Why am i a liberal l.d.s?


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this is true... but first we are to ask family... right? At least that is what our ward and stake leaders have directed us over the pulpit...

Directed us to do what?

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just a guy, I hardly count adultery as anything resembling polygamy. I challenge you to find anywhere that God ever said adultery was ok.

GrandmaAri admitted early on in this thread that she was the old Ari or whatever that name was.

So I am trying to decide something here. Is euthanasia a liberal or conservative idea? Honestly, I cant see it on either side. Maybe Libertarians would be behind it since they are pretty much anarchistic with individual rights trumping all else.

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I just wanted to add that it doesn't matter if we are liberal or conservative-- there are powers that be who decide what every president is to accomplish and how-- The Bilderberg Secret Society--YouTube - Secret Societies: The Bilderberg Group

Then there is also the fact our votes are not counted as we believe. freedocumentaries.org

Oh brother - not another fruitcake conspiracy theory.

Just so readers know who is in the video posted by Grandmakabipbip spouting off ridiculous nonsense that no person in their right mind would believe... it's David Icke, yes, the same David Icke that claims that:

Reptile aliens from the constellation Draco are posing as humans on earth and are attempting to take over the world.


The LDS Church is a Satanic church and is the same organization as the Jehovah Witnesses and that Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were part of the ILLUMINATI ruling elite and part of the Holy Grail Merovingian bloodline and that the LDS Church operated in concert with Adolph Hitler and the Rothschilds.

Why, you may ask, do nut conspiracy nuts rely on people like David Icke who believes in space reptiles instead of relying on, oh, say, a respected professor from Columbia?

Because David Icke and his ilk are lying fruits and Columbia professors are not.

That's why.

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What I understand is that Obama/Bilderberg group wants fewer people on the planet. They have initiated several different programs to accomplish this end-- and abortion is just one, euthanasia is another, but there are pandemics, wars, and a host of other ideas being initiated. It really isn't a liberal or conservative thing. It is a NWO thing.

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So in your condescending and ignorant tone (which I wonder why it is allowed here) you are trying to tell me you do not accept my references. Do you want more? How about Kennedy? (JFK)?

I will say it here. I don't accept your references.

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This is interesting:

Subject: LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report 2/24/09 #4547

Date: 2/23/2009 5:05:42 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time

From: [email protected]

(deleted per copyright laws)

Washington Officials File Rules for Assisted Suicide Law to Take Effect in March

I was just curious... the websites I quote from I have written to request permission to copy their articles. Is my posting the article a violation of LDSNet rules, or the websites? Thanks...

Also, in most cases, one may copy articles without permission if it is used for informational purposes.

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I find it amazing if these things are true that there are that many involved in the conspiracy that it is not major public knowledge. I may be dense but am I being called ignorant too?

JFK wanted to do the same or was it the government that he swore to defend against enemies both foreign and domestic that you say took him out?

Ben Raines

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I was just curious... the websites I quote from I have written to request permission to copy their articles. Is my posting the article a violation of LDSNet rules, or the websites? Thanks...

Also, in most cases, one may copy articles without permission if it is used for informational purposes.

There was nothing in your posts indicating you had permission.

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Also, in most cases, one may copy articles without permission if it is used for informational purposes.

Not true. Copyright is copyright without express permission from the author.

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So in your condescending and ignorant tone (which I wonder why it is allowed here) you are trying to tell me you do not accept my references. Do you want more? How about Kennedy? (JFK)?

Are you referring to me?

Let's be real... You are the one using a guy who thinks The Church of Jesus Christ is satanic and that reptiles from outer space are taking over the world... speaking of ignorance and all.

Your references are cow manure.

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Are you referring to me?

Let's be real... You are the one using a guy who thinks The Church of Jesus Christ is satanic and that reptiles from outer space are taking over the world... speaking of ignorance and all.

Your references are cow manure.

No longer true for me. I had the fork in my tongue sewn back together and got descaled just last week. It was painful but worth it.

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