Asteroids Miss Earth; It was a Miracle


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Earlier this month, on Friday, November 6, a 23 foot in diameter asteroid came within 8,700 miles of earth.1 That is only about one earth diameter away, so it came extremely close to causing a huge disaster. Thanks to the gravity of the giant planet Jupiter and the remoteness of many parts of the earth, extremely few asteroids or comets collide with the earth and cause casualties. This is the third article in the It Was a Miracle series. (Here is the first article and the second.)

ARTICLE LINK: Meridian Magazine :: Science and Religion :: Asteroids Miss Earth: It Was a Miracle
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I wouldn't call it a miracle, its science, millions of asteroids hit the earth every year, most burn up in the atmosphere before getting to the surface, a 23 foot asteriod would mostly burn up before hitting the earth, could it have cause a problem? yes, but its certainly not a planet killer.

Sorry, but IMHO this article is long on religion and short on (real) science.

Edited by mnn727
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Asteroid Has Near Miss With Earth

This discusses the amount of damage that would have been caused by a 23 foot asteroid.

NASA reported that a 23 foot wide asteroid came within about 8,700 miles of entering Earth's atmosphere on Friday. This was the third closest miss on record. Astronomers at the University of Arizona's Catalina Sky Survey group announced the finding. They discovered the asteroid about 15 hours before it passed our planet, moving at more than 16,000 miles per hour.

So, what would have happened if the asteroid would have entered our atmosphere? Well, at 23 feet across, it most likely would have burned up in our atmosphere. The heat generated by air resistance as it fell toward Earth would have caused the asteroid to disintegrate. In fact it would take a very large asteroid, hundreds of feet across, to cause any significant damage, and those are large enough to see coming from quite a distance away. And yes, NASA is keeping a watchful eye.

This quoted guy seems like a miracle spoilsport. Let the atmosphere be the miracle in that case!


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I wouldn't call it a miracle, its science, millions of asteroids hit the earth every year, most burn up in the atmosphere before getting to the surface, a 23 foot asteriod would mostly burn up before hitting the earth, could it have cause a problem? yes, but its certainly not a planet killer.

Sorry, but IMHO this article is long on religion and short on (real) science.

Actually the laws of nature can be called laws of god, So miracles are just undiscovered laws of nature or there know laws of nature being used in ways we havent thought of, electricty is a perfect example of this, Wouldnt our daily use of it be condisered a miracle.

Oh there was this one astroid that they called fireball. It skipped on the ozone layer like a stone skipping on water

Edited by James_Fryman
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[My point of view] There is no miracle as I can see it when there are notable presence of those who are in control of the earth, whether it is nature or those objects floating through our part of space. It is manage and controlled at all times.

As science does not understand how planets are really created or added too from those floating objects. space dust, photon emissions and so forth with building upon or creation of. Expectation when we enter into the next phase of man's evolution, we will have a greater knowledge how our own galaxy was formed and by whom.

We are living in a great time when great changes are coming and it will be far sweeping than any time of this earth history, with the exception of Adams time and it is controlled by those who are assigned to make it happen. :)

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