Fasting for over 24 hours?


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In the scriptures it states that they fasted for many days. Here's one I just read today.

Mosiah 27:23

And it came to pass after they had fasted and prayed for the space of two days and two nights, the limbs of Alma received their strength, and he stood up and began to speak unto them, bidding them to be of good comfort:

Question, what was the process of a fast back then? Was it continuous or did they eat something at night or something?

- Marty

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Another question, how long are we suppose to fast? 24 hours or 2 meals?

If you live in a culture where meals are taken three times a day, and if the time it takes you to eat is negligible, then a two-meal fast IS a 24-hour fast. And yes, fasting suggestions have always been for 24 hours.

If we don't fast for 24 hours are we just starving ourselves and not taking advantage of the power and blessings with the fast?

IMO, fasting for less than 24 hours may certainly bring benefit and be more than just going without food, but the full fast brings more personal growth.

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fasting isn't about how many hours you go, or what you do or don't eat. i don't think the Lord is any less accepting as long as your heart and desires are in the right place. i personally cannot go more than 3 hours without eating or I pass out and my heart rate exponentially increases and my Blood pressure plummits...btw, that causes heart failure eventually. For a while I thought that if I had enough faith I would just deal with those consequences and continue to fast...the Lord would take care of me even if i was killing my body (literally). well, I don't think the Lord is in the business of rewarding or supporting stupidity, and i was being stupid. My bishop explained that its our heart and desire to make the sacrifice, not our actual ability to do so, and all but forbid me from the traditional 24 hour fast (perhaps he was tired of me losing conciousness at church? idk) because that isn't as important as our desire and commitment to the Lord.

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fasting isn't about how many hours you go, or what you do or don't eat. i don't think the Lord is any less accepting as long as your heart and desires are in the right place. i personally cannot go more than 3 hours without eating or I pass out and my heart rate exponentially increases and my Blood pressure plummits...btw, that causes heart failure eventually. For a while I thought that if I had enough faith I would just deal with those consequences and continue to fast...the Lord would take care of me even if i was killing my body (literally). well, I don't think the Lord is in the business of rewarding or supporting stupidity, and i was being stupid. My bishop explained that its our heart and desire to make the sacrifice, not our actual ability to do so, and all but forbid me from the traditional 24 hour fast (perhaps he was tired of me losing conciousness at church? idk) because that isn't as important as our desire and commitment to the Lord.

lost, surely you realize that you are in a very tiny minority. The overwhelming majority of people can go 24 hours without food or drink and suffer nothing worse than irritability and a headache. While your counsel may be true in a literal sense, it can easily be misconstrued. Better in my opinion to reaffirm that a full fast is a 24-hour fast than to start building in excuses for why it is not necessary. Most people have a hard enough time disciplining themselves to learn how to fast for 24 hours; they don't need to get the (false) impression that simply wishing to fast for 24 hours is sufficient.

This is not about impressing God enough that he decides to send you some blessings. This is about getting the great spiritual (and physical) benefits of fasting by disciplining oneself to actually go without food or drink for 24 hours. Admittedly, some (like yourself) are unable to do so. But just because some are physically unable to exercise without exposing themselves to grave danger, does that mean the rest of us should sit on our fat rear ends the talk about how wonderfully beneficial exercising is, but you know, my heart is in the right place and that's what really matters with all this exercise business anyway?

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I don't really know how people fast for more than 24 hours. My only real exposure to it was from the movie about Ghandi. Perhaps extended fasting is more about restriction and discipline than it is about starving. Just a guess.

But its not necessary to run faster than we have strength or fast for more than 24 hours. The monthly fast is enough to produce the necessary spiritual objectives.

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lost, surely you realize that you are in a very tiny minority. The overwhelming majority of people can go 24 hours without food or drink and suffer nothing worse than irritability and a headache. While your counsel may be true in a literal sense, it can easily be misconstrued. Better in my opinion to reaffirm that a full fast is a 24-hour fast than to start building in excuses for why it is not necessary. Most people have a hard enough time disciplining themselves to learn how to fast for 24 hours; they don't need to get the (false) impression that simply wishing to fast for 24 hours is sufficient.

This is not about impressing God enough that he decides to send you some blessings. This is about getting the great spiritual (and physical) benefits of fasting by disciplining oneself to actually go without food or drink for 24 hours. Admittedly, some (like yourself) are unable to do so. But just because some are physically unable to exercise without exposing themselves to grave danger, does that mean the rest of us should sit on our fat rear ends the talk about how wonderfully beneficial exercising is, but you know, my heart is in the right place and that's what really matters with all this exercise business anyway?

while I may be in the minority, i wouldn't say its the "very tiny minority"....I mean, come one, we are mormon, at any given time half the ward is pregnant...and they can't fast for 24 hours either ^_^

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The brethren have asked us not to fast more than 24 hours. so 24 hours is the limit. I suppose some folks went on Marathon fasts and got sick. There's a world of difference between fasting and going hungry.The Book of Mormon describes fasting with joy and happiness or joy(Alma 45:1)(Hel 3:35). If use this principle for selfish reasons or without real intent you will harden to it, and then you will doubt it and stop fasting. Remember spiritual things must be treated with care

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while I may be in the minority, i wouldn't say its the "very tiny minority"....I mean, come one, we are mormon, at any given time half the ward is pregnant...and they can't fast for 24 hours either ^_^

Actually, pregnant women CAN fast for 24 hours without deleterious effect...but I grant that most do not. And I can't argue about the "half the ward" thing...guess I'll have to give you half a victory.

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Any other takers on the subject/questions?

BTW thanks for the responses everyone!

