Why am i a liberal l.d.s?


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I totally disagree. The Democratic party has been accused of being communist since communism was invented lol. It wasn't true then, it isn't true now. My question is: Would Abe Lincoln recognize his party in the Republican party of today?

Why then did Barack Obama sit in council with members of the Weathermen Underground, select Van Jones as energy czar, etc? This kind of stuff would have JFK turning over in his grave!

Not all Democrats are communists. Many are still centrists. But many on the national level now promote socialist or communist ideals. You can pretend all you want, but there's a big reason why so many blue-dog Democrats went to Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984, and are only now going back to the Democratic fold after the GW Bush fiasco of the last 8 years. These same Blue Dogs are the ones that are preventing passage of the terribly designed health care plan and the equally abysmal Cap'n Trade. And I thank them for their stance, because they are thinking about America first, and their being reelected second.

Go ahead and say bad things about the Republicans. I agree that they've become a huge mess, as well. Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan would be disgusted by them all (except Ron Paul, perhaps).

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Any democrat that went to reagan was a republican at heart. Since a couple of years before Clinton we have only had one party till lately. With Obama we finally have a few real democrats coming out of the shadows.

Seriously, when the only way to tell the difference is by who is attacking who's immoral sex life it is pretty sad.

I guess with Obama it was hard to pin him on immorality since he seems to genuinely be faithful to his wife and family. They had to actually consider his policies. :D

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Any democrat that went to reagan was a republican at heart. Since a couple of years before Clinton we have only had one party till lately. With Obama we finally have a few real democrats coming out of the shadows.

Seriously, when the only way to tell the difference is by who is attacking who's immoral sex life it is pretty sad.

I guess with Obama it was hard to pin him on immorality since he seems to genuinely be faithful to his wife and family. They had to actually consider his policies. :D

Is it immoral to kill babies?

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Edited by GrandmaAri
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You know I don't describe you in that category, Bytor. ;) Disagreeing with someone is not the same as thinking someone is the Antichrist because their last name is Obama, or comparing someone to a genocidal maniac because they might raise taxes.

I know! I thought this health-care debate would be just a bunch of partisan warbling like always but wow something shifted in the American political process, didn't it?

I blame reality TV.

Edited by talisyn
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This will sound harsh to some but I honestly believe the majority of the things the left promotes is against the values that we teach in the Church. I have a really hard time trying to imagin how a member in good standing could be a Democrat. The far left in particular appears to be part of the modern Gadianton Robbers out to destroy what is good in this world. If I were at the Temple and Harry Reid were there, I would leave. Again that might sound horrible to some but that is how I see it.

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JcDean that is odd but that is how I feel about republicans. I just don't see how anyone who knows the truth can believe the evil that is ingrained into the Republican party. I really try not to think the whole bunch are not evil and am hopeful that they are just deranged or mentally deficient.

so now are you mad JcDean? You cant shot from the hip like that and not expect no one will fire back.

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This will sound harsh to some but I honestly believe the majority of the things the left promotes is against the values that we teach in the Church. I have a really hard time trying to imagin how a member in good standing could be a Democrat. The far left in particular appears to be part of the modern Gadianton Robbers out to destroy what is good in this world. If I were at the Temple and Harry Reid were there, I would leave. Again that might sound horrible to some but that is how I see it.

I want you to know that as a Republican I will take issue with what you said...here is why....there are alot of members of the church who are Democrats. We have General Authorities that are as well as past Prophets. I have some very very close friends that are democrats and they are good people and attend the Temple more than I do. I have a friend who I grew up with that now lives in the state of Wasgington and she is a memebr of the church and a State Legislature in the state of Washington.

