when our stake change ward boundies and we got put into a new ward. This ward along with the Bishop and young womens presidency didn't want to deal with my daughter. They really did some damage to her, and the way the Bishop handled this was I felt was very wrong. All the Bishops I've had to deal with always went out of thier way to make it easyer on us or to help my daughter in some way. This Bishop just seem to want to wash his hands clean with us and not deal with my daughter. Long story short, we ended up moving back into our old ward boundeies, but the damage had aready done, to our familey and especilly with me. Things seem to have been getting worse as time went on, so that is why I'm here.:(

Give me a break. You are losing your faith because of this? I would have thought it more to do with the whole gay experience you wrote of on another thread.


Please don't insult the intelligence of people on this board by blaming things on a ward.

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Who are you to judge me? You don't even know me. You have no ideal what's going on in my pathetic life. My whole world is falling apart, and there are still other things that I haven't even metion yet and wont. Right now I feel like I'm falling in this never ending hole and everyone is laughting at me and not willing to help me out. I feel alone, and that there is no one I can turn to to help. This is one of many things including my sin that just keeps adding on and not really helping me. I really don't care wheater you beleive me or not. But evan my mother and mother in-law-law along with my wife saw how devastated I was and still is about this bishop and ward. Now, my wife has vengeance out for every ward member in our new ward. She is so full of hate towards the chruch and not giving anyone a chance. And now I have todeal with this, and if this is called enduring, I don't know how much more I can take. I pary most nights when I remember, for god to just take me. Cause just maybe I'm better off for everyone if I wasn't around. Because I really don't think anyone would miss me except those I mention which is 2 maybe 3 people. I'm already going to hell, and destroy any chance of getting back, so what diferance dose it make. But I'm glad that your having fun ripping me apart and know calling me a liar. Your just as bad as funkytown. SELF RIGHTESS ******* AND W/ YOUR MIGHTEIER THAN THOU ATTUDUE. If I want to be abused and put down, I can have my wife do that for me and she is real good at that and making me feel worthless person and a nobody. I don't need ths crap from you.

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  • 6 months later...

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