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Hello, Let me tell you why I'm here.

I have known Mormons my whole life (Grew up in Idaho) but I have never been very interested in the religion. All that changed in the last week while I was in Layton, UT for some training. Since I was in the area I went and saw the Salt Lake Temple and it kinda peaked my interest in what Mormons believed. So with the intention of proving to myself why Mormons are weird I started doing a little research, well......it didn't work. I started out looking at the anti-Mormon websites but I did not like all the hate spewing that was thrown around on them so I started looking at the websites that were put out to defend Mormonism and it all started making sense to me. I ordered the Book of Mormon yesterday evening, after ordering it a pop-up came up that said I will be contacted in the next few days. I am now looking forward to that meeting(I used to turn the lights and the TV off when I saw the Mormon missionaries going around to the houses on our block). I am not one to just "jump" into a new religion (I have been a baptist since 2003) so it may take a while for me to convert.

Thanks for letting me be a part of the forums.


Edited by WeimLover
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Welcome... and keep us informed on how things are going. Cool! Happy investigating!

So officially:

Welcome to LDS.net. You will find here an ecclectic mix of LDS and some non-members. While the site is dedicated to the Gospel, and to promoting the Church to a world that often does not understand us, we also make room for conversations about current events, and about social and cultural practices within the Church. If your main desire is to learn about the Church, consider starting with the "Learn About Mormonism" forums. For more advanced teachings, that will often include a variety of perspectives, some non-LDS, consider the Gospel section of forums.

While you are welcome to all main sections, be aware this site makes room for a variety of opinions and personalities. Some posters can be passionate about their views, and occasionally more so about them than about the souls of visitors. If you find something particularly offensive, feel free to make a report by clicking the appropriate tab.

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Thank you for the warm welcome. I guess I should give you a little introduction about myself.

I was born in Oregon but raised in a small town in Southwestern Idaho with my conservative but not religious grandparents. I grew up always believing in a higher power. I attended youth group meetings at a Nazarene church off and on while in Jr. High and High School but never really attended church regularly. In 2003 while living in Texas I attended a Baptist church regularly, I accepted Christ and was also baptised in 2004. I met my wife in late 2004 and married her in early 2005. She attended the Church of Christ so I started going to church with her. Our close to five years of marriage have been very happy but I fear that if I convert she may leave me. I am in real need of prayer while these life changing decisions are presented to me.


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Thank you for the warm welcome. I guess I should give you a little introduction about myself.

I was born in Oregon but raised in a small town in Southwestern Idaho with my conservative but not religious grandparents. I grew up always believing in a higher power. I attended youth group meetings at a Nazarene church off and on while in Jr. High and High School but never really attended church regularly. In 2003 while living in Texas I attended a Baptist church regularly, I accepted Christ and was also baptised in 2004. I met my wife in late 2004 and married her in early 2005. She attended the Church of Christ so I started going to church with her. Our close to five years of marriage have been very happy but I fear that if I convert she may leave me. I am in real need of prayer while these life changing decisions are presented to me.


Then what is the greatest desire for you right now?

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Thank you for the warm welcome. I guess I should give you a little introduction about myself.

I was born in Oregon but raised in a small town in Southwestern Idaho with my conservative but not religious grandparents. I grew up always believing in a higher power. I attended youth group meetings at a Nazarene church off and on while in Jr. High and High School but never really attended church regularly. In 2003 while living in Texas I attended a Baptist church regularly, I accepted Christ and was also baptised in 2004. I met my wife in late 2004 and married her in early 2005. She attended the Church of Christ so I started going to church with her. Our close to five years of marriage have been very happy but I fear that if I convert she may leave me. I am in real need of prayer while these life changing decisions are presented to me.


Where in Oregon were you born?

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Thank you for the warm welcome. I guess I should give you a little introduction about myself.

I was born in Oregon but raised in a small town in Southwestern Idaho with my conservative but not religious grandparents. I grew up always believing in a higher power. I attended youth group meetings at a Nazarene church off and on while in Jr. High and High School but never really attended church regularly. In 2003 while living in Texas I attended a Baptist church regularly, I accepted Christ and was also baptised in 2004. I met my wife in late 2004 and married her in early 2005. She attended the Church of Christ so I started going to church with her. Our close to five years of marriage have been very happy but I fear that if I convert she may leave me. I am in real need of prayer while these life changing decisions are presented to me.


You are in my prayers, brother. As many will testify, joining the church, is not always an easy thing, and many have done so only with great sacrifice. Continue to stay close to your Father in Heaven through prayer, and scripture study. Have faith and be humble, God will lead you by the hand, and everything will work out for your good. I promise. Let us know if we can help in any way through this trial of your faith.



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Weimlover, I'm curious as to what spurred you to look towards the LDS faith, other than the curiosity connected with the Temple. Has the church you attend left you somehow disatisfied or lacking? I ask because you mentioned that your wife may leave you. That suggests to me that you are very serious about considering this conversion, and it leaves me wondering how you got to this place. I hope I'm making sense, and not prying too much. :-)

Edited by prisonchaplain
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I grew up with Mormons as friends and noticed how close-nit most of the families were. I was never really interested in the faith because I have been told all my life that it is "weird" and/or "strange", never really looking into it myself I just assumed they were right. Now that I have researched a little of the history behind the religion, I have formed my own opinion. I wouldn't say that I dissatisfied with my current church or that it is lacking. I just feel that our Heavenly Father is trying to lead me in a direction and I have no clue where it will end (I hope this sentence made since). As to where that will be I don't know, maybe it will be back to a baptist church, the same church I go to now, or possibly the Mormon church. I just know that the Lord will guide me where I need to go, whether it be a week from now or next year.

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I hope you feel very welcome here! I live not too far from Layton where you recently visited. I am a convert to the LDS Church and I can't explain to you how happy my life has been these past 12 years since joining. I'd like to invite you to hear my story here if you have a few minutes:

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I hope you feel very welcome here! I live not too far from Layton where you recently visited. I am a convert to the LDS Church and I can't explain to you how happy my life has been these past 12 years since joining. I'd like to invite you to hear my story here if you have a few minutes:

That is a very powerful and uplifting video. Thank you for sharing it. Edited by WeimLover
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Hello, Let me tell you why I'm here.

I have known Mormons my whole life (Grew up in Idaho) but I have never been very interested in the religion. All that changed in the last week while I was in Layton, UT for some training. Since I was in the area I went and saw the Salt Lake Temple and it kinda peaked my interest in what Mormons believed. So with the intention of proving to myself why Mormons are weird I started doing a little research, well......it didn't work. I started out looking at the anti-Mormon websites but I did not like all the hate spewing that was thrown around on them so I started looking at the websites that were put out to defend Mormonism and it all started making sense to me. I ordered the Book of Mormon yesterday evening, after ordering it a pop-up came up that said I will be contacted in the next few days. I am now looking forward to that meeting(I used to turn the lights and the TV off when I saw the Mormon missionaries going around to the houses on our block). I am not one to just "jump" into a new religion (I have been a baptist since 2003) so it may take a while for me to convert.

Thanks for letting me be a part of the forums.


Welcome to the forums! I hope you can find what you are looking for. (:

I hope you feel very welcome here! I live not too far from Layton where you recently visited. I am a convert to the LDS Church and I can't explain to you how happy my life has been these past 12 years since joining. I'd like to invite you to hear my story here if you have a few minutes:

I just watched that video and its very inspirational. Thankyou for sharing that.

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I got a call today from the wife. She told me some "LDS folks stopped by" but she didn't answer the door (rude). The elder left a note to call him but it is a little to late in the evening and I really don't want to impose on his family time. I'll give him a call in the morning and should have the Book of Mormon in my hands by tomorrow afternoon. I am really curious about what it has to say. Unfortunately my wife told me if I went LDS it would be a "Deal Breaker". She says that doesn't necessarily mean divorce but that she wouldn't have kids with me. I will continue to pray for guidance.

Thank you all for the warm welcome here.


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If it's Elders as in LDS missionaries they wouldn't have families for you to impose on. I would still go ahead and call tonight.

Well...Another reason is because my wife will be at church tomorrow cooking for a youth function. I will be able to talk to them without getting glared at by my wife.
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