Chicago Out; Rio Gets Olympics


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Yay! Obama failed to get the Olympics! Anything so Obama doesn't get what he wants! One more nail in the coffin of Communism! :P

Seriously, though. I totally do not begrudge those who tried to bring the Olympics to Chicago--it would have been an honor, of course. However, it's great that a South American country will finally get a chance to host the Games. More power to them! :)


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FWIW, I was more amused by CNN's reaction than by the President's involvement.

Conservative pundits seem to be taking this as a harbinger of President Obama's future inability to get anything done on the world stage. That seems to be jumping the gun a bit.

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Good thing our president and his wife took two different airplanes to lobby the IOC and show them how much they support their slumlord supporters. What did that cost me?

I think in the grand scheme of things, their lobbying isn't that big of a deal. And it would have helped our economy to host the Olympics.

I just can't believe OPRAH failed! I'm sure she would have given the Olympic committee cars and a basket of her favorite things....

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The office of the president gets around $200,000 a year. I think Mrs. Obama probably could afford the ticket, John Doe.

The question is... did the expense come out of the Oval office or their personal finances? And another question is... if they can't be diligent in protecting the environment from carbon exhaust, then why cap and trade?

But then, guys, be careful... I think we might be on Pam's bull's-eye for her big No-Political-Powow hammer...

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Umm you're the one who mentioned cap-and-trade. You can't make a hit like that and then run off saying 'we better be careful!'

Anyways, it's probably better this way. Has any city that's hosted the Olympics, summer or winter, made a profit?

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BTW, here's why Mrs. Obama went to Copenhagen

First Lady Michelle Obama was originally slated to represent Chicago before the IOC but will now share the duties with her husband.

GOP Boss Slams Obama's Olympic Trip To Copenhagen -

Sorry JAG, I thought more people would look at the link if the headline was posted :P

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Mitt Romney, FWIW, has come out in the President's defense on this.

JAG, the question is not whether the President needed to put his voice on the bid. I agree with Romney and Blair on this that, of course, if you want to win an Olympic hosting bid, you want your biggest hammer out front.

The issue was - 1.) whether Michelle needed to fly there on her own plane, 2.) whether we really need to focus on getting the Olympics to US soil when there are a lot more problems facing the country today.

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The issue was - 1.) whether Michelle needed to fly there on her own plane, 2.) whether we really need to focus on getting the Olympics to US soil when there are a lot more problems facing the country today.

Your forgot:

3.) Whether we really need to crab about this on a message board when there are so many other topics to choose from.


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Umm you're the one who mentioned cap-and-trade. You can't make a hit like that and then run off saying 'we better be careful!'

Anyways, it's probably better this way. Has any city that's hosted the Olympics, summer or winter, made a profit?

Talking about cap-and-trade is fine. It's bashing Obama, or anybody else for that matter, in the process which is not fine.

And yes, of course it has the potential of great profit - if managed properly. Which is why there's a loooonnnggg line of them wanting to host the thing! Atlanta made profits in 1996 - $10 million if I remember correctly. But, that's not the only thing that was good about it in Atlanta. The infrastructure left behind by the Olympic village and other venues became a huge boost to the city loooooonnnggg after the games concluded.

But then, if you look at Beijing's hosting of the Olympics, that can be considered an economic disaster - although it is not officially stated. It was one of the most expensive Olympic events in recent history and the profits did not reflect it. The bird's nest (olympic stadium) is currently in disrepair since the government cannot find anybody to play there. It is a waste of such a great structure. But then, at least the games gave China a lot of international visibility and caused some much needed changes in China's environmental policies. So, it's not totally a waste...

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Your forgot:

3.) Whether we really need to crab about this on a message board when there are so many other topics to choose from.


But then, we don't have much better things to do on a Friday night... I'm sure the government has a lot of stuff to do for the Oval office.

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Thats music to your ears the united states didnt get the olympics? was it music to your ears when george bush didnt get the 2005 olympics in new york too?:huh:

Just to help out here....Bush sent a video appeal for the New York Bid....he did not go in person. I also believe that New York lost in the second round and Chicago never made it out of the first round. They lost just like the Cubbies always lose.:)
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