Why am i a liberal l.d.s?


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I've already posted this information on the threads. I was also repremanded for quoting sources, so you'll have to do some digging on the threads to find this info.

Let's be honest here. Where were you reprimanded? The actual copying and pasting was deleted but your links left. Any debate about copyright was initiated by you.

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I am just saying I don't think we should say ,I don't see how how someone could be a Dem and be a member of the church. I don't think thats a fair statement nor is it for a dem to say the same thing about a republican. As for both parties, I don't see very many social ills any of them have solved. Glen Beck said it best when he said, "If we remembered the voting records of our Politicians the way we remember the stats and records of our favorite sports teams we would vote them all out of office."

I agree with you....BUT, I understand why SOME feel that way. Interestingly enough, I have learned on this site that many members that are Democrats are pro-choice (code for pro-abortion) and support g/l marriage. :huh:

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Being democrat is proof that GA can make mistakes? How about being a fanatic Republican proves members can be nuts?

Not what I meant.......If President Faust or President Hunter's reasoning was that the Democratic Party is more compassionate....that is evidence that Apostles and Prophets can make mistakes.

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I've already posted this information on the threads. I was also repremanded for quoting sources, so you'll have to do some digging on the threads to find this info.

If you wish for me to post my sources, and discredit said sources, what's the point? Let's go back to bird watching. ;)

What thread were you reprimanded for posting a source???? or was it for copyrighted stuff????
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I'm fairly liberal.. but it is because I refuse to take the ability to choose out of the equation. For example... I am pro-choice but anti-abortion. I'm all for homosexual couples getting the same benefits heterosexual couples get, etc.

Edited by bmy-
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Really, people... this one irritates me too:

You are liberal and pro-choice, you must be a baby killer! Or, you are pro-gay marriage, you must think being gay is not a sin! Or, how can you in good conscience be a democrat and an LDS? Those are STUPID CONSERVATIVE statements! (I just posted on some other thread somewhere about the stupid liberal statements)...

I'm sorry - God is "PRO - CHOICE". Let's put it this way - you conservatives think it is bad for a government to FORCE PEOPLE to be compassionate. ON THE SAME TOKEN, IT IS BAD FOR GOVERNMENT TO FORCE PEOPLE TO HAVE YOUR IDEA OF WHAT'S MORAL!

Just because liberals support the freedom of an individual to choose his sexual orientation doesn't mean they want him to be gay! Liberals just don't want the government involved in it! You can disagree with this position, but you can't say - how can you be LDS and be liberal? Because, when it comes to welfare by taxation, you would say that Jesus' plan is free agency, Satan's plan is no-choice! You can apply this exact same logic to liberal social issues! Think about it!

Of course there are basic human rights that need to be governed - for example, you can't just go on a murder rampage, or go steal somebody's car. The basic principle of right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is what is to be governed.

My position on the abortion issue is the same as murder. Not just because my religious beliefs demand it, but because I believe that life starts at conception. Therefore, terminating a pregnancy after conception is the same as killing your living, breathing child. So, I may be liberal when it comes to social issues, but I'm pro-life in this case. But, I do understand the pro-choice position - just like I stated above - social issues should not be forced upon an individual by a government - the difference only exists in the definition of when life starts - pro-choice people believe that life starts when the fetus is "viable" - that is, you can take him out of the womb and it will live on its own.

So, guys - if you are talking to LEARNED opposition (I don't consider people who just regurges what they hear on the tv/radio/newspapers learned. Nor those who believe in something just because of the party bearer), you need to understand where they are coming from, understand the reasoning behind their opposition and then discuss. Who knows, you might learn something!

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So, guys - if you are talking to LEARNED opposition (I don't consider people who just regurges what they hear on the tv/radio/newspapers learned.

I think there is a term for people like that: Ditto-heads. They sometimes can't help it due to addiction to radio waves. The only thing that seems to help is Oxycontin - lots and lots of Oxycontin.


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Well lets just all make up stuff to prove our points then, grandma. No use in being anywhere near accurate.

