to exercise or not to exercise


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I woke up this morning with the tightness in my chest that tells me I'll be coughing and probably running a fever before this evening. I obviously am not going to the gym this morning but am wondering if I should do my usual work out at home, make it a light work out or just rest.

What do you do when you know illness is coming?

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I will try to cut back and conserve my energy and build my immune sysytem to help fight the sickness. If I feel like I can do a light workout without sapping my strength to fight off the illness, I will, but if I don't I won't. I figure it's best to fight off the illness quickly to get over it than to do light workouts and have a lingering illness that goes on for weeks.

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  • 4 months later...

I woke up this morning with the tightness in my chest that tells me I'll be coughing and probably running a fever before this evening. I obviously am not going to the gym this morning but am wondering if I should do my usual work out at home, make it a light work out or just rest.

What do you do when you know illness is coming?

take some res and try to go with some home remedies to overcome these health problems. Stopping them in the begining is my fitness technique. Also take part in some daily activities.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 7 months later...
Guest Miles125
Posted (edited) · Hidden

You can do some light workout at home in this condition.

You can do some push ups, pull ups, sits ups at home to maintain your fitness if you can't go for the gym.

Edited by Miles125
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My wife, a Rural Health Clinic Nures Practitioner, would say .... "Do at least a little bit of excersise. Some type of motion & movement every day even if you are sick".

She would then qualify what she means by the term "excersise".

What & how much is dictated by your body & illness.

Stretching the different muscle groups may be very relaxing after laying & tossing in bed for a day.

I know for me, after a day in bed a few stretches does wonders relieving the muscle tighness & pain that seems to gradually increase the longer I am down.

The term "excersise" conjures up serious workouts, which is NOT what you should be doing! Though some type of motion does provide many untold & forgotten health benefits when one is ill.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Ezekiel22
Posted (edited) · Hidden

Workouts are quite essential for the best wellness so do daily perform out and implement in the exercises in my perspective snorkeling is one of the best it really help us to type our program well......

Gym Pasadena

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Generally exercise is good for health and a regular exercise is very good to maintain a stability in life. But if you discontinue the exercise you will face lot of problem. So if you start doing exercise always try to maintain it.

When I feel like having fever, I used to take some natural prevention method.

"Prevention is better than Cure..."

It does not mean that exercise will prevent fever.

The fact is regular exercise make the body resistance strong to avoid all sorts diseases.

Always try to follow a balanced diet and hygienic life style....!!!

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There could be many types of movements that may be counted as exercise. At my age, I count this as exercise - If I see trash on the floor, I pick it up. This is an exercise we all can do:unsure:, and since walking is good exercise as well, I will walk to the waste basket to throw things away which can be a chore for me at my age, LOL.

Life is not all about making long distance basketball shots, but it is good to be consistent in the amount of exercising you do at one time. It best to do as much as you reasonably can do even if it doesn't seem much at first and then gradually increase that exercise routine. :)

Edited by Gargantuan
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  • 1 month later...

I am a fitness Trainer with Many specialized certificates. I would say, yes, If I am assuming what you are asking is- if you have a fever rest, if it's a light cold you can kill the cold with exercise, granted you aren't stuffed and can't hear or breath. Just listen to your body. But if anyone asks me? I run through a old, rest through a fever.

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  • 1 month later...
I woke up this morning with the tightness in my chest that tells me I'll be coughing and probably running a fever before this evening. I obviously am not going to the gym this morning but am wondering if I should do my usual work out at home, make it a light work out or just rest.

What do you do when you know illness is coming?

If you feel you are going to fall ill, you can still exercise without significant limitations. But if you begin to feel worse after your workout, cut back. Also keep in mind that if your symptoms include a runny nose, dry cough or sneezing you should be fine to exercise. Rest if your symptoms are below the neck, such a chest congestion, muscle aches, upset stomach, etc.

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