I can't explain.


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I just saw something I wish I could erase from my brain. Disturbing.

I am not a fan of President Obama's policies, but I do respect him, as President. I just saw the commercial for the Obama Chia Pet.

At first I thought it was a bad joke, but then when I realized that it was for real, my stomach turned sour.

Who knows, maybe I am just being silly, but I don't think that a bust of the President with green weeds growing out of the head, shows respect for the office or for the President himself.

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I find myself holding a similar position when it comes to the President of the United States. I was not an Obama supporter through the election and I'm not terribly fond of some of the things he's doing, but I will continue to pray for him and the choices he makes as the President of our country. There REALLY IS such a thing as going beyond the boundaries of good taste, even when it's regarding a public figure. I guess it just makes me think (regarding the Chia commercial), "Someone thought this was a good idea?"

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I'm sorry, I started laughing when I heard that. It just sounds like an SNL skit making fun of all the Obama memorabilia that is being sold now. I can't believe someone thought it was a good idea to make that product. This is almost as bad as Montel Williams peddling crappy coins with Obama painted over them after the election.

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Personally I can't see any issues with it. Lets face it, the supposedly most powerful man in the world is going to have his face planted everywhere (excuse the unintentional pun), whether that be on a billboard or a urinal. Things like this seem perfectly normal to me.

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If I recall correctly, a photograph of our former president was posed as an ugly ape, and called a primate along with his "cronies" at our local shopping center. The folks passing out their propaganda leaflets appeared so calm, peaceful, and loving while they nibbled on their bird seeds and sipped nectar made from honey and wildflowers. They seem to have stirred up quite hornets nest at each store they visited.

The chia pet is pretty innocent next to their little display of liberal love. Can you imagine that sort public speech with our current president?

I respect the office of our president. Even if I don't agree with his policies, you won't find me standing behind some cheesy fold up table with a bunch of tacky photos annoying the heck out of hard working people.

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Please explain how this is worse than a George Bush bobble head doll.

Ben Raines

No fan of President Obama's, here. And I can find a few things nice to say about President Bush, but not as many as I would like.

The one thing that I think is different, is the "pet" in chia pet. For another, a lot of baseball player's have been made into bobble heads. Not that I have done the research, but I can not think of any other chia pets, that were not animals.

I am sure that the makers of chia pets, thought that they were honoring President Obama, but as it was pointed out earlier, when I first saw the commercial, I thought it was like a bad Saturday Night live parody (I stole the Saturday night thing from another post).

I know that I do not know perfectly, what the people of this great country think. If I can read what is happening in this country, just a little bit, the people are starting to notice that the policies of the President and Congress, have started us down a road that has been tried many times in Europe, but has never worked.

There are still a lot more people, who hold on too the idea that President Obama is the only hope for this nation, including President Obama. Regardless of what I think of his policies, he is our President and deserves our respect.

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