I was hoping someone knew how they use to fast, if it was a continuous fast or a restricted fast? I know many wonder about this, it's in the scriptures allot and it would be good to have actual quotes and or answers for them.


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My husband talked to the bishop before he was ordained an elder. The bishop said a fast is no liquids, no food. My husband then proceeded to fast and pray for 3 days in preparation for becoming an elder. I think, had the bishop known he would do that, he would have said water was OK. Anyway. Hubby drank half a glass of water both nights before bed, and that was it. So it's definitely possible that it was full many-days fasts that the ancients went through.

I am curious about the 40-day fasts, myself.

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typically a fast outside of the church definition includes water. even when i've fasted for blood work i was told i could have water. the church does define it as no food or water. i think in ancient times (or any time there is an extended fast for that matter) water is permitted and encouraged.

a pregnant woman may not "die" from not eating for 24 hours but medical advise and the church says pregnant and nursing mothers should not fast. yes that means sometimes women in situations like i have been in can go yrs without fasting. the lord, the church, etc understand exactly what that means and no condemnation is put upon them. if a woman feels she needs to fast she should not abstain from water.

i've been told that fasting before temple attendance is discouraged. my personal approach to fasting is that any time i will be working or pushing my body physically it's best not to fast, save the fasting for more calm medatative activities.

that being said, most ppl can fast from food and water for 24 hours. if you have never done it i suggest you build up to it slowly so you don't shock your body. i used to have a very hard time fasting, now it doesn't bother me.

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I have good experiences with water fasting, which was done by me as a practice for health gain. In those periods the fast would last several days, not just 24 hours, which is hard at first and it also takes some effort post-fasting.

I find this interesting. Can you detail what you did and what the effects were?

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I think we have the counsel and teaching on what the church feels a proper fast is. It is 24 hours, or 2 meals. They always include a disclaimer that if you have health or other related problems to adjust your fast period accordingly (I take that to mean a shorter time not a longer one).

Now, if you have a particularly trying problem and after 24 hours you do not feel resolution, maybe you make a personal decision to fast another meal. However, what I have always done is make that the focus of another fast the next month (or next week if it couldn't wait).

Also, in scripture, I believe a fast was a fast. I do not believe they ate at the end of the day then started over the next, and called it one fast. As soon as you eat your time starts anew.

In any case, I do feel it an essential part of the fast to give to those in need through fast offerings.

It's important to remember that, as with all teachings of the church, it is meant for spiritual growth, and any physical benefits to be gained are secondary.

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1Sa 31:13 KJV - And they took their bones, and buried [them] under a tree at Jabesh, and fasted seven days.

1Ch 10:12 KJV - They arose, all the valiant men, and took away the body of Saul, and the bodies of his sons, and brought them to Jabesh, and buried their bones under the oak in Jabesh, and fasted seven days.

I believe in the fast as constituted and it's a wonderful thing to give to the needy for sure. Maybe know really has any references to how they fasted in the scriptures. I heard it once said that they did not go entirely without for the "many days" they fasted. :confused:


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I believe in the fast as constituted and it's a wonderful thing to give to the needy for sure. Maybe know really has any references to how they fasted in the scriptures. I heard it once said that they did not go entirely without for the "many days" they fasted. :confused:


Many years ago I walked into the wilderness without any food or water and fasted for 40 day eating and drinking only what the L-rd provided. This was my understanding of the ancient method of fasting for long periods of time.

The Traveler

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Many years ago I walked into the wilderness without any food or water and fasted for 40 day eating and drinking only what the L-rd provided. This was my understanding of the ancient method of fasting for long periods of time.

The Traveler

Wow I've always wanted to do that!!! I've had sacred experiences in the wilderness for which I'm grateful. I do lots of hiking and always come away a better person because of it. It's much more than being in the wilderness alone it's what happens to the body or natural man as it were.

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In the April 2009 General Conference, the following was relayed by Elder Russell M. Nelson.

A plea for wisdom in fasting was offered by President Joseph F. Smith, who cautioned that “there is such a thing as overdoing. A man may fast and pray till he kills himself; and there isn’t any necessity for it; nor wisdom in it. … The Lord can hear a simple prayer, offered in faith, in half a dozen words, and he will recognize fasting that may not continue more than twenty-four hours, just as readily and as effectually as He will answer a prayer of a thousand words and fasting for a month. … The Lord will accept that which is enough, with a good deal more pleasure and satisfaction than that which is too much and unnecessary.”

Joseph F. Smith, in Conference Report, Oct. 1912, 133–34.

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The doctrine for present day fasting is no food or drink for the time period of 24 hours or 2 meals, the exception being if your health requires that you not do this. I get the impression that the 2 meals part was originally based on the 3 meals a day idea. However as many of us are prone to do, loopholes were found (skip breakfast and brunch) and thus had to be filled. As such, the 24 hour bit came out. Please note, with the exception of my first sentence, the above is NOT doctrine. I don't really know the history, it is purely speculation.

I think that a key thing to remember with our fast is that we shouldn't try to find reasons to cut it shorter than the prescribed amount. When we do so, I can promise that the blessings of the fast are made void. If the reason is there, fine, but if you have to look for it then there is a problem.

I apologize to martybess as I haven't the foggiest idea how they went for their multiple days. Honestly, I have a hard enough time with the one day. My practical preference is not to think about how they did it cause that just makes me hungry. :)

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Guest mormonmusic

I fasted for three days solid when I was trying to get an answer to a prayer. I also went into the woods and prayed all day on another issue.

What I got out of the experience was this -- moderation gets you just as far as being an extremist. I didn't get any more powerful spiritual feelings or experiences out of those extreme practices than I have with day to day application of prayer and monthly fasting....

And also, that these expressions of sacrifice and worship need to be coupled with strong action to be effective....

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