a little situation overhere!

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I dont really know where to start...

ok.. I had been inactive for some time maybe a year, but now Im active and everything, but since Im active a lot of things had happened some of them are very good and some are bad..

1.-first, I feel more than ignored by our stake president, even rejected and he has been kinda mean, even to the point of saying in his talk/speech on the pulpit stuff like "some young ladies that stopped coming to church and now they back think life is about blah."or. "I cant understand why some of the young people that came to seminary everyday become inactive".. and its obvious he is talking about me, there aren´t many young people here that used to go to seminary.. I dont really understand his behavior but it has expanded towards the whole family,I think one of my brothers is the most "injured party" my dad is his counselor and they not getting along that much, and everything started since my brother dated his daughter...:o he didn't agree with the relationship, anyways it was just a date but the president didnt get over it. two weeks ago our ward was having a trip to the temple we were going but he didnt tell us the bus was leaving one hour earlier so they left us... (he is the one that organizes the trips)

Today I went to this talents activity and he shook hands with all the people next to me, he skipped me !!! I was like what? anyways I dont judge him, I think he's still a good person and i sustain him.. Iknow we are humans and make mistakes, I just want some words and advice about what to do when this situation happens because it's not easy..

2.- other situation, My bf baptised less than a month ago, he has become very close friend to the missionaries, first they just talked about the gospel lessons, but now they are starting to do things that they not supposed to, like going to rent movies, have sleepovers (right now they having one) buy on sundays, the missionaries send my bf to buy so they wont be "sinning" , go to rent computers/internet, .. like this time where the missionaries told their leader they were going to visit an investigator but it turned out that they came with us and we went to a pizza place, i didnt know they were lying though till a day after.. I like those missionaries but the things they doing are not right.. my bf doesnt know yet because he is new, but they do, I dont wanna be a snitch because its obvious they will know it was me,

if you made it all the way to this last words, thanks for listening/reading...


Edited by glow_inthe_dark_girl
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Hi there !! My dad said some thing to me that really stuck, the church is a perfect place full of inperfect people. And it is so true!!! Far too many people loose faith because of what he said or what she did.

I'd have a talk to your boyfriend discuss with him what missionairies should and shouldn't be doing. Don't make the decisions for him but just inform him, it sounds as though he doesn't know any better.

As for the stake president well, some times I hear people say things that strike me but arn't really intednded to be about me. I'd say do not dwell on the mistakes your stake president has made but look for good qualities in him and you might be suprised.

Well done for coming back, I also came back to church and life is so much better for it !!! ^_^

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As for your Stake Presidents actions. Try to forgive him and understand that even though he holds the Office, he may not always be correct in his actions. He is human and therefore capable of making mistakes. You will find that you will be blessed. He though will have to someday answer for his actions.

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Regarding the Stake President: I think you're taking it personally. You are not the first person to go inactive. You're not even the first person who ever went to Seminary to go inactive. You're not even the first person in your stake who went to Seminary who has gone inactive.

About the missionaries: Talk to them, talk to your boyfriend, if things don't change, call the mission president or mission office. The Bishop doesn't have the authority to transfer or otherwise discipline them.

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I agree with Wing. The SP is probably trying to help people not get trapped into "worldly" thinking and he is probably very unaware that his words might be offensive.

Girl, look. Just live the way you know is right and let the chips fall. If you are coming back to the church, that is good! Celebrate your successes. Give yourself the credit you deserve. If you have made mistakes, think about those mistakes in merciful understanding and then repent with courage.

And with regards to the missionaries, I would call them on it without apologizing one bit. Ask them where their white hand book is. Sometimes the missionaries need a little mothering nudge to do the right thing. And if they blow your kind nudge off, then I wouldn't hesitate to call the Mission Pres. If I were in your situation, I wouldn't hesitate to say something. I hope that your BF can see that participating in these activities ISN'T helping the work move forward.

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I would probably call the Mission President forthwith because of the bad example they are setting for your boyfriend.

About your Stake President, let it roll off your shoulder. You're not the one with the problem, he is. However, I WOULD talk to him about your displeasure about the Temple trip. That was most definitely not cool.

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Regarding the Stake President: I think you're taking it personally. You are not the first person to go inactive. You're not even the first person who ever went to Seminary to go inactive. You're not even the first person in your stake who went to Seminary who has gone inactive.


I wish it was true, but I have some other reason I know it, he's done other things but I dont really wanna talk about it because I wouldn't like to appear as if I try to judge our leaders... but my brother who is leaving on a mission got the worst part... long long story..

and I considered myself inactive but its different cause I didnt really stop going to church,.. but I stop feeling like I wanted to be there..

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I dont really know where to start...

ok.. I had been inactive for some time maybe a year, but now Im active and everything, but since Im active a lot of things had happened some of them are very good and some are bad..

1.-first, I feel more than ignored by our stake president, even rejected and he has been kinda mean, even to the point of saying in his talk/speech on the pulpit stuff like "some young ladies that stopped coming to church and now they back think life is about blah."or. "I cant understand why some of the young people that came to seminary everyday become inactive".. and its obvious he is talking about me, there aren´t many young people here that used to go to seminary.. I dont really understand his behavior but it has expanded towards the whole family,I think one of my brothers is the most "injured party" my dad is his counselor and they not getting along that much, and everything started since my brother dated his daughter...:o he didn't agree with the relationship, anyways it was just a date but the president didnt get over it. two weeks ago our ward was having a trip to the temple we were going but he didnt tell us the bus was leaving one hour earlier so they left us... (he is the one that organizes the trips)

Today I went to this talents activity and he shook hands with all the people next to me, he skipped me !!! I was like what? anyways I dont judge him, I think he's still a good person and i sustain him.. Iknow we are humans and make mistakes, I just want some words and advice about what to do when this situation happens because it's not easy..

2.- other situation, My bf baptised less than a month ago, he has become very close friend to the missionaries, first they just talked about the gospel lessons, but now they are starting to do things that they not supposed to, like going to rent movies, have sleepovers (right now they having one) buy on sundays, the missionaries send my bf to buy so they wont be "sinning" , go to rent computers/internet, .. like this time where the missionaries told their leader they were going to visit an investigator but it turned out that they came with us and we went to a pizza place, i didnt know they were lying though till a day after.. I like those missionaries but the things they doing are not right.. my bf doesnt know yet because he is new, but they do, I dont wanna be a snitch because its obvious they will know it was me,

if you made it all the way to this last words, thanks for listening/reading...


1-being a servant of GOD, Stake President needs to be careful on how to address his personal opinions to others. In the past I had been in a meeting where I was very ignorant of what to wear to church in the beginning, when he mentioned me as a point of the talk. When the meeting was over, he felt ill and eventually replaced as the Stake President. I will never forget that moment but use it for teaching for others in avoiding those personal opinions. However, you need to forgive him [as I see you did] and allow the Lord deal with him as I did.

2- Report this to the Mission President immediately. Do not mess with this....

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