Signs of the Second Coming

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Okay, I have heard of two things that mark the nearing of the second coming, but I'm not sure where to find the references.

1: That for seven years there will be no rainbows in the sky. Someone mentioned that it was in Revelations, but if so, where?

2: That Christ will return while a Prophet of the lineage of Levi is the President of the Church and that President Thomas S Monson is a Levite. . . My Mom told me this but she has no idea where she got that info from.

Could anyone please enlighten me on this?

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Okay, I have heard of two things that mark the nearing of the second coming, but I'm not sure where to find the references.

1: That for seven years there will be no rainbows in the sky. Someone mentioned that it was in Revelations, but if so, where?

2: That Christ will return while a Prophet of the lineage of Levi is the President of the Church and that President Thomas S Monson is a Levite. . . My Mom told me this but she has no idea where she got that info from.

Could anyone please enlighten me on this?

Good luck with that:)

No where in Revelations is that prophecy.

No where in the Scriptures.

Might have been the whims of a writer of some book?

Have no clue as to door number two either.:D

Bro. Rudick

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Dazed, I am not the one who is perpetuating these thoughts. We do know there are specific signs of the Second Coming, I have a list that I got from Seminary (these two things were not on that list). So, even if the above are true it doesn't mean that it'll happen in the time frame we think it'll happen. I am simply trying to confirm one way or the other the truthfulness of these statements. I have done some searches myself but I haven't found anything. Sometimes though I do not conduct searches in the best manner which is why I asked peeps here about it.

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I don't know much about those signs but they do sound kind of familiar. I have some cool timelines about the same topic if you are interested though

Palmoni Scrolls

God speed

I wish I could figure out how to download or copy those cool time lines you have.

They appear from what I see to be


Bro. Rudick

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If I remember correctly Joseph Smith said something about seeing rainbows means Christ will not return for at least a year.

*shrugs* I do not have a source.

I don't have a source for that either but I also remember reading that.

But nothing about no rainbows for 7 years.

Could be a 7 year drought but. . .

Bro. Rudick

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“The Lord hath set the bow in the cloud for a sign that while it shall be seen, seed time and harvest, summer and winter shall not fail; but when it shall disappear, woe to that generation, for behold the end cometh quickly (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pg. 305).”

A later, fuller treatment of the matter by the prophet reads: “I have asked the Lord concerning His coming; and while asking the Lord, he gave a sign and said, ‘In the days of Noah I set a bow in the heavens as a sign and token that in any year that the bow should be seen the Lord would not come; but there should be seed time and harvest during that year: but whenever you see the bow withdrawn, it shall be a token that there shall be famine, pestilence, and great distress among the nations, and that the coming of the Messiah is not far distant.’

“But I will take the responsibility upon myself to prophesy in the name of the Lord, that Christ will not come this year…for we have seen the bow…Brethren, when you go home, write it down, that it may be remembered (Teachings, pg. 340-41).”

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Thanks bytebear..that's awesome. I had read something like that somewhere but couldn't remember where. Thank you.

I remember Snow bringing it up way back when I first joined up, I don't think the archives go back that far though.

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I don't know when you joined but the Gospel Discussion forum archives back to at least the beginning of 2004.

Found it, I didn't think to limit it to the specific forum thus the glut of info kept the search results from going back as far as they could:

My memory was failing me, Bat brought it up Snow just participated in the thread. In my defense it was almost 5 years ago. :)

Edited by Dravin
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Okay, I have heard of two things that mark the nearing of the second coming, but I'm not sure where to find the references.

1: That for seven years there will be no rainbows in the sky. Someone mentioned that it was in Revelations, but if so, where?

2: That Christ will return while a Prophet of the lineage of Levi is the President of the Church and that President Thomas S Monson is a Levite. . . My Mom told me this but she has no idea where she got that info from.

Could anyone please enlighten me on this?

The lord is not going to tell us when he will come. but many of the prophecies are coming true, its just the matter of how seriously true these prohecies are going to come to complete fruitation.:)

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