Hillary loses it in Congo


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From the article:

"The only problem? Apparently the translator made a mistake and the student had wanted to know what President Obama thought of the deal. A State Department official tells ABC News the student went up to Clinton after the event and told her he was misquoted. No immediate word yet how Clinton responded."

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Actually, I think she spoke partly out of frustration. She's the Secretary of State, so she gets sent to Africa to talk to our friends while one of her deputies goes to Pakistan and her husband gets all the credit for freeing the chicks in North Korea. Here she is, carrying Obama's water, and she's relegated to garbage duty.

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I wonder how the "channeling my husband" phrase translated.

Anybody else notice that the camera added quite a few more than 10 pounds to her?

Freaky. Moments before I read your post, i watched the vidio and had the same thought.

Did she really look that heavy set or are the other women in the room just that much thinner.

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While it is important for many to bash Hillary Clinton, not understanding the question that was asked and giving an answer that does not match can happen to everyone. I do it in cases even where translation difficulties are not happening. Now as to getting rattled by a misinterpreted question, perhaps she was tired or hungry. It seems that people are more on edge when tired or hungry. That is why it is wise to keep a refill mug of Coca-Cola with you, even in Africa.

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Man, you'd think she was under sniper fire or something. *snicker* No really, it must get old living in your husband's shadow, but she could have said graciously, "That would be a good question for my husband to answer if you would like to ask him. This is what I think."

Wasn't there a song from the movie Beaches that would have helped the Secretary? I can't remember for sure because Beaches was a total chick flick.

And after all the Ms. Clinton has done to break through the glass ceiling, don't you think it unfair that her title would be Secretary?

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While it is important for many to bash Hillary Clinton, not understanding the question that was asked and giving an answer that does not match can happen to everyone. I do it in cases even where translation difficulties are not happening. Now as to getting rattled by a misinterpreted question, perhaps she was tired or hungry. It seems that people are more on edge when tired or hungry. That is why it is wise to keep a refill mug of Coca-Cola with you, even in Africa.

or perhaps she was just being Hillary....poor Bill.:eek:

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More important than what?

Just struck me as odd that while there are very many things we could discuss about the USA Sect. of State her menopausal weight gain seemed to be the hot topic. Sorry that you happened to be the one quoted :P

So here is a woman who is in a very stressful sit. of trying to be polite to people who while maybe not advocating but certainly not doing anything about systematic rape of women and young girls and the other crime of conscripting children for soldiers in neighboring countries. She gets a question about her former USA president husband who pulled off a great diplomatic rescue of journalists from N. Korea just a few days earlier. Translation error maybe, but she has to answer the question as put to her. She makes a joke about 'channeling' her husband and instead channels her inner school teacher. I really don't think it's as big a deal as those who hate everything Clinton are making it out to be.

mmm doughnuts...

Edited by talisyn
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So apparently she and her handlers are at it again today. She told a group of Nigerians that the US has election corruption too, and illustrated that point by pointing out that Jeb Bush was the governor in Florida when Gore lost in 2000. Does she not know that the Secretary of State represents the interests of ALL Americans and not just the ones who voted for her party?

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