Could YOU Live Polygamy During Your Lifetime?


Could YOU live the principle of polygamy if commanded?  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. Could YOU live the principle of polygamy if commanded?

    • yes
    • no

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i dont think i could, even tho i am yet to find my spouse, based on past realationships,at least when they takes a long time to love someone else...i dont think i could give enough love to two women at the same time to make them both feel as speical as they should

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I'm happily married, just passed the 18 months mark. My wife and I have discussed what would happen if God allowed polygamy again. We both expressed negative feelings towards the idea.

I couldn't do it. I love my wife and want to focus on her alone. My character flaws wouldn't allow for another female. I get a kick out of jealousy :(

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Just because the law makes polygamy legal, doesn't mean God will make it legal. I have a pet theory that polygamy was rescinded as much because the Church was showing it couldn't handle the principle, as it was because of trouble with the US government.

I find great truth in this statement. The Law of Concecration underwent a similar situtation. The Church wasn't ready for it. I think we are more similar to the Children of Isreal than we care to admit.

EDIT: I voted yes by the way. I would be willing to live it but I don't know if my wife would.

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I would not like it but if the Prophet told us too I and my wife would do it.

Although with my income it would not be much chance, I can barely support one family and am 6 years behind in chores around the house.

I hear you. My wife and I have discussed this many times. She's good with it and would love to have help with sharing the load. I highly value my relationship with my wife and wouldn't mind more of what I have.

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Guest Alana

I'm not going to say yes or no, but if I was, I think my opinion on the other wife would have more bearing than husbands. Honestly, I'd be the one spending more time with her.

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Nobody, but generally men make more money per hour than do women and in families with more than one wife there are usually more children.

Yes in families with more than one wife there would be more children and thus a greater income need. However in families with more than one husband number of children would be restricted to the ammount the single wife could bear. Thus there would be a significantly smaller need for additional income in a family with more than one husband. So there wouldn't need to be more husbands to provide additionl income.

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Thus there would be a significantly smaller need for additional income in a family with more than one husband. So there wouldn't need to be more husbands to provide additionl income.

True, 2 or 3 husbands could probably provide a sufficient income for the 12 children that the woman could bear, but half or more (especially if the woman is pregnant so much) of the housework, meals, dishes, laundry, shopping, care of babies & children are also a husband's responsibility, that usually gets mostly left to the very overburdened & neglected wife who hardly gets to see her 1 husband. So it would all work better if a couple husbands were out working & a couple husbands were home helping with the house, meals & kids, along with home schooling the kids, as was done for centuries & another husband was free to focus on the romance & companionship (long talks) needs of the wife.

So if plural marriage eventually goes both ways as it probably will, for now women's equality is respected, (even many women in the 1800's were given more than 1 living husband) we see that a good woman usually needs & could fulfill the needs of & keep happy more than 1 husband, whereas, it is rare for a man to be able to support & keep happy & do half of all childcare & housecare for even 1 women. With polygamy in the past, most all the women were very neglected, lonely & unhappy, even if they hid it & that's not the way Heavenly Father wanted it to work.

Edited by foreverafter
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So if plural marriage eventually goes both ways as it probably will, for now women's equality is respected,

Does anyone have any comments on this? I have not heard this before (which doesn't mean anything) and my search on for polyandry comes up dry.

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Was considering the title of this thread, and I realize I would hate to be part of the unwholesome and repressive life that the FLDS face. The old men get to have sex with young girls, the women get a life of servitude, the boys get booted out, the girls lose the opportunity to marry who their sweethearts, and the men have to kowtow to the demands of Warren Jeffs or his replacement. Sounds a bit like hell for our lifetimes.


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Was considering the title of this thread, and I realize I would hate to be part of the unwholesome and repressive life that the FLDS face. The old men get to have sex with young girls, the women get a life of servitude, the boys get booted out, the girls lose the opportunity to marry who their sweethearts, and the men have to kowtow to the demands of Warren Jeffs or his replacement. Sounds a bit like hell for our lifetimes.


That is why Heavenly Father considers most all polygamy throughout history an adulterous abomination & whoredom, except for a rare authorized truely righteous man who would live it very differently. He delights in the chastity, happiness & protection from abuse & neglect of his daughters.

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I remember reading where some guy was asked if he could take on a second wife and he said, "Heck, the one I that have right now already has about three personalities, so why would I want to take on another one?!"

I wish there was a laugh button for that one, but this will do. :roflmbo::bouncing::animatedlol::lolsign:
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Thanks dnc!:twothumbsup: If anybody wants to get a remote idea of what polygamy is like, I'd maybe suggest watching the T.V. show "Big Love". I know this show has been regarded as highly controversial because of how it depicts mainstream LDS, but it's CLEARLY shown me that regardless of how good the sex may be, there's NO WAY I could ever put up with even one-tenth of the crap that Bill Hendrickson's 3 wives put him through. They're all psychotic! For those that say it's all about the sex, just watch one season and I'll guarantee you'll never think twice about wanting to get involved with polygamy.

Edited by Carl62
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Guest Alana

Or to get a good idea, some people in your ward might have journals of their ancestors who practiced polygamy when commanded to by the prophet. I've talked to some women in our ward and it was very enlightening. The stories ranged from hilarious to heart warming to devastating. Hearing it from one of their descendants who have read the journals many times was a great experience.

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True, 2 or 3 husbands could probably provide a sufficient income for the 12 children that the woman could bear, but half or more (especially if the woman is pregnant so much) of the housework, meals, dishes, laundry, shopping, care of babies & children are also a husband's responsibility, that usually gets mostly left to the very overburdened & neglected wife who hardly gets to see her 1 husband. So it would all work better if a couple husbands were out working & a couple husbands were home helping with the house, meals & kids, along with home schooling the kids, as was done for centuries & another husband was free to focus on the romance & companionship (long talks) needs of the wife.

So if plural marriage eventually goes both ways as it probably will, for now women's equality is respected, (even many women in the 1800's were given more than 1 living husband) we see that a good woman usually needs & could fulfill the needs of & keep happy more than 1 husband, whereas, it is rare for a man to be able to support & keep happy & do half of all childcare & housecare for even 1 women. With polygamy in the past, most all the women were very neglected, lonely & unhappy, even if they hid it & that's not the way Heavenly Father wanted it to work.

You've made some pretty large statements.

What is your sources for the bold lines?

The church has a patriarchal order, I highly doubt that polyandry will ever be commanded.

I voted 'yes' I could live it, but I wouldn't want to destroy my marriage to my first wife over it. It'd be tough.

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Good luck getting a response from foreverafter. She throws things out like this all the time and never responds to a request for references. I've tried numerous times and it frustrates me to no end.

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