I do not believe in killing babies. I do not believe in gay marriage. Those are issues that have sidetracked the liberals and democrats. I do believe that people come first. Being against gay marriage does not = denying them human rights. We all deserve human rights don't we?

I can see the idea that no one should chose for others what to do in hard situations. In the case of abortion, the baby has no voice so we have to stand up for their voice. They are human too.

It always seems that Republicans put money first far above people. Democrats may make mistakes and get extreme in their humanities but at least they are trying.

I don't fabricate. I copy/paste the facts...when allowed...when disallowed...I don't. ;)

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I think there is a term for people like that: Ditto-heads. They sometimes can't help it due to addiction to radio waves. The only thing that seems to help is Oxycontin - lots and lots of Oxycontin.


Ah yes, the old 'only the right has stupid people who can't think for themselves' adage. Because we all know the left is really all the world's mental giants.

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Yeah, we should all be allowed to steal, lie and shoot someone in the head if we choose. What the heck is the government thinking.

Despite the obvious fact that abortion is immoral and that the vast majority of abortions are performed for convenience sakes and the fact that most women that have abortions, have more than one (source:Guttmacher Institute and Planned Parenthood), many conservatives believe that it is a law created out of whole clothe and that no such constitutional protection exists.

Edited by bytor2112
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Just because liberals support the freedom of an individual to choose his sexual orientation doesn't mean they want him to be gay! Liberals just don't want the government involved in it!

Sorry, that's not true......... the liberals are the ones that got government involved in it. You really should rethink this one. Left leaning courts and gay activists are the ones that caused this to become a public debate that has led to votes like the one in California.

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Thank you for the link.


In my view, the basic values of the Democratic party before abortion became the third rail match closer to my LDS values. I am a Mormon, a 3rd generation union member, an unapologetic champion of those who need a little more help than most, a mom, a daughter, a sister, and a firm believer that this is the best country on earth (sorry everyone else, your countries are very nice though!).

That is why I am a liberal LDS :D

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I think there is a term for people like that: Ditto-heads. They sometimes can't help it due to addiction to radio waves. The only thing that seems to help is Oxycontin - lots and lots of Oxycontin.


I am not sure if you are trying to be funny here...however I am somewhat offended by this remark. I do listen to Rush and happen to enjoy his show. I feel thats a direct shot at me. Now if you want I will unload and tell you what think about some of your "Honest Cronies". Sorry, had to vent.:)
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Pale, if the guy had shot up a school looking for crack he'd deserve our pity.

But to extend compassion to someone who got addicted to pain medication after back surgery?

What the #%@! is wrong with you?

with his attempt at humor I felt like he was also taking a shot at me....the guy was a dunce for getting addicted to pain medication.....don't throw me in that same bus because I listen to him.
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Originally Posted by Just_A_Guy

Pale, if the guy had shot up a school looking for crack he'd deserve our pity.

But to extend compassion to someone who got addicted to pain medication after back surgery?

What the #%@! is wrong with you?

with his attempt at humor I felt like he was also taking a shot at me....the guy was a dunce for getting addicted to pain medication.....don't throw me in that same bus because I listen to him.

Wasn't Michael Jackson addicted to pain meds? What's the difference?

Incidentally, my bishop became addicted to prescribed medication after his heart surgery. Was he a dunce?

Edited by GrandmaAri
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Wasn't Michael Jackson addicted to pain meds? What's the difference?


Originally Posted by Just_A_Guy

Pale, if the guy had shot up a school looking for crack he'd deserve our pity.

But to extend compassion to someone who got addicted to pain medication after back surgery?

What the #%@! is wrong with you?

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Originally Posted by Just_A_Guy

Pale, if the guy had shot up a school looking for crack he'd deserve our pity.

But to extend compassion to someone who got addicted to pain medication after back surgery?

What the #%@! is wrong with you?

Wasn't Michael Jackson addicted to pain meds? What's the difference?

Incidentally, my bishop became addicted to prescribed medication after his heart surgery. Was he a dunce?

I am addicted to green jello...so therefore I too must be a dunce....:eek:
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