Mormon Apologetics


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Well on the plus side you can come here, it's nicer anyways :D

But I understand your concern. If they've been hacked cause of content then so can this site.

We have been hacked...don't bytor, Mahone, pam, and Pale post here? We're still trying to figure out how to whack the hackers. :P

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I suspect MAD is undergoing their own China Syndrome, secondary to one of their more rabid defenders losing his containment field and going nuclear. Thus they scrambled to Defcon 4, in the event that this China Syndrome caused even more Inter-Continental Ballistic Mormons (ICBMs) to proliferate.

Hope this helps...


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I suspect MAD is undergoing their own China Syndrome, secondary to one of their more rabid defenders losing his containment field and going nuclear. Thus they scrambled to Defcon 4, in the event that this China Syndrome caused even more Inter-Continental Ballistic Mormons (ICBMs) to proliferate.

Hope this helps...


Say Huh???

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No, Moksha, I meant "What the heck did you say" lol... but thanks for the laugh...

No problemo. BTW, I was talking about the original post, that said the MAD forum was down. I was giving it my best scientific guess as to why it is down.

My second guess is that Satan has left the waters and entered into the exciting world of computer electronics. He is therefore blocking the pure and wholesome answers that emanate from MAD.


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Just curious...why do ya'll think it's hackers? Why not maintenance? Or just a problem with the server or something?

Because it was spelled 'mormonapoiogetics' on the webpage. With an 'I'. Tell me that isn't the work of an anti-mormon :P

I checked it again. It still has an 'I'.

And then I cleaned my computer screen....dang.

Edited by talisyn
Did I mention I worked 12 1/2 hrs last night?
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