Why am i a liberal l.d.s?


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I did not go through all the posts but some facts we should all consider.

1. The two main reasons for sky rocketing health care are increases in malpractice insurance and to cover the cost of patients that do not pay for their health care. (according to my doctor – who is an honest hardworking citizen)

2. Services provided by government bureaucrats are the most expensive services. (according to history)

3. Money (means to pay costs of services) has never appeared out of thin air. Someone must provide time and money to cover costs of anything used. It is important to note that all estimates for cost of a new health paradigm are based on current health care models that exclude government bureaucrats. If there is a change in health care either that change will increase the costs of the services or the services must degrade and become “cheaper”. Otherwise we will end up with the same as we have.

4. At the end of the 60’s it was determined that we could eliminate poverty (including a need for paying for health care for the poor) by transferring 2% of the gross national product into public assistance that was called the “Great Society” at the time. Since that time we have increased the amounts being transferred to the needy to exceed over 15% of the gross national product and all estimates indicate that the percentage will double with the latest proposals for Government run health care. This will mean that the amount calculated 40 years ago was off by about 3,000%. If we have not learned to be honest with our calculations the next 40 years will bankrupt what was the richest country in the history of the world.

5. There are two great problems with the health of Americans: Overweight and lack of exercise. The two most provided services in health care are drugs and surgery. There is a problem with health care in the USA and it will not change until there are incentives for Americans to lose weight and exercise.

6. There are serious problems with the USA business model that include overpayment of executives, unsustainable benefits for workers and unions that will diminish USA profits for products and services in the global economy (this is the reason for outsourcing – especially to over sea markets). Meaning that the future means that in general USA citizens will face diminishing standards of living in the near term and the long term for as long as changes are postponed. I do not see any effort by USA companies or government to consider any changes.

In general I would like to see things improve. I am all about being concerned for the little guy but it looks like despite all our efforts that poverty in the USA will increase for the time being. This is not because liberals are in charge – when the conservatives were in charge they continued on the same path of making poverty worse. My only hope is that the tea parties will not be captured by ether political party allowing for a rebirth of freedom.

The Traveler

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I feel thats a direct shot at me.


Sorry Pale, I did not mean this in reference to you. Besides, the term Ditto-heads can be generically applied to everyone who shakes their head in agreement without ever considering both sides of the issue no matter what political persuasion they may be. This was only intended in reference to the radio broadcaster who is the head of the Republican Party. Hopefully through 12 important steps, Mr. Limbaugh had freed himself from that need.

BTW, I am glad that I am not the only one who gets ideas of reference. Everytime I hear the saying, "Does the prisioner have any last words?", I almost feel like they are seeking some sort of response out of me. Usually I want to order Pad Thai with a diet coke before they pull the lever.


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I used to listen to Rush, but don't do it much anymore, because I'm not much into his style. He seems to be too focused on himself, and I prefer someone who isn't quite so belligerent and so self-focused/narcissistic.

I do watch Glenn Beck on tv on occasion, because he can be funny, but also because he does have some good stuff he does, like the 9-12 project, investigating Van Jones and etc.

But I especially like Morning Joe on MSNBC, because they tend to be balanced, and don't quite go to the extremes that several on Fox News or on conservative radio do. I just cannot stand Michael Savage, for instance.

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Nope, it disproves it. ;)

Actually, s'funny that word: Conservative. It's pretty meaningless. So's Republican, for that matter, or Democrat. A neo-federalist Republican is very different from a traditional Republican, but most LDS who claim to be Conservative have ideals far closer to the Federalists than they do the Republicans.

Of course, there hasn't been a Federalist party for well over a century, but their ideals are far closer to what people on -this- website mean when they say conservative. Sadly, the Federalists never got enough votes to ever have their own President voted in. Which means they only ever had one President:

George Washington.

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Actually, s'funny that word: Conservative. It's pretty meaningless. So's Republican, for that matter, or Democrat. A neo-federalist Republican is very different from a traditional Republican, but most LDS who claim to be Conservative have ideals far closer to the Federalists than they do the Republicans.

Of course, there hasn't been a Federalist party for well over a century, but their ideals are far closer to what people on -this- website mean when they say conservative. Sadly, the Federalists never got enough votes to ever have their own President voted in. Which means they only ever had one President:

George Washington.

Actually, two. James Adams was also a Federalist, though he didn't do so well because he kept listening to Alexander Hamilton's advice.

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As for political right and wrong, it definitely is an issue of perception, rather than moral right and wrong in most cases. I've seen both major parties do right things and morally reprehensible things.

I agree that most LDS are Federalists or Libertarians by nature. For those who are socially liberal, they often are still fiscally conservative - they may want a national health care program, but not if it will bankrupt the nation.

And for the fiscally or morally conservative, they often have their liberal issues, as well. I personally prefer keeping most legislation working on the local or state level, and keeping national decisions for truly national issues.

Then again, I'd like to see us pull our military out of most of the world, and just focus on our hemisphere. I'd also like to drop China from most favored nation status, due to its continued human rights abuses. And I'd like our free trade with other nations to insist that they are on an equal playing field with us: ensured worker quality of life, environmental protections, etc. I would revert back to Senators elected by state legislatures again, so that they are responsible to their states, and not have states enslaved to the fed; make Congressional term limits (if it is good for the president, it is good for Congress), I would require truly balanced budgets, and I would endorse either a flat tax or a Fair Tax.

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