I'm "forced" to use a bad show for a project


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ha ha, vort.

The profile says he/she is 14 y/o. Even if he/she is in college at that age, parents should be involved in this type of discussion.

I, personally, don't care what the show is. I am uncomfortable with some TV shows that many, many others (including faithful Christians) absolutely love. It's a matter of personal choice and personal standards.

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See post #5 on page 1 and post #18 on page 2. :)

Thanks, Maureen, I skimmed and didn't notice those.

But, it's interesting to me that both of those statements say stick to your guns and if your teacher doesn't support that, then get support from parents. I would hope my 14 y/o would come to me first as a parent and then approach the teacher.

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Well, of course I talked to my parents. They always try to help. Oh, by the way, I'm a boy. Anyway, it's not about whether I'm too young for it. I'm always upset about how people think that being older means things have to be bad, morally wrong, use bad language, etc... It angers me so much on how everything is corrupted nowadays. From what I've heard from my group, it has some eh, inappropriate scenes, is about a, you know, kind of guy, and probably some other things. Also, you really don't need to know the show, you just need to know that I don't feel comfortable watching it, anyway, I have no choice right now.

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Well, of course I talked to my parents. They always try to help. Oh, by the way, I'm a boy. Anyway, it's not about whether I'm too young for it. I'm always upset about how people think that being older means things have to be bad, morally wrong, use bad language, etc... It angers me so much on how everything is corrupted nowadays. From what I've heard from my group, it has some eh, inappropriate scenes, is about a, you know, kind of guy, and probably some other things. Also, you really don't need to know the show, you just need to know that I don't feel comfortable watching it, anyway, I have no choice right now.

i agree with the frustration of how ppl think being older or "mature" means things have to be bad, morally wrong, or inappropriate language.

as for the show... "inappropriate scenes"... meaning?... kissing, sex, murder, drugs?..... "is about a, you know, kind of guy"....? white guy?... religious guy?... promiscuous guy?... gay guy?

actually i may know what show you are talking about. lol never seen it but saw a couple of commercials and thought "i wouldn't let my kids watch that"

i agree the specifics of the show don't really matter.... i disagree that you have no choice. do your parents also think you have no choice? there is always a choice, sometimes that choice means taking a failing grade and contesting it later (which you can't do if you don't first talk to the teacher, the principle, etc). have you talked to the teacher about it?

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Tayo, the only and I stress ONLY reason I asked what show was to help point you in the direction of some websites that can list detailed reasons why certain shows should not be watched by kids/teens. You know, with more detail than "inappropriate scenes" and "it's about a guy". By presenting a researched reason to your teacher, with your parents to back you up, particularly if you have a well-thought out alternative, you could get away from this project.

However, since it seems you have resigned yourself to doing it, then you're doing it. I still hold out the hope that you can type the name of the show and the word "inappropriate" into Google and find some research you can use to request an exemption based on religion and your youthful age, but it will only work if you do it.

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ahhh just watch it and get on with life....

if it is aired on network tv how bad could it be.....odds are it's probably funny

I've commented three times in the last week about how I couldn't believe something was being shown on non-cable TV, and tonight I even turned off the TV because the images were that disturbing to me.

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There are so many bad shows on tv it's unbelievable...And the bad thing is the more popular it is, the more deplorable it is...Everybody has been raving about "Modern Family" saying how it's the best new comedy out there...I couldn't get through three minutes of it without stopping it...I would love to find a show that is family friendly and the closest I've seen so far is that new show "The Middle" with the mom from Everybody Loves Raymond and the janitor from Scrubs...It has occasional profanity but, for the most part, is all right morally. Anybody else know of any good shows?

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Unfortunately curtis I haven't seen any really good family shows that I'm interested in watching. I tend to find the channels that have a lot of the old reruns. I love a lot of the old shows before censorship seemed to take a vacation.

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New-new shows? I can't think of any....

I enjoy Reba (because although her family tore apart and the daughter got pregnant, they hang together and work to make/do things right), and judge shows, animal planet shows, and cop shows. Phineas and Ferb isn't bad either. Beyond that, I can't think of any moral shows I enjoy...let me think about it awhile....

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Lately I've been into the reruns of Extreme Makeover Home Edition. I love that show. My boys are always looking to see when it is I start crying. Which is usually right off the bat.

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I've always loved that show, Pam. Very inspirational. Some people might comment that it's on a Sunday night, but I think it's perfectly appropriate for the Sabbath. Yeah, it's full of marketing, but at its purest, it's about service and making people's lives better. And they never choose someone who doesn't already deserve it.

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