Hot chocolate with... WATER?!


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Warm milk make me sleeeeppppyyyyy......zzzzz.....

mmmmm whipped cream.....droool

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Hey no drooling on the keyboard. We have enough problems with Beefche's tongue messing up our screens.

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Am I the only one who puts whipped cream on her hot chocolate? Lots and lots of yummy whipped cream.

Ewwww. I can't stand cream... any kind of cream... apart from creme eggs, but I don't think they count :D

Unfortunately cream is one of these strange dislikes that I have, that everyone else seems to like. I can cope with it if the taste and texture of it is disguised sufficiently enough, like in a number of cream cakes. But hot chocolate and cream just doesn't work for me.

Marshmellows are very good with hot chocolate though... if only I didn't eat them all before I got a chance to use them with hot chocolate.

If anyone hadn't realised by now... I have quite a sweet tooth.

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I just realised that for one of the reasons we use water instead of milk for hot chocolate in our home is because hubby is lactose intolerant. But when I go home and visit the parents, it is always made with milk. I'm not fussy either way about it, I don't really care how it's made, I'll drink it both ways.

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I usually drink hot chocolate when camping, water and powder keep better than milk. As far as hot chocolate milk, I find most chocolate milk overly rich regardless of temperature. I don't want desert, I want something to sip around the campfire as the sun sets. It's the difference between wanting to snack on some grapes and wanting to eat a slice of cheese cake. The other day I wasn't feeling well and somebody picked me up a hot chocolate from the gas station and after one sip I couldn't stomach it, way, way too rich. Not sure I could have forced myself to drink it.

I can understand why some would like it richer, we all have our own tastes, I personally can't stand boxed Mac'n'Cheese made with water in the cheese sauce instead of milk and find oatmeal made with milk instead of water nice, though the later is too rich for anything but special occasions.

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