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Hey, I'm a little confused. My bishop said "you don't have to pay in this circumstance so it's up to you."

but my father said I should pay $600 in tithing -- here's the story.

I bought my car a year ago for 9,000 just sold it not 20 minutes ago and got 6,000 for it. So I lost 3000 Ugh. but, after paying off my debt I'll have 4,000. Do I pay tithing on this, or don't I? Did I gain or didn't I?

Also, here's a picture I shot of the Draper temple last week -- just for kicks.

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That pic is stunning.

Just to add to your confusion (and with much respect for Connie), I personally would not pay tithing on the proceeds from the sale because it has already been tithed. In selling the car, all you're really done is converted something that was already yours back into cash--just as, when you bought the car, you were just converting money that you'd earned as income (and presumably already paid tithing on) into a car.

But follow the Spirit.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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I don't think I have ever even though of paying Tithing on Something I SOLD. I sell video games books and so forth on ebay and never paid tithing on any of it. I can't think of any of them that I made money on. (Profit).

I think I'll go with your Bishiop (who is more important then a message board) its up to you. If you feel you want to pay a tithe on it go for it.

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If it made you feel good and you feel like it was the right thing..then it was the right thing. I agree that I don't think it was necessary for the reasons already stated.

But think of the blessings you will received.

Beautiful picture btw. I have lived and worked pretty close to that temple and have had the opportunity to watch it being built.

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Guest musicman

I know some member that hasen't paid tithings in awhile because of their situation. Are they now going to not go to the temple? Will they have to pay back all the back owned ones.

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I don't believe they have to pay it back. However, I have heard of Bishops that will say..."Hey let's see 6 months of consistent tithe paying before we consider the temple recommend."

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It's not an increase to you. If you sold it for 10k, then I would tith on the extra one thousand. As has been said, tithing is a personal thing, but that is the exact scenario that my bishop used when describing what an increase would be (your situation not being an increase.)

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I think it is a personal decision. The commandment is 10% of your increase and I think that would be up to you to decide what your increase is. Whenever I have asked specifics to my Bishop I get the same answer that I need to decide for myself what my increase is. So. I guess I am a bit surprised your Bishop was that specific with you. But I think you made a wise decision in paying. You will be blessed for it. I figure for myself if I have to ask, I should probably pay,

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