Our church is awesome because they do not endorse candidates or tell us who to vote for. They do encourage us to get out and vote. You are not the only member who has made this comment, however I have nothing against you for stating your opinion, I just wanted to inform you of a few things. I hope I have helped...:)

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I want you to know that as a Republican I will take issue with what you said...here is why....there are alot of members of the church who are Democrats. We have General Authorities that are as well as past Prophets. I have some very very close friends that are democrats and they are good people and attend the Temple more than I do. I have a friend who I grew up with that now lives in the state of Wasgington and she is a memebr of the church and a State Legislature in the state of Washington.

Our church is awesome because they do not endorse candidates or tell us who to vote for. They do encourage us to get out and vote. You are not the only member who has made this comment, however I have nothing against you for stating your opinion, I just wanted to inform you of a few things. I hope I have helped...:)

BUT....I understand his point. For many members it is difficult to get past the disdain that the left (ok...not all Democrats) have for religious people, the uber support for abortion rights and g/l marriage. It does seem to be a contradiction.

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BUT....I understand his point. For many members it is difficult to get past the disdain that the left (ok...not all Democrats) have for religious people, the uber support for abortion rights and g/l marriage.

There are alot of Mormon Democrats that feel the Dem party has more compassion for the less fortunate etc. I will let some of them explain instead of me. I believe I Elder Faust and Pres Hunter were Democrats to name a few.
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Show me where Obama was ever convicted of killing anyone. What an insipid straw man.

Obama reversed the Mexico City policy. Americans must now pay for worldwide abortion via their tax dollars to fund abortion-on-demand for population control as per the U.N.

By his own admittance, he would rather have his daughters kill their babies rather than be punished in the event that they make a mistake.

Edited by GrandmaAri
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Obama reversed the Mexico City policy. Americans must now pay for worldwide abortion via their tax dollars to fund abortion-on-demand for population control as per the U.N.

Again, where's your source quoting population control as the motivation? Just a friendly reminder, conservative pro-life websites don't count as credible sources.

By his own admittance, he would rather have his daughters kill their babies rather than be punished in the event that they make a mistake.

See above.

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Again, where's your source quoting population control as the motivation? Just a friendly reminder, conservative pro-life websites don't count as credible sources.

See above.

I've already posted this information on the threads. I was also repremanded for quoting sources, so you'll have to do some digging on the threads to find this info.

If you wish for me to post my sources, and discredit said sources, what's the point? Let's go back to bird watching. ;)

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There are alot of Mormon Democrats that feel the Dem party has more compassion for the less fortunate etc. I will let some of them explain instead of me. I believe I Elder Faust and Pres Hunter were Democrats to name a few.

Evidence that Prophets and Apostles can be wrong in my opinion. Let's say for a moment that Democrats were more charitable (but they are not.....not even close) or more compassionate (really, where is the evidence to support that)......what do they do or have they done that has solved ANY of the social ills they claim to fight for?

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Well lets just all make up stuff to prove our points then, grandma. No use in being anywhere near accurate.

I do not believe in killing babies. I do not believe in gay marriage. Those are issues that have sidetracked the liberals and democrats. I do believe that people come first. Being against gay marriage does not = denying them human rights. We all deserve human rights don't we?

I can see the idea that no one should chose for others what to do in hard situations. In the case of abortion, the baby has no voice so we have to stand up for their voice. They are human too.

It always seems that Republicans put money first far above people. Democrats may make mistakes and get extreme in their humanities but at least they are trying.

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Evidence that Prophets and Apostles can be wrong in my opinion. Let's say for a moment that Democrats were more charitable (but they are not.....not even close) or more compassionate (really, where is the evidence to support that)......what do they do or have they done that has solved ANY of the social ills they claim to fight for?

I am just saying I don't think we should say ,I don't see how how someone could be a Dem and be a member of the church. I don't think thats a fair statement nor is it for a dem to say the same thing about a republican. As for both parties, I don't see very many social ills any of them have solved. Glen Beck said it best when he said, "If we remembered the voting records of our Politicians the way we remember the stats and records of our favorite sports teams we would vote them all out of office."
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