I need a special lock?


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Do they make door locks which attach to a phone to make a phone call or anything? I have an odd situation where my landlord for the apartment may be entering without my permission. I have an Wii and use that Wii fit stuff and I always put it away and take the game disc out. I've noticed the last few days after I get home from class my Wii fit is left out and there's a game disc in the console. Also, my undergarments are misplaced. No one has a key to this place other than the landlord. I'm a single female so I'm kind of freaked out a bit and want something that will call me when the door opens.

When they enter they'll leave some note on the door that says "replaced air filter" or "inspect faucet for leaks". Very trivial things and things I've never requested. Nothing has gone missing but I'm a little freaked out they're playing my Wii.

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Man call the police. I've lived in apartments and they always left notices BEFORE they did any maintenance so that you are aware they could be entering your apartment. I don't care if they are the landlord...they have no right to be entering your apartment without your prior knowledge.

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Especially if you are finding your undergarments moved or placed in a different location. That's just plain weird and someone has a problem that needs to be addressed.

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Set up a webcam that you can monitor from work. Also, it gives you actual evidence for when you sue the landlord.

Seconded. This is exactly what I did in the same situation and with good results. There are plenty of wireless IP cameras available from electronics or computer stores. You can usually monitor these from within a web browser, though accessing it exterally may require a little bit of configuration.

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The last apartment I lived in they would change the filters on the furnace twice a year. They gave a schedule as to which buildings they would be doing on a certain day. I always left a note on my door asking them to just leave the filter next to my door and I would change it myself. That way I didn't have them entering my apartment when I wasn't home. Which they did.

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I thought of a webcam as well. But I'm not aware of the cost involved and since she mentioned being a student wondered if that might be out of her budget. But I think an excellent idea.

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I thought of a webcam as well. But I'm not aware of the cost involved and since she mentioned being a student wondered if that might be out of her budget. But I think an excellent idea.

In theory a cheap USB webcam from the local backstreet computer store will do the job, though doing this will require leaving a computer on during the time she is out. Most webcams have software which will allow you to record the stream, and if not there is always third party software which will do this. Though to monitor a USB camera live from work, that would require installed remote access software on the computer, something like LogMeIn Free would do the trick, as a quick and easy solution.

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I just called my landlord and she said that per the lease they have permission to enter my apartment to make repairs and emergency repairs and they do not need my permission. I'm too ignorant to setup a webcam, the Wii was almost impossible hooking it up to the TV. I also found out they've been using my soap too which is a little odd. I was wanting something like a lock that would hook up to a telephone so if they entered I could rush home real quick and perhaps catch them in the act of playing my Wii and photograph it.

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What about finding a place to put the discs for your Wii somewhere they wouldn't find or have access to?

Something just doesn't seem right. Seems to me if they have found they have access to use someones personal items, they will just find more excuses to enter the apartment.

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needing your permission and giving you notice are two different things..... get a copy of the lease so you can read the wording yourself.... if you can't understand it post sections here i'm sure someone can explain it to you, or go to a lawyer and ask them to explain it to you. around here a lot of lawyers will do an hour consult for about $30, could let you know where you stand.

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As a retired cop I suggest you call the local PD and have an officer come out to discuss this. Show him what you find moved and/or disturbed and learn what the law is. Most states require a landlord to give you 24 hour notice before entering your home. Once there they have to leave a notice of what work was done. Now, this is not required is there is an emergency such as plumbing leak or smoke alarm going off.

The webcam is a great idea if you have the money and know-how but in this case I would have an officer stop by, show him what you have seen and get his/her advises. They may want to set up a surveillance camera to stop this perv once and for all!!

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I just called my landlord and she said that per the lease they have permission to enter my apartment to make repairs and emergency repairs and they do not need my permission.

That's what your landlord says -- you need to read what you signed. I'm with Gwen:

needing your permission and giving you notice are two different things..... get a copy of the lease so you can read the wording yourself.... if you can't understand it post sections here i'm sure someone can explain it to you, or go to a lawyer and ask them to explain it to you. around here a lot of lawyers will do an hour consult for about $30, could let you know where you stand.

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Our landlord gives us 2 days notice even if he's just going to be checking the sprinklers on the back porch. Your landlord is full of it. If there were a pipe spraying water everywhere, yes they could enter, but they can't come in anytime they want to for minor repairs without obtaining permission. Even if I e-mail my landlord, he writes back and says, "Do I have permission to enter?" It's taken very seriously. It's their property, but it's your home and they have to respect your privacy.

I would definitely call the cops about the Wii and underwear thing. My brother worked on a case where someone kept going through a homeowner's underwear and then he left new underwear for the wife and daughter, plus a nasty note. Turned out it was a family friend sneaking in the son's window. He accidentally left his wallet on the bed. Ha ha ha ha ha. My brother had the greatest time grilling him.

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The other thing is...let's have some courtesy to the tenants. To be able to walk in to someone's apartment at any given moment...what if the tenant was asleep? What if they were just coming out of the shower and had no idea someone was there? I mean seriously...there has to be a common courtesy there as well. Just because someone doesn't answer the door upon knocking...doesn't mean they aren't home.

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Talk to the police about it. In my experience the police are happy to help with things like this, even if just to let you know what you can do. They are there to help and serve you and in this case you are very justified in asking them to come over and talk.

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I just called my landlord and she said that per the lease they have permission to enter my apartment to make repairs and emergency repairs and they do not need my permission. I'm too ignorant to setup a webcam, the Wii was almost impossible hooking it up to the TV. I also found out they've been using my soap too which is a little odd. I was wanting something like a lock that would hook up to a telephone so if they entered I could rush home real quick and perhaps catch them in the act of playing my Wii and photograph it.

Go on the internet and research the rental laws in the state where you live. I am fairly certain that normal, routine repairs (such as an air filter) require either 24-48 hours notice (depending on the state) or a request from the tenant. Even with a tenant request, they're supposed to notify you that they are entering. Emergency repairs (such as a leaking bathtub flooding the downstairs apartment) do not require notice in advance.

Can anyone help you with the webcam setup?

You might also see if your state has a landlord/ tenant legal line. I know my home state has a consultation line. If you're a student, your college might have legal services for students.

If you're LDS, can anyone at your Ward help? Maybe there's a lawyer there who would be willing to assist you. Or someone to help set up a camera. Or something.

Good luck.

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Couldn't you just set up a webcam and go on Yahoo Messenger. Then log into a secondary yahoo account from work and access the primary account's webcam. You'd probably have to send an invite from the primary account to the secondary account. Then just turn the monitor of the computer off and nobody would know anything is running. You could also conceal the camera somehow.

I don't think there is any lock that sends a message to your phone